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Everything posted by LiptonTea

  1. You had a chopper and a team and this guy managed to take 2 of you ? Sorry but you deserve it, instalogging or not And I bet you guys stash your chopper up north where the map ends as well so don't complain about cheap tactics
  2. I bought the game solely for the mod I'll admit, but whenever I need a brake from dayz I'll just play the campaign or go into the armory and ride helicopters\tanks. Arma II is one of the best sims around and I have plenty of fun exploring chernaurus on my chopper. I've been surviving in the northen most part of the map for like 8 days now, living of cooked meat and bottle of water with my CZ and m1911 and one of those weapons that take stanag mags in my backpack, I'm a bit bored now.
  3. LiptonTea

    I need some help

    I'm looking for a small group, I'm currently sitting north of NE airfield and I have a truck parked which needs engine parts and fuel, so if you want to help me and start a group I would be more than thankful.
  4. LiptonTea

    UK Team looking for more

    I've sent you guys a PM ;)
  5. LiptonTea

    Playing solo is problematic

    I don't get you people, why go to bolota, cherno or elektro ? You're just asking to get killed... Just go to otmel scavenge the deer stand near it and then head north to BEREZINO ! hospital, 2 apartment complexes, 2 supermarkets, 4 millitary tents and 3 deer stands and a chance of having a small boat nearby and it's a quick stroll from there to NE airfield (identical if not better to bolota) which I find it always empty... same thing with berezino and I normally play on servers with 25+ people because everyone wants to reach NW Airfield. And to top it off the way to berezino is full of forest so you are well hidden and if you need food and soda there's plenty of towns in between with barns and long barns. The loot you get from firestations is not worth the risk imo. Usually I'll be shouting friendly in direct chat and not even get a response as I get murdered without even a "DIE NOOB" from my superior geared killer You're doing it wrong, you should always type on direct chat. Talking in direct com reveals your direction and how near you are.
  6. LiptonTea

    Pending Update: Build

    Also irl I can switch to my knife and kill someone :3 at least gives a 3rd slot for primary weapons, I don't want to waste ammo killing that boar and making sure everyone knows where I am while I'm at it.
  7. LiptonTea

    Melee Weapon Suggestion

    I don't know if anyone has suggested this but I think we could use third weapon slot for melee weapons, like hang the axe in your belt or something. Sometimes I see a pig and I want to kill it for food and I don't want to waste bullets or alert others to my presence, and If I run out of ammo I can switch to my melee like it's any other weapon. thank you
  8. Hi ! :P Is there any group I could join ? I'm more than happy being the designated medic. I'm a EU player but I also play a lot in US servers. I'm in GMT (+00:00) time Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndigoTea
  9. This game is meant to be as realistic as possible right? Right. How many here find it a bit unrealistic that everyone knows how to repair cars, boats, helicopters. And pilot said helicopters or that everyone is an able paramedic ? And what about the fact that everyone is somehow an able engineer ? Or knows how to gut a boar\goat\cow ? So, players should have to become proficient in these things. Start with small things such as: - Repair a car before a boat before a heli - Bandaging and administrating morphine to make those tasks quicker and ultimately being able to transfuse blood - Gut a goat before being able to gut a cow or a boar etc.. This would not only be more realistic as it would create a need for people with specific skills and give players a chance to roleplay a bit more and would make the game harder and more enjoyable. Bandits can still be bandits but players would think twice before shooting and think (is this guy capable of giving me a blood transfusion?) I know it may sound gimmicky but at least I'm trying to help.
  10. I agree, a level system is not suited but training up skills like real life makes sense :x at least you have something more to lose and you have to be more careful and people can depend on you if you are a survivor. If you are a bandit think how tasty that engineer with max skills tears are going to taste..
  11. I'm not saying co-op should be the ultimate goal, like being a PvPer isn't as well. I'm just saying that it's not realistic to know how to repair helis and stuff and I'm not saying you absolutely need that one person to do it. Just small things like if you don't know how to gut a cow you get less pieces of meat from it (so you have at least 1 for youself) that sort of stuff.
  12. LiptonTea

    Radio Com

    but that means only other players with radios would be able to hear you, what about batteries ?
  13. LiptonTea

    [Logouts and Blood]

    Idea for Logouts - If a player decides to logout he must wait 5-10 (with a countdown warning in the screen) seconds similar to what is done in some mmo's and if a player hits alt-f4 his char still has to wait 5-10seconds before being disconnected. I think this could prevent part of the logout problem. Idea for Blood Loss - As for blood I think food is not enough, in real life our body replenishes lost blood so we could replenish blood if we /sit and rest for a while like 20-30 minutes. This would be dangerous because of other players catching us resting. Or maybe if we eat while resting we could restore more blood. Also the loss of colour should only apply when below 5k, having 7-8k and seeing absolutely nothing until we eat a dozen times kinda sucks :< Idea for Water (special) - AS for water I find it unrealistic the way we are not allowed to drink directly from ponds or wells and instead are required to have a canteen (?) we should be allowed to drink directly or fill up whisky bottles with it, furthermore drinking directly from ponds and wells could be risky since it could have bacteria and it could be some sort of last resort for survivors , this could be fixed with antibiotics or boiling the water in a fire. I hope this helps a bit.
  14. LiptonTea

    [Logouts and Blood]

    Could work, I only mentioned the water thing because there were more than a couple of times where I couldn't find soda\canteen and I kept finding wells\ponds etc.. and I really needed a drink.
  15. if said prostitutes desperately need beans\soda I bet they would sell their bodies for it.
  16. I've been enjoying the game a lot, even today I was in bolota airfield and this guy carrying an axe was wandering and I had a DMR and I swear he peed his pants when he saw me but I told him I was friendly and even gave him a M9 with some clips and a couple of cans of pasta. That was the most intense and nerve wrecking moment I had in this game, the pressure of being a good samaritan, fortunately he didn't shot me in the back just said ' thanks , erm... i got to go' probably because he was more afraid than anything else. Then the server went down and I was forced to go to another, and the instant I log in I was shot. Is there anything being done to prevent this or is it just bad luck ? Well I can always get the gear again x3 I've been meeting a lot of nice people lately, I usually go up to players and say through mic that I'm friendly and unarmed and I normally I team up for the remainder of the game, but I'm having difficulty in contacting those players afterwards. Are there any 'group' or 'friends' function being added ?
  17. Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but: I'm looking for a player named Arrow, we spawned together in kamenka however we got cut off. If you see this please PM or add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/IndigoTea also just to make sure, message me with what happened so I know it's you. cheers
  18. LiptonTea

    Looking for a Group/Squad

    pm with steam\ server. I'm going to make a new char if you want
  19. LiptonTea

    Scotsman Looking for uk players

    Count me in if you want.
  20. LiptonTea

    Thanks for the Bus ride

    I only wish I could have the same luck as you, I always try to say hi, friendly to other players but they just murder me for no apparent reason. I've been having fun in empty servers though :3 all the loot for me.
  21. LiptonTea

    Its a great mod but......

    Well I agree, I think the ideal starting gear would be. 1# a hunting knife (which can be also a weapon) 2# one can of food and one soda 3# one bandage 3# Matches - At least if there was a zombie apocalypse I would grab a knife (swiss army knife), all the food and water I could carry, medicine and a lighter and so on. However you should play the game at least for a day or so before coming to the forums and complain.
  22. LiptonTea

    People...WTF is wrong with you?

    I once spawned near another player, and typed in direct chat if he wanted to team up... he just ran. I was 'wtf...' no one ever responds to my direct chat :
  23. inb4 rockets decides you wake up with nothing at all, keep crying and you'll see.
  24. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EHTTDSB5L._SL500_AA300_.jpg Just ghillie the backpack as well ?