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About EvilOdious

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. EvilOdious

    DayZ in 2021

    I'm dissapointed that Bohemia has the gall to give us a road map for another year and they are still hiding the fact that serious issues still exist. DUPING! CARS! DESYNC! after how many years of the entire fanbase screaming these 3 words will it get into your head? Console literally had to deal with cheaters on every official server and nothing is done about it. Every post of the feeback forums for these issues goes ignored. There isn't a single dayz forum where one of these doesn't get brought up. The Dayz Reddit pages are basically just players dying do to ridiculous bugs from cars. The feedback forums where we are supposed to voice issues with the game blatantly ignores these issues and deletes or hides the posts. Bohemia is just getting cagey when it comes to communicating with their fanbase who are giving legitimate criticism and advice. The issues we are all asking for should be the top priority or else you're basically telling us to f off and play a different game. @Kyiara
  2. EvilOdious

    Console Update 1.11

    I'm glad the flagpole duplication glitch is fixed but can we please fix the glitch players are still abusing the YouTube method glitch and it is mostly done by cheaters and griefers. Is there anyway the next hotfix can do something about it? Increased login timer? I keep killing players with full inventories of landmines, finding rooms of field bags on the coast with duplicate items, and this is the 4th time since wipe a duper faction on my server has wiped every base. We killed 7 guys today attacking base and every one of them had field backpacks packed with grenades. It makes building bases completely pointless if any cheater can run up with dozens of grenades and destroy an entire base in an instant. Even followed a freshie on the coast and he ran into a dock container and came out fully heared LAR / VSS. Duped a kit right off of a alt account to go and grief other players. SMH. It seems like theres no reprocussion for cheaters in this game and if ANYTHING should be fixed that should be the #1 priority. These players aren't playing a survival game they are just cheating to play like its Call Of Duty or something.