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About JustBlazen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JustBlazen

    Console Update 1.17

    Yes while In 3rd person Zoomed in and Sprinting when you run out of stamina camera zooms Back and forth Choppy. Even on Unlimited stamina community servers this happens occasionally when slowing down from a sprint. Full run Zoomed (3rd person) slow down to get a better look and Camera tweaks out zooms back and forth and your “better look around” is ruined from shake. I know it’s gonna get me killed stopping a sprint to See if that movement is a Zombie or a player and getting shot when I slow down cause camera tweaks out.
  2. JustBlazen

    Console Update 1.16

    The road map for 2022 says they are adding aspects of their new game engine to DayZ to help cars. As far as lag goes, old Consoles have way more lag issue than next gen consoles, suggest until you get a next gen try playin and driving in first person to restrict the field of view your console is trying to render in all at once. Don’t drive at all on high pop servers. Also don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with cars, it’s DayZ not Grand theft Auto, sure Cherno is a big map and takes awhile to get from one place to another But cars are also a “trap”. Easy to die in a car to other players, they can be heard from quite a distance and announce your position, can’t loot while you’re in a car or shoot, and once you park it, it’s a trap for other players to camp and kill you as you go back to it 🤷‍♂️. Play the game however you want but Cars are a recipe for disaster even if you’re on Next gen with great internet speed and don’t have as much lag or bouncing issues.
  3. JustBlazen

    DayZ in 2022

    Love to see that dev. team is looking into controller sensitivity and ways to improve it. Please please when you do this don’t just add in ways to speed up or slow down. We really need a way to adjust the stick center deadzone. Vigor has this feature and by default the center deadzone is at 20% when you can adjust this down to 10% or less it’s much easier to make small aiming adjustments esp at long ranges. With a center deadzone set high at like 20% you have to move the stick quite a ways before it registers the adjustment and then ends up over correcting. Something that mouse and keyboard doesn’t. On Vigor as soon as you adjust the stick center deadzone to a lower value the aiming and recoil control get significantly better. Please do this for DayZ too.