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About Zederok

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. If anything will kill this mod it is the hardcore mentality of the community. Shun me all you want but as niche as the game is now it is still pretty fun if you can keep it accessible. Thank god none of you hardcores develop games or youd never get anywhere. I am as carebear as you can get yet I still play because the mod has serious potential but leave it to any of you and you will kill the fun.
  2. Zederok

    For the "respawners"

    So many fucking "hardcore" elitist pricks in this game, shit like this needs to stop. You worry bout yourself I'll worry bout me, deal? Who gives a fuck what I do with my time.
  3. Zederok

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Not a fan of the direction the mod is being taken. I loved when I started a couple weeks ago but now its as if the mod is being coded with bandits and organized groups in mind. Not having any items is a really bad idea. I just lost a character with an M10 shotgun and over 11 mags worth of ammo because I agroed a zombie and got a broken leg without having any morphine. Funny thing is the hospital in Northern Cherno Didnt have any when I went last night so this morning I lost everything becasue a Zed got a lucky hit on me. So I pretty much had to respawn suicide because I didnt have no one to call for help. Please please rethink starting with at least a hatchet and the 2 bandages, 2 painkillers, 2 morphines, 2 beans and 1 canteen. Nothing was wrong the way it was back in prior to 1.7.
  4. Starting out with no gear what so ever is bad. At least start us out with a hatchet or some other melee weapon. Also the fact that Zombies can now spawn in barns or out buildings where soem gear is found is borderline suicidal trying to get your first firearm. I dont want to sound liek a pussy but this new iteration is a bit to harsh and I prefer the old version much more.
  5. If I upgraded to the new patch will I be unable to play any of the other servers untill they are patched up as well? If so this sticnks theres only a handful of servers that have upgraded and all are full or high ping making play unbearable.