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Everything posted by VodkaFish

  1. VodkaFish

    Lost interest

    Nonsense. Characters have no name, no fixed appearance, and players can operate multiple characters on the same server from one account. You can never be certain who is approaching you. Allowing players to see the names of, and contact, other players on their server is a terrible feature as well, for different reasons. It does not help identify players, it just lets rivals know when character accounts are online. It encourages stalking, harassing, and other negative behavior, as well as robbing the game of realism/atmosphere.
  2. VodkaFish


    I picked it up, no boom, thanks.
  3. VodkaFish


    How can I tell the difference between one that is armed and one that is just sitting on the floor? I found one in a hospital and have the prompt to pick up? If I pick it up it goes boom? Seems dumb.
  4. VodkaFish

    Broken Nutrition/Hydration mechanics

    This is the reality of dayz. You have to exploit broken game mechanics to survive. Without this challenge there would be nothing left. Dont build a base wall there, someone can use a ladder and phase through your wall! Hrm solution: Player build barbed wire booby traps that require you to phase through a wall to be trapped. You hear of any bans for this? No, because the developers know this shit is broken and don't give a fuck as long as they still have suckers paying full price for this garbage. The rest of the game is the same way.
  5. VodkaFish

    Basebuilding still a cruel joke

    They have clumps of 12" high grass growing through asphalt and concrete in some areas. It looks like 10+ years of neglect.
  6. VodkaFish


    The combat system/interface in this game is particularly bad. In melee enemies will pass through you. You can launch them on top of a roof, drive them through buildings, etc. Frame rate can drop to where you don't know where you're swinging. I have an extensive firearms background. Decades of recreational and professional use. They prevent you from shouldering the weapon entering doors or peering through window openings because you are 'too close'. Not only should you be allowed to shoot through a broken window you should be able to use the window sill to brace the rifle. There should be bipods in the game. There should be various shooting sticks, and the ability to create them out of sticks and rags/belt. You should be able to brace your rifle on that window, a car, a tree, the side of a building, or any other stable surface, when you want to increase your precision. It is also likely you would seek cover during a gunfight and end up next to something that could be used as a brace. Your character acts like he's having a seizure when he aims his rifle. It's ridiculous. Long guns are easy to use, even for a novice. 25 yards at a dinner plate is child's play for most novices, not in this game. A coffee saucer at 100 yards, with iron sights, is not difficult for an experienced shooter. And the Russians don't know how to use a shooting sling? https://nfga.org/wp-content/uploads/highpower/basic_highpower_info/SR_Shooting_Guide_AMU031204.pdf I'm pretty sure they do as its old technology that's been used in the Olympics, and used by hunters, shooters, and soldiers around the world. It would be nice if we could alter existing structures, move furniture, etc, but I realize this is not possible for them. (also it would appear some of the furniture has been purposefully put in place to prevent gates from being installed.) If so, we could make sniper hides/loopholes. Given the option no sniper is going to stick the barrel of his rifle out a window lol. https://ia802703.us.archive.org/2/items/MCRP3-01A/MCRP3-01A.pdf
  7. VodkaFish

    No Road Flares Spawning

  8. VodkaFish

    Lost interest

    If the community here can come together maybe we can motivate BI to make some meaningful changes and improve the game. To advertise this game as a finished, polished, product is to commit fraud.
  9. VodkaFish

    No Road Flares Spawning

    Garages, industrial areas. What city are you close to?
  10. VodkaFish

    No Road Flares Spawning

    I have flares on 6766
  11. VodkaFish

    Lost interest

    Various aspects? Your post reads like a very fluffy ad hominem attack rather than one addressing or debating the realities of this train wreck. Tell the heretic he has no taste, don't let the door hit you in the ass. Right? Problem is, after some false advertising, I paid for that door and the rest of BI's broken game. I also unwittingly encouraged two friends to buy this shit, they quit playing weeks ago. So, I have 'skin in the game'. I asked for a refund in these forums long ago (before I was raided btw, I know you believe this the reason behind my position). I'm asking again now but I know thieves don't like to part with their booty. I'll try petitioning xbox. I hope people contemplating purchase read this. This game is not a finished product. Do not buy! I know you are THE 'Fanboy' and likely on the payroll judging from all the damage control you provide for them in the forum but what part of what I posted did you disagree with? "Surviving is easy. You can't build a reputation, can't build any organiztions, there is no economy, can't horde with any security, can't improve your life situation. PVP is the only real challenge. This games interface, engine, features, make it a wholly inferior FPS. The game is riddled with bugs and lag." You find it difficult to survive if players do not kill you? It is easy to survive. You have built a reputation on a server where players can positively identify you? They can't even see your name, your appearance can change, and xbox supports more than 30 characters for each game purchase. With gear available on the coast a character can shoulder 2 weapons, keep a belt knife, canteen, boot knife, and equip up to 5 grenades. This is worth as much as 80 plus any equipped attachments. For the sake of calculations they are 2 suppressed, scoped, ghillied Mosins (+36). He can also log out with 256 in gear in his clothes and packs. Grand total, 372 per character x 32 characters = ~11,904 of permanent, secure, storage. How many hidden barrels is that? I'm know many people are using this to their advantage. BI provides some sort of mechanic for gangs, militias, clans, that we are unaware of? Arm bands? Lol You've discovered a player driven economy? *crickets* You are able to hide barrels in water is going to be the argument for being able to make progress? Hidden barrels are your reason for living in Cherno? And make this garbage worth $60? This game's pvp experience is inferior to all the major fps titles. So if it's easy to survive, pvp is half-assed, and there is nothing to do, WHY DO YOU PLAY? Aspects? There are so many things to criticize I don't even know where to start. Honest people who actually play this game, and are not paid shills, know what I'm talking about.
  12. VodkaFish

    No Road Flares Spawning

    6766? What achievement uses a flare?
  13. VodkaFish

    I commit suicide because of the flu!

    Did you have your cores up? If you did it would have gone away. Vitamins boost your core totals, the result does not have a visual representation.
  14. VodkaFish

    Some newb questions

    You can switch public servers and keep the gear you are carrying with you. You will not spawn in the same location on the new server. If you switch from public to private or visa versa you will generate a completely new character. You can't transfer items back and forth. I don't think there is a map you can bring up from your controller. For optics you have to bring up your iron sights, then use the direction pad to bring up the optic. Call of Duty, Battle Field, PubG, and many others.
  15. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    If the world were populated by flesh eating zombies and psychotic murderous survivors I doubt you'd choose to live in anything less. About the real world- I've always considered stick built dry wall home to be ridiculous. It's unfortunate building codes in the US have encouraged their use. Insulated Concrete Forms are a much better option. Structures like that should be mandated for new construction. Fire, termite, hurricane, water, and even security threats, are greatly reduced. The cost is not that much more. ICF structures typically enjoy superior thermal befits as well. The gov claims they are concerned with energy use. They could offer economic incentives to live in such a home vs give our tax dollars away to foreigners who should be taking care of themselves. Insurance companies should be forced to provide discounted coverage, reflecting the reduced risk, this would help offset the cost of construction.
  16. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    Depends where you live. In the middle east it's probably cheaper. You would likely use what was available. The Romans used volcanic rock and lime to harden their concrete. It is not rocket science and there are not a lot of things you need to source. The game already has mechanics available to get small stones and produce lime. I would be willing to spend 5x, even 10x, the resources to build something that took several hours to break into.
  17. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    Concrete and bricks have been around for 1000s of years. Bricks are one of the oldest building materials, they were used 9,000 years ago. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-oldest-cities-in-the-world.html
  18. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    If we could create a base, and fortify it, to a decent level of security. Or if they flatly provided secure storage for x-number of items. We could start working on a player driven economy. I think computer vendors are a terrible idea. Providing players the ability to barter with one another would be a great idea.
  19. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    Numerous aspects of base building trouble me. The idea that we can't have walls on all 4 sides of a watchtower, and turn any one of them into a gate, is one example. Not being able to board up windows and doors, vs build a 10 foot section of wall, is another. Not being able to nail doors shut. Not being able to choose which side of a gate will contain the hinge and which side will have the lock. The ability to take barbed wire off the front of a gate/fence when it is installed on the back. Not being able to make a hatch to cover a portal. The inability to stack walls/gates on one another, or multiply the amount of resources used for additional strength. Lack of merlons, murder holes, arrow loops, booby traps and other defensive features. etc. And yes, being forced to construct our bases out of what appears to be backyard fencing. If a base does not provide security there is no point to building one.
  20. VodkaFish

    Stable Update 1.10

    127 slots, they're making use of those high rises eh?
  21. VodkaFish

    Base Building

    There are places on all 4 sides of the watch tower to place materials. You can only build a wall on 3 sides of the watch tower. One side remains open. (Its completely retarded, especially as you build up and can not place a gate over the exposed second and third level) You should be able to build a wall on all 4 sides and convert any of them to a gate. Instead you will have to place a half-assed single level gate on a multi level structure. If you build two watch towers with the exposed ends facing each other you can try leaving one wall unbuilt and placing a gate over that. That would give you three story walls all the way around. Sounds good right? The game won't let you place the gate close to the watchtower in that position because of the imaginary watchtower wall that could be built there. You end up with a gate who's rear side is likely accessible by exploiters. You spend a fortune in time and resources to build a pile of shit. I am guessing you might be on the side that does not allow a wall? If that is the case, those materials are used to build the roof/stairs. Yes, its easy to break into a wood wall. Takes about 15 minutes with a pickaxe or similar tool. The base building system is broken.
  22. VodkaFish

    Basebuilding still a cruel joke

    I still can't find the vice video I'm looking for, but here's another one.
  23. VodkaFish

    Helpful Tips?

    Finding 2 small stones is hard. I have found stones on the dirt paths before. I don't know if I have ever found one on a train track. The knife you can make from them does not last long. I wouldn't bother looking for them. Eat you fruit, then look for clothing. Industrial areas have jumpsuits which fairly warm are pretty good at repelling water. You typically don't find much food in an industrial zone, unless its looted off dead zombies, so don't stay there long. A fire department has excellent clothing. The only downside is the reflective tape makes them high visibility at night. After that I would head to a large city. Loot homes and kill zombies for food. If you are lucky enough to find a human or animal corpse you can make bone hooks and go fishing. You can make rope out of piles of rags, a fishing rod out of a long stick + rope. While you are in the industrial areas you might find a fishing rod and metal hooks. A pickaxe, shovel, or machete will allow you to dig for worms. I have fished in fountains. If you can find a vegetable, even a spoiled one, cut the seeds out of it. If its edible eat it, all but the last small bit. Then use a knife to take the seeds out of that last small bit. You might be able to find a pack of seeds in a green house. Once you have seeds on your person you have options. You can find one of the many abandoned garden plots, or make your own. Plant those seeds. If you are starving, log out until the plants grow. Then pig out until you can't eat anymore. Always keep some seeds on you. Keep a water bottle on you, even a dirty one. You can plant veggies and get your moisture from them. An axe one hits zombies from the chin up. I believe a sledge hammer is better against players for its knock-out effect.
  24. I am fairly new to the game but I will give it a whirl. No aircraft, besides cars. Would you really want them introducing aircraft before the other problems are corrected? The hypothermia problem is ok. Hunger is easy to deal with but I do find it odd you have to eat so much to fill your cores from the start. It seems like way too much food for one person to eat. Fishing is easy. There are tents. They can be damaged now. They have added some places to the map. I don't know if there are new weapons. I don't understand your question about pulling the gun up. No bikes. Zombies are on roof tops and have been in my buildings through locked doors. I have not had one of them follow me through a wall though. I think you can make a tent. I know they can be camo'd because I have found them in that condition. No gunsmithing. You can saw the barrels off of some guns with a hacksaw. Yes you can throw grenades. Yes you have to crawl with a broken leg, or risk passing out from walking. I have never found a M4 or full sized AK. Melee is still lagged. Enemies are able to run through you. Sometimes I don't know where I am swinging. Forget about vehicles, they are beyond their abilities.
  25. VodkaFish

    Anus (anal cavity)

    I forgot to mention, if they implement your idea, there should be an achievement for a successful cavity search. If you cursor over a survivor's butt with medical gloves equipped you get the option to perform a cavity search. 😬 Shitty idea.. hehe