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Everything posted by VodkaFish

  1. VodkaFish

    Dry Sacks vs Wood Crates?

    Sea Chests are great, but like barrels they're hard to move. I set my original base up near Chernogorsk. I've never seen a chest around there. I have seen them in Svetlojarsk and maybe Berezino if memory serves me correctly.
  2. VodkaFish

    Dry Sacks vs Wood Crates?

    Hi, I have a base with a flag. Is there any benefit to building crates vs using dry sacks for storage at my base? Crates are associated with persistence and can be buried. Crates hold 50, Dry Sacks hold 63. Both can be buried. Crates have to be built, nails are like gold. I have had an assault backpack, mountain backpacks, and numerous dry sacks, on the floor of my base for more than a week. I am using them to organize things and they seem to help reduce lag. I like barrels a lot but they're hard to come by close to the base. Dry sacks come in different colors. If you equip a colored glow stick and radio they appear on the outside of the dry bag. The colors of the sack/glow stick allow me to identify the contents of a sack without having to look inside. am I missing something?
  3. VodkaFish

    Crates not persisting on official servers?

    apparently there is an exploit for finding buried treasure. perhaps someone used that and took the crates apart? I have never buried a crate but I used to bury a lot of bags. I lost a few of them.
  4. VodkaFish

    Help! Can’t find flags anywhere !!!!!!!!!

    What he said ^^
  5. VodkaFish

    Base Building Frustration

    agreed, it should be harder (or we should be allowed to make it harder through upgrading the base with additional materials) to break into a base. It takes a week to secure a decent sized building, like an apartment. It takes one day to break in.
  6. VodkaFish

    wizard is in dayz/noobs perspective

    I did not find the stone knife to be that useful/realistic of an item. 1. In the beginning, when you are struggling with surviving good luck finding 2 small stones. If you can make them with a pick axe you probably don't need them anymore. 2. it has a very short life expectancy. The Hobo Sack, on the other hand, is decent if you don't have a backpack.
  7. VodkaFish

    The current state of DayZ

    Not sure what you meant by this? I have played games for decades on both platforms and know Mice, Keyboards, Macros, etc, and often times superior hardware, offer a huge advantage over console players. I am playing Dayz on a console currently. I do not want PC players on my server.
  8. VodkaFish

    Dry Sacks vs Wood Crates?

    I have not been burying anything since I built the base. It seems like both containers survive in the base without despawning. If you want dry sacks go to any of the shipping container areas. You can find them in the containers and on the zombies there.
  9. VodkaFish

    Starting loot for money

    Why stop there? Semi Trucks, Tanks, Armed Drones, Cyborgs, a Star Trek food replicator, would all come in handy too. The devs would be rolling in the dough.
  10. VodkaFish

    Can not dismantle Fence need help

    You need to have a hammer or hatchet equipped to build the fence. The components need to be in the component slots. Then you cycle through the prompts to build the portions of the fence you want. If you build something you don't want equip an axe and you will get prompts to disassemble portions of the fence. To remove the posts you need to dig them up with a shovel.
  11. VodkaFish

    Burn the loot - clear the server!

    yes, burn all your loot! 😛
  12. VodkaFish

    wizard is in dayz/noobs perspective

    There are a ton of tutorials on base building on Youtube. There are also tutorials on cooking, pvp, etc. As for how to use duct tape: Place it in your hands then search for the item you want to repair in your inventory. If the item is damaged, and its able to be repaired with duct tape, you will see the option to repair the item. There are several repair kits in the game. I believe all repairable items can be repaired two different ways except for firearms. Duct tape repairs most of the commonly used items. Clothing, boots, and the tools that can be repaired.
  13. VodkaFish

    Do people always just shoot?

    One of the reasons this happens more often is because there is a great deal of anonymity in this world. Your character is not identifiable by his name, account, or appearance, so no one can develop a reputation (good or bad). If our characters had names associated with our user accounts I think this might improve a little. If we had a workable player generated economy (combined with players being able to identify one another by name) I think you'd see another improvement in player civility. Being able to operate a store/barter would improve interactions. The ability to server hop with no real restrictions also kills any feeling of attachment to one server/community. If a reputation system were created with good, neutral, and evil, color system maybe we'd see some improvement. People who attack others who have not caused them damage would get negative reputation points. I could go into detail, but then evil people don't have I'm evil tattooed on their foreheads in real life... well most of them anyway. lol.
  14. VodkaFish

    Can't Place Fences/Gates +

    update: I was able to place the bathroom gate today after the old fireplace disappeared. You can delete this is you like, thanks.
  15. VodkaFish

    Can't Place Fences/Gates +

    I am having issues placing two fence/gates in my base. The base is an apartment building. I want to place a gate over the bathroom. It is only letting me build the upper wall. The lower wall can not pass through the sink? The other wall is supposed to cover one of the front windows in the stairwell. There do not appear to be any obstructions. I have already placed multiple walls similar to what I want on the other floors. I know have spent a huge amount of time and resources on this building to end up with something I don't want if I can't patch that hole. help pls. Thanks.
  16. VodkaFish

    Campfire WOES

    update: the day after this post, and taking apart my stone fireplace, the stone fireplace disappeared. I have not checked on the one on the balcony today, I turned the gate into a wall there. you can delete this thread if you like, thanks.
  17. VodkaFish

    Campfire WOES

    Well, I was finally able to turn a gate back into a fence. I think my game was bugged earlier because I did the exact same thing but it worked the second day. Now I am struggling with two fireplaces. I built a stone oven that ignited once but I was never able to cook on it. I was never able to ignite it after the first time. I built it inside my building. The other eyesore is a campfire built on a balcony. I would like to get rid of both of these. I have disassembled the oven but the charred ashes remain for both fireplaces. I believe these ashes are interfering with my attempts to create an additional interior wall. Any ideas on how to remove these dead campfires? They are both in range of my base's flag.
  18. VodkaFish

    Life on the Coast

    Thanks for the replies guys. I will learn both methods and try them. Have not been fighting much yet, just building (in preparation for getting stuff) and looting building materials and tools.
  19. VodkaFish

    Life on the Coast

    I've been living on the coast for about 2 weeks now. I am preparing bases there for when I die inland and have to respawn on the coast. Hopefully I can keep some food, water, and gear, there to give me a good head start back for my quest North. I have not done much gun fighting yet. I've intentionally restricted myself from carrying too much gear, or using firearms, for much of my adventuring. If you have multiple loaded magazines in your inventory for a weapon you are carrying you have to drop and drag them to your gun to reload? seems very convoluted. There is no way to link a weapon to what you'd reload with? also.. I'm carrying a pump shotgun. Would the scorpion offer me any advantages? I now have a lot of mags and ammo for that and the Makarov.
  20. VodkaFish

    Can I Dismantle a Base I built?

    Get an Axe, approach the fence from the rear. You should get the prompt to remove the upper and lower walls, then upper and lower frame. Then equip a shovel, go up to the posts and you'll get a prompt to dig them up.
  21. VodkaFish

    Can't Place Fences/Gates +

    almost forgot the "+" I also need to reverse the position of the wire/lock on a gate in order to be able to manipulate the lock from both sides. Is this possible on xbox?
  22. VodkaFish


    I'd love to see a player run economy where we could barter for goods with one another.
  23. VodkaFish

    faking death

    Possum Shish Kabob.... Delicious!
  24. VodkaFish

    Stop dupers!!!

    Dupe a few for me, I'm hungry.
  25. VodkaFish

    Life on the Coast

    apparently "Y" is reload on xbox. I will try to remember to use that next time I need a reload. I did kill someone who was stalking me yesterday but it only took one hit. I don't know if it was buckshot or slugs.