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About Loner007

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    On the Coast

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  1. Loner007

    Screw this

    Screw this effing game. This game is no longer fun to play. Cant be arsed trying for 4 jrs plus just to cross the river. If its not zombies ots fuking wolves. If it nots wolves its players of its not players its fuking lack of water or food if its not food its fuking disease. No wonder ppl have ledt this game in droves Moderator edit: Keep it civil.
  2. Loner007

    Os this a bug or intended

    Before the latest update when u gingerly jog the nutritional icon would have 1 bar going down. Now after the latest patch its showing 3 bars going down when u gingerly jog. ???
  3. Loner007

    How can u call out a cheater?

    Wrong according to the tech nerds the only console that is currently the most secure from Wall hacks and aimbots is the xbox. Without going into a lengthy discussion ps4 is hackable obviously nowhere near as rampant as a pc but ps4 does have its cheats. However as I said to the other guy you are missing the point. There is no way of knowing who it was that shot you currently on dayz if I suspect a cheater and want the server admin to keep a close eye how do I do that when I have no idea of who that player is???
  4. Loner007

    How can u call out a cheater?

    No classical cheats. U mean there's no publical available cheats dosent mean those with technical expertise can cheat and they are keeping that knowledge to themselves cozif Sony don't know how can they write code to combat it. Also I think you missed the point by a long shot Mr opinionated.........
  5. I thought some ppl were too good for this game and now I know 95% sure that this game has a cheater problem on the ps4. Case in point I Just logged in and I was in the upper floor of the fire building overlooking the military barracks next to the rail line. I took my shoes off as I know footsteps can be heard. I was there for about 10 mins when I heard a players gun go off. So I was looking for any signs of a player couldn't see nothing next thing I was dead shot through the window. There was no effing way that player could have known I was there. No Way. I had not fired my gun. OK this was not on an official server but a private one but the point is this game has effing cheaters and there's no way of reporting them as you have no idea who it was that shot you