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About Marinesniperjc

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello all, I am using a custom main menu on my server. When players exit out of the game onto the main menu they are unable to rejoin the server. The message states that the server is unreachable. I have looked into my scripting and have the correct ip address listed. does anyone have any idea why my server would be unreachable? constatns.c static const string MMpath = "ModdedMainMenu_v3/gui/MainMenu/MainMenu.layout"; static const string MMip = ""; static const int MMport = 2303; static const string MMdiscord = "https"; static const string MMvk = "https"; static const string MMtwitter = "https"; mainmenu.c modded class MainMenu extends UIScriptedMenu { protected Widget discord_button; protected Widget twitter_button; protected Widget vk_button; override Widget Init() { layoutRoot = GetGame().GetWorkspace().CreateWidgets(MMpath); m_Play = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "play" ); m_CustomizeCharacter = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "customize_character" ); m_SettingsButton = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "settings" ); m_Exit = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "exit" ); discord_button = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "discord" ); twitter_button = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "twitter" ); vk_button = layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "VK" ); m_Version = TextWidget.Cast( layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "version" ) ); m_Stats = new MainMenuStats( layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget( "stats_root" ) ); m_Mission = MissionMainMenu.Cast( GetGame().GetMission() ); m_LastFocusedButton = m_Play; m_ScenePC = m_Mission.GetIntroScenePC(); if( m_ScenePC ) { m_ScenePC.ResetIntroCamera(); } m_PlayerName = TextWidget.Cast( layoutRoot.FindAnyWidget("character_name") ); string version; GetGame().GetVersion( version ); m_Version.SetText( version ); GetGame().GetUIManager().ScreenFadeOut(0); SetFocus( null ); Refresh(); GetDayZGame().GetBacklit().MainMenu_OnShow(); g_Game.SetLoadState( DayZLoadState.MAIN_MENU_CONTROLLER_SELECT ); return layoutRoot; } override bool OnClick( Widget w, int x, int y, int button ) { if( button == MouseState.LEFT ) { if( w == m_Play ) { m_LastFocusedButton = m_Play; g_Game.ConnectFromServerBrowser( "", "2302", ); //MMip, MMport, return true; } else if ( w == m_CustomizeCharacter ) { OpenMenuCustomizeCharacter(); return true; } else if ( w == discord_button ) { GetGame().OpenURL(MMdiscord); return true; } else if ( w == vk_button ) { GetGame().OpenURL(MMvk); return true; } else if ( w == twitter_button ) { GetGame().OpenURL(MMtwitter); return true; } else if ( w == m_SettingsButton ) { OpenSettings(); return true; } else if ( w == m_Exit ) { Exit(); return true; } } return false; } void OnChangeCharacter(bool create_character = true) { if ( m_ScenePC && m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter() ) { int charID = m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().GetCharacterID(); if (create_character) { m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().CreateNewCharacterById( charID ); } m_PlayerName.SetText( "#c_welcome" + " " + m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().GetCharacterNameById( charID ) ); Widget w = m_CustomizeCharacter.FindAnyWidget(m_CustomizeCharacter.GetName() + "_label"); if ( w ) { TextWidget text = TextWidget.Cast( w ); if( m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().IsDefaultCharacter() ) { text.SetText("#layout_main_menu_customize_char"); } else { text.SetText("#layout_main_menu_rename"); } } if (m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().GetCharacterObj() ) { if ( m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().GetCharacterObj().IsMale() ) m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().SetCharacterGender(ECharGender.Male); else m_ScenePC.GetIntroCharacter().SetCharacterGender(ECharGender.Female); } //update character stats m_Stats.UpdateStats(); } } override void LoadMods() { return; } override void Play() { return; } } any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Marinesniperjc

    Localization not present:

    I am attempting to add custom areas to my server. I am utilizing the expansion.chenarusplusgloom mission. After finishing the edits the server will not restart and keeps hanging on loading. I checked the logs and there are no crash reports. I checked the .RPT file and it says the following: 6:12:35.304 Localization won't work: STR_INCOMPATIBLE_LOAD_GAME_ATTEMPT - "Global" stringtable not found 6:12:35.417 String "STR_server_shutdown" listed twice in "Global" 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_TIME_FORMAT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_NORMAL_LOOK 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_REVERSED_LOOK 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_VALIDERROR 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTION_LOOSING 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_MP_NO_PASSWORD 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_LAUNCH_GAME 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_INIT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_WORLD 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_GAME 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_SAVE_GAME 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_DISCONNECT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTING 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_TIMEOUT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DISP_CLIENT_TEXT_EDIT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_LOGIN_QUEUE_FULL 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_TIME_FORMAT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_NORMAL_LOOK 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_REVERSED_LOOK 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_VALIDERROR 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTION_LOOSING 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_MP_NO_PASSWORD 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_LAUNCH_GAME 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_INIT 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_WORLD Any ideas what might be causing the issue?