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Drunken Bob

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  1. Drunken Bob

    Possible fix for game breaking swimming glitch

    One of my favorite things is to bury something in a garden plot, it is night invisible, especially if you dont plant anything in there, and then it is also easier to spot if you know what you are looking for
  2. Drunken Bob

    More uses for items.

    I like this idea as well,, the reason I was thinking cans could hold liquid or food was more for game play. If you open a soda and drink half, it stays that full until you finish it, and if you open canned peaches and then put them back they dont go spilling everywhere. But think about making noise traps somewhere annoying with cans and rope, so when someone is sneakily opening a door it clanks and alerts people or infected? (or just inside a military tent... ) Also we have the jars that honey or jam comes in which could be used to carry water. I generally would like to see more immersion added, as opposed to more random guns that just duplicate the ones we already have.
  3. Drunken Bob

    More uses for items.

    First, I feel it would be much more immersive Second , hitting something with a melee weapon is loud, but prying it open is a lot quieter and could help with gameplay (I myself am a sneaky sneak kind of guy And yes, you can combine 2 items, but you can also combine several items in a row. Look at a fence You need to build the fence kit with rope and sticks, then add logs, then dig the base, then attach boards, nails and so on and then use a hammer. It would be simple, you take a plank, and attach it to the window, along with nails. Then you hammer it together and it is secure. This would be great for loaners who aren't building bases, but would give them a chance to fortify a place to sleep or cook or what ever, but not have the option to return all willy nilly, when they tear the boards down they are gone.
  4. Drunken Bob


    I don't imagine it to be a passive thing, I imagine it is an active thing where you are actively logged in. You just have a black screen and all the sounds are muted, but you can still wake up, if you need to, especially if you have set up noise alarms and tripwires Have you ever gotten sick and just sat by a fire taking drugs while waiting for it to get better? This is much the same, where you can heal faster, but there is a huge risk involved. If you wanted to say, find a tower and take a nap in it to help you get better I don't see it as taking up an active slot, but as playing the game in a more realistic manner.
  5. Drunken Bob

    More uses for items.

    I noticed when you eat or drink from a can, the container disappears. I would love to see uses for cans. You could store cooked food in a 2x2 old peach can, and prevent it from spoiling a little longer. You could fill up an old pipsi can with water for a quick bit until you get a canteen or bottle (it wouldn't hold much, maybe 1/2 - 1/3 of what a bottle does, but it would come in handy). You could use them for noise traps, maybe improvised explosives and pipe bombs Reusable glass bottles would be good for water or molotovs (fill with gas, add rag, ignite and throw) Furniture in the houses that you can chop up that respawns would be handy for fire starting if needed, or using the leg of a table as a club Carving firewood or planks into a club and adding nails or barbed wire for some bludgeoning plus bleeding hatred. Using planks a hammer and nails to board up a door or window that can be knocked down, but would take bit longer than punching a locked door would be, but could be pried off with a knife or crowbar from the inside Using a crowbar to pry open locked doors.
  6. Drunken Bob


    Sleep would be great in the game, and really risky. It could be used to help heal sickness, or injuries, and blood regeneration. I figure it would work like the unconsciousness, everything is black, but you can still hear things, but they may be muted some. You could wake up when you wanted, but there would be a limit on sleep as well. say 8 game hours tops before you cant sleepo anymore. When you wake up you could also have a few minutes of extra stamina from being well rested. You can sleep once every 24 game hours. In addition, keeping the tins and cans to make noise traps would be fun as well, they could wake you up, or they could be used to thwart people who are running and sneaking
  7. Drunken Bob


    I would love to see things that give you small boosts - For instance a bottle of coffee could increase your expendable stamina for a few minutes Mad Monk Kvass could give you a little more endurance, of take just a little less damage. but maybe blur your vision a little with each one Aspirin/Tylenol could help slow down certain sicknesses, or lessen pain grunts from running or help injuries heal a little faster.
  8. Drunken Bob


    That's honestly how I learned, I made a little server and learned the ins and outs of how to play and how to build and how not to jump off a police building trying to get a little higher of a vantage point.
  9. Drunken Bob

    Water bottle rain catching

    You could use the Tarp or raincoat to make a improv funnel for this, Or the tarp and some sticks to make an improvised water catcher and then add a bottle to catch water in the rain.
  10. Drunken Bob

    tarp suggestions

    I would love to see more uses for the tarp. A sewing kit or duct tape and a tarp could make a quick poncho that acts like a rain coat but with no storage slots. A couple of sticks and a tarp and some duct tape could make a makeshift umbrella Tarps could be put over windows in houses to hide light coming from inside
  11. Drunken Bob

    Digging tools

    Personally I would love to see a smaller digging tool added, say a trowel or something small like that it would be great for carrying to plant seeds and dig a garden, as well as digging out fences, but wouldn't require a full shoulder slot