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About lawdog89301

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lawdog89301

    1.25 Experimental Release

    And again, console players can go and have a nice fat cup of unmentionable in the corner because Bohemia doesn't care about console players. Only that consoles add to their monthly player hours to keep them in rankings. 👍🏼 Got it! Thanks a bunch...
  2. lawdog89301

    1.25 Experimental Release

    Can you do us all a favor and make sure that you implement a feature to TURN OFF THE BG MUSIC before you release this on stable please? The last thing some of us want to hear is some looped tracks over and over again while we grind away searching for a box of nails. M'Kay? Thanks!
  3. lawdog89301

    Console Update 1.21

    Yeah, this isn't going to be fixed! Nitrado will not give access to the server file that has the parameters to change this. Quoting the directly from the ticket I submitted to Nitrado " Apologies for the confusion unfortunately this parameter can only be set on PC servers. This function is not available on console servers due to limited access to settings and files. We appreciate your patience and comprehension on this matter." Another case of Bohemia and Nitrado not knowing their rear ends from a hole in the ground. I cancelled my server! As I was within the 3 day cancellation refund period. No point in paying for what I and my family on the same IP address but different sub nets can't play correctly! Good luck to the rest of you. 🤷‍♂️
  4. lawdog89301

    DayZ Update 1.21

    How about giving access to that new fancy server config string command for private console owners!!! We don't have access to the back end server config file to disable that REDICULOUS "Alt account block" timer that has been implemented, and now some of our families are having to wait upwards of 5 minutes or longer to get on and play!!! Yet another well thought out 10 watt light bulb idea from Dayz Devs!
  5. lawdog89301

    Console Update 1.21

    I would like to know just HOW, and WHERE you are supposed to place this disableMultiAccountMitigation = false command string in the Nitrado files for the PLAYSTATION console server owner/players who do not have access to the back end server files? I have multiple accounts for my children and my wife who all play on my console on my two private passworded servers and having to wait three to five minutes, or longer if someone backs out, between log in and play is ridiculous! I can understand if this was for public servers, but this is a parameter that should be immediately available for private server owners to disable ESPECIALLY if it's a passworded server! Either that, or it should have been a worked in feature added in the general settings page of the web interface AHEAD OF TIME! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE AND REDICULOUS! FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY!😡
  6. lawdog89301

    Cooking pot not attaching to stone fireplace?

    I am having this same issue on my PSN server. None of my players are able to attach any cookware to the stone oven, or place cookable items into the cook slots of the ovens as well.