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About FeaturesnotBugs

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    On the Coast

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  1. FeaturesnotBugs

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    is it just me or is the infected pathing getting worse each patch?
  2. FeaturesnotBugs

    Dayz death

    yo sorry bro i dont live on this forum and study every account that makes a comment,so why you mad ?🤣
  3. FeaturesnotBugs

    Dayz death

    Genius solution to all of our problems: Dont mind all the chinese hacker hordes on the official servers- its only game dont mind the cars that send you off to space as soon as you hit a roadsign- its only game dont mind the spastic crackaddicts that bohemia is trying to camo as zombies -its only game dont mind the constant crashing,game breaking bugs and other perfomance issues - its only game people like you are the reason why the gaming industry is fucked up
  4. FeaturesnotBugs

    DayZ in 2021

    8 YEARS and this game is still a broken piece of shit game. Stop holding this game hostage and sell it already to some capable devs,we are fucking tired of your bullshit excuses after---i repeat--- 8 FUCKING YEARS!! Even Warz had a better development history than this game!