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Everything posted by ‮spacecaps

  1. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    3) Each new version of certain public hack goes undetected for weeks, sometimes months. 4) A certain BE dev lacks vision and motivation to innovate, and prefers to shut his eyes to the problem instead of appropriately scaling the efforts. Hate? Please. People are making private hacks for money. Quite a lot of money, in some cases. It's just business. Or are you talking about those retarded script kiddies? They'll whine no matter what. Yeah, "you hack, your point must be invalid". Great way to ignore the problem. Kaspersky-style.
  2. Actually it's not that bad, there are mods that remove the horrible blur while still keeping nice things enabled. They aren't compatible with DayZ though. (sadface)
  3. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    I don't know if there's a reliable way to do that, but in some countries (notably Russia/exUSSR) most people will buy retail keys from 3rd parties and not directly in Steam store, because of stupid pricing policies. Also, there will be quite a lot of key/account stealers, so this can hit legit people as well.
  4. ‮spacecaps

    Namalsk: Why do folks like it?

    Its discovery is a temperature system and food scarcity. You need to keep your hands steady, you have to pay for visiting high-reward places, and it introduces the whole new gameplay element. I mean, technically it's possible to get sick in Chernarus, but in reality it doesn't play any significant role there. Unfortunately, military bases and mountains in general aren't critical in Namalsk, because you can find a weapon literally everywhere (but still, they offer a high reward). Theoretically, the temperature system could be used for keeping deathmatch levels at minimum and concentrating on survival, but Namalsk is too small for that. Also, most, if not all, Namalsk servers seem to run in easy mode - nameplates, daylight only, starting weapons, tons of vehicles and all that. This is what I just don't understand. Scattering critical locations away from each other (for example, matches and antibiotics can be obtained in different parts of the map) also looks like a nice feature, because it stimulates traveling. Again, the map is just too small for that, and there are too many bottlenecks. You can easily snipe at the dam without worrying about temperature or anything other. Somehow that doesn't prevent some people escaping from an AS50 hit unharmed with Alt-F4 -_- (seriously, I've hit the guy with .50 once, I saw the blood myself, he DCed instantly, and I've got no murder. Truly an amazing reaction time)
  5. ‮spacecaps

    Why always Russia

    Nope, it looks much more like Moldova, or maybe Crimea. According to legend, Chernarus is a post-Soviet country, hence Russian names (some of them sound Slavic enough, but not Russian and not Czech though).
  6. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Yes, that was exactly the point I was making before, but it doesn't make basic layer of protection unnecessary. Having only the mechanism and resources for targeting mass-distributed hacks but no basic protection at the start is a bit extreme. You will need some sort of obfuscation anyway (removing the crosshair code or scrambling values being the example), because it's the most obvious attack vector and it can be slowed down a bit without triggering false positives.
  7. ‮spacecaps

    Dual wielding, smoke grenades, and flashbangs

    It seems more appropriate for heavily stylized games, it's not possible in a game that intended to be immersive and authentic. Remember, we are talking about the game where you can find north with the stars.
  8. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Technically they can, there's obfuscation for that. But it won't hold for long, and lots of stuff can't be obfuscated due to various reasons.
  9. ‮spacecaps

    Why always Russia

    They aren't (Panthera, Celle, Takistan, Taviana etc). DayZ is based on ARMA, and these maps are made for ARMA, not DayZ. Operation Flashpoint and ARMA traditionally take place in Eastern Europe, because devs are Czech. Good luck implementing NY in ARMA engine. It's a military simulator, it's optimized to deal with large terrains and occasional villages/towns, not with large cities and skyscrapers.
  10. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    OK, sure. If you say so. After quite a time of not playing DayZ, I've joined some random server today with 11 people online (including me). Within an hour, 8 players of 11 got kicked for "Game Hack #4". This is complete failure.
  11. ‮spacecaps

    dayz sniper tutorial!

    There are a lot of topics like that. Two quick points: - Never use pre-made correction tables, always make one yourself. Zeroing of any gun in ARMA, DMR included, differs with your aspect ratio and FOV. Mine is 15 meters off for example, so my M24 is actually zeroed at 785 when I'm choosing 800, and DMR is zeroed at 385 when zoomed. And that's a huge difference when it comes to long range 1-hit kills. - Sniping in the editor is easy, you'd better show some real kills with a commentary, because quickly ranging the distant target with mildots in a real situation is a whole different story, and it takes much more skill than to actually hit it (in vanilla ARMA, of course). Keep in mind that it's not always possible to have a standing human (zed or survivor) in your sight to estimate the range, mildots tend to be inaccurate past 600-700m, and at thet range every 10m cost a lot of bullet drop. Ranging from bigger objects would be better probably, and it makes such table useless.
  12. ‮spacecaps

    Random Boat at NW Airfield

  13. ‮spacecaps

    DayZ: Namalsk

    The engine doesn't like underground structures at all, everything that is under the ground is an ugly hack. Taviana is glitchy as hell because of that. Object A2 on Namalsk isn't ideal either, to say at least.
  14. ‮spacecaps

    Funny pistol fight with a suprise ending..

    Makarov wars are always pathetic. (or glock, doesn't matter)
  15. ‮spacecaps

    TotalBiscuit Content Patch: Discussing DayZ/ Dean Hall

    My point was that there always will be the overwhelming majority to make shitty games for. Unfortunately that's how mass market works. I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't try to vote with your wallet, of course. I'm just stating the obvious fact that it's not as effective as it seems at first glance. You can dislike dodgy business practices, cut-throat business models, bullshit DRM, whatever else, as much as you want - there always will be people who don't give a shit, and they are the target audience, not you. Wallet votes of sane minority can and will be circumvented with appealing to masses. Installing a rootkit on customer PCs? No problem, as long as no one gives a fuck (root... what?). Selling the same game over and over again under different names for a decade? No problem at all, most AAA devs/publishers do that, because most people do have lowered expectations. WTF is consumer responsibility? It doesn't exist on a scale. Occasional hits such as DayZ or Minecraft don't make the big picture. WarZ wasn't the case, it was an obvious scam.
  16. ‮spacecaps

    TotalBiscuit Content Patch: Discussing DayZ/ Dean Hall

    Wallet voting doesn't work when you're the minority, though.
  17. ‮spacecaps

    Does this always kill choppers?

    When was it introduced? I've missed it somehow, or don't remember reading it in the changelog. Also, mine was actually accessible, it was a castle roof IIRC.
  18. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Really? Tell us more please.
  19. ‮spacecaps

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    I was running through some distant forest at night, and eventually decided to go afk for 5 minutes. Imagine my horror when I've returned back to my PC, put out the fire, and found two guys in ghillies aiming almost at me, in 20 meters or so! I killed them immediately, but they seemed to be AFK too. As it turned out later in the side chat, they were waiting for the third guy to run from the coast to his body (I didn't notice it at all), and they went AFK just before I found the place. They were sitting there all the time.
  20. ‮spacecaps

    Does this always kill choppers?

    Been there, done that. I've left my chopper on a building once, and it exploded after the restart. There were nobody around to shoot it, it was on one of the distant islands in Taviana. I blame the engine, but I can't remember it happening in earlier DayZ versions.
  21. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    You're naive at best, or just denying the reality. Hackers on certain forums (every ARMA vet/admin knows where) are already complaining that lots of people they met have god mode, and that's only god mode. Whitelisted servers aren't really safe, hackers are just more sneaky there. You can't expect anything other when you let a public hack go undetected for months. Also, this whole whitelisting stuff just illustrates the hacking collapse. "Let's be quiet and maybe hackers won't touch us". Well, that's obvious, nobody argues with that as far as I can tell.
  22. ‮spacecaps

    So what are your plans for Standalone

    By organized I meant Shack Tactical, Tushino Serious Games etc. Not just the silly deathmatch like Domination or Warfare. Let's not derail the topic though, DayZ is DayZ, Arma is Arma. Two different things.
  23. ‮spacecaps

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Well, actually I experienced those "dark ages" of CS myself since the very start (late 90's). That's exactly the point I was making. But before talking about what's best... go ask any CoD player what they think about VAC. And this is too. I have only one thing to add, I predict that ESP will destroy the game in months again, and this will be pretty much unexpected. Time will show, of course.
  24. ‮spacecaps

    So what are your plans for Standalone

    What's wrong with my reply? DayZ is about novelty, and couple weeks in a new game most likely will be enough for me. I have no intention of turning it into pure PvP anymore, because I like organized Arma PvP much better. That's all.