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About Kadavr_Creator

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    On the Coast

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  1. Kadavr_Creator

    Night of the Witches

    Is this all the "event" is? I was expecting a new enemy type or something, is it just bonfires? Loving all the balance changes but this is pretty meh if so.
  2. Kadavr_Creator

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    I really hope you guys stick to your guns on this update, this is the best the game has felt in a LONG time, almost all melee weapons are viable for taking out Zeds (noone likes you broom) which means there are a lot less "pointless" items in the game now people just toss aside. I even prefer brass knuckles over most other things now! The combat tuning is heading in the right direction, more actual gunfights and uncons as opposed to people with gear fear just ambushing with one shot and winning. LOVE the direction. Most happy people don't take to the forums, so just wanted to yours out there there are a lot of happy people just like me digging the changes!!
  3. Kadavr_Creator

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Nah dude, they have hacker issues as well, but they don't police it, if you point one out they'll even ban you off their discord. It's insane, may as well play official.