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Everything posted by lynn.zaw

  1. lynn.zaw


    We do not handle bans. You may have to reach out directly to battleeye here: https://www.battleye.com/contact/ Good day 🙂
  2. lynn.zaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    PC Stable 1.18 Update 1 - Version 1.18.154960 (Released on 14.06.2022) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia M79 grenade launcher 40mm grenade launcher ammunition Derringer pistol Sawed-off Revolver Sawed-off Blaze Craftable improvised explosive device (IED) Plastic Explosive Claymore mine Remote Detonation Unit PO-X Vial Fireworks Launcher Craftable armbands from flags Gas Canisters explode upon destruction Keybindings for gestures can be adjusted in the in-game settings Gesture keybindings are now reflected in the radial menu Steam Achievements (can only be activated on official servers) FIXED Doors of several structures could not be opened by force Adjusted some exploitable building collisions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163092 - private) When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163934) The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162706) When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163869) Fixed an exploit related to fireplaces Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance The land mine disappeared upon disarming Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164288) After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds The fireplace was missing some particles when burning It was possible to boil food in gasoline (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146331) The BattlEye license was not being displayed when the Steam overlay was disabled Accepting the BattlEye agreement made the game unresponsive to mouse under certain conditions Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163972) Improved textures of the spear variants The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head Bus wreck model was levitating slightly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161767) Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164438) It was possible to unpin grenades silently (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158850 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161873 - private) Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164090) Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick Farming peppers and potatoes would display the wrong item name CHANGED Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked It's now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157490) Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3x3 to 2x2 The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164266) Keybinding menu now has inputs split into several categories to make it easier to navigate Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more Added a UI prompt to exit the game credits Updated the game credits Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands Balanced health of fence parts and armor, also depending on materials (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157778 - private) SERVER Added: cfgeventgroups.xml to define groups of objects to spawn with dynamic events Added: Hundreds of static environment objects now have a config-class to be spawned by the server Added: "deloot" attribute to events.xml <child> to define the amount of wanted dynamic events loot for a child instead of the default value Added: "spawnsecondary" attribute to events.xml <child> to define if the child should be spawning the secondary infected event Added: Warning message when a definition in types.xml will be ignored Added: Additional dynamic event setup validation and warning messages Added: Dynamic events now supports spawning of "dispatch" from proto xmls Added: "dispatch" and its children "proxy" from proto xmls now have an additional attribute "dechance", a float value ranging from 0-1 to decide chance of spawning at a dynamic event Fixed: Banlist, whitelist and prioritylist were cleared when the accompanied file was failed to be opened by the game Fixed: The enableDebug window was not fully displayed in certain resolutions Fixed: Random loot spawned by dynamic events would persist after a server restart Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the world MODDING Added: Not-categorized input actions are now displayed within the "Unsorted" category in the keybinding menu Added: CreateFrustum function to Shape class, accessible from script Added: Added and exposed Shape::GetMatrix() and Shape::SetPosition() to script Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommand so they are usable from any Animal and Infected command Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommandBase so they are usable from any Animal and Infected animation command Fixed: proxyInfo was never filled in for BoxCollidingResult Fixed: Damage from explosions was always falling off in 4 times the range Changed: Logic of transition changes while smoking/drying Changed: Armbands were redesigned to allow flag variants. Textures were split in halves and renamed. Changed: Layout files are no longer cached on Diag exe Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the navmesh while it is configured to load one Changed: Fall off damage from explosion goes linearly from 100% to 0% (from indirectHitRange to indirectHitRange * indirectHitRangeMultiplier) Changed: ClearCookingEquipment method on FireplaceBase requires to specify an item to clear (old method is now deprecated and will cause issues) KNOWN ISSUES 40mm impact grenades disappear after 6 seconds of air-time PC Stable 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 30.06.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) MODDING Added: Warning message for when "Static_" prefix is used incorrectly Fixed: Keybindings - Trying to add <sorting> block to <modded_inputs> not recognized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165909) Fixed: A server crash related to scripted animal commands (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165943) Fixed: Buldozer was not animating proxies (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166005) Fixed: Modded keybinding translations were not displayed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166026) Fixed: Adding too many sorting tabs in the keybinding menu could cause issues with the tab buttons ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Stable 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.155052 (Released on 14.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed two game crashes Equipping the plate carrier or smersh vests could cause inventory management issues The character was shaking while covering other players' heads with a burlap sacks or gagging them (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159648) Fixed a game error related to inventory containers Fixed a server crash when corrupted character logs in (character is removed instead) MODDING Fixed: Items wouldn't get saved when spawned in too fast KNOWN ISSUES The inventory of the smersh vest and attached backpack is falsely displayed as one container, but still separated ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Stable 1.18 Update 4 - Version 1.18.155060 (Released on 15.07.2022) FIXED The in-game server browser was not displaying Chernarus servers in the official tab ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Stable 1.18 Update 5 - Version 1.18.155069 (Released on 28.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed: An issue where one could see inventories of players that broke from restrains/woke up from the unconscious Fixed: Server error message related to the inventory SERVER Fixed: Launcher mistakenly reporting Livonia DLC being required for Chernarus servers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166615)
  3. lynn.zaw

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    PC Experimental 1.18 Update 6 - Version 1.18.155069 (Released on 21.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed: An issue where one could see inventories of players that broke from restrains / woke up from unconscious Fixed: Server error message related to the inventory SERVER Fixed: Launcher mistakenly reporting Livonia DLC being required for Chernarus servers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166615)
  4. PC Experimental 1.18 Update 1 - Version 1.18.154845 (Released on 19.05.2022) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia M79 grenade launcher 40mm grenade launcher ammunition Derringer pistol Sawed-off Revolver Sawed-off Blaze Craftable improvised explosive device (IED) Plastic Explosive Claymore mine Remote Detonation Unit PO-X Vial Fireworks Launcher Craftable armbands from flags Gas Canisters explode upon destruction Keybindings for gestures can be adjusted in the in-game settings Gesture keybindings are now reflected in the radial menu FIXED Doors of several structures could not be opened by force Adjusted some exploitable building collisions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163092 - private) When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163934) The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162706) When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163869) Fixed an exploit related to fireplaces Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance The land mine disappeared upon disarming Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164288) After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds The fireplace was missing some particles when burning It was possible to boil food in gasoline (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146331) The BattlEye license was not being displayed when the Steam overlay was disabled Accepting the BattlEye agreement made the game unresponsive to mouse under certain conditions Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163972) Improved textures of the spear variants The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head Bus wreck model was levitating slightly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161767) Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164438) It was possible to unpin grenades silently (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158850 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161873 - private) Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164090) Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character CHANGED Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked It's now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157490) Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3x3 to 2x2 The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164266) Keybinding menu now has inputs split into several categories to make it easier to navigate (PC) Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more Added a UI prompt to exit the game credits Updated the game credits Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands SERVER Added: cfgeventgroups.xml to define groups of objects to spawn with dynamic events Added: Hundreds of static environment objects now have a config-class to be spawned by the server Added: "deloot" attribute to events.xml <child> to define the amount of wanted dynamic events loot for a child instead of the default value Added: "spawnsecondary" attribute to events.xml <child> to define if the child should be spawning the secondary infected event Added: Warning message when a definition in types.xml will be ignored Added: Additional dynamic event setup validation and warning messages Added: Dynamic events now supports spawning of "dispatch" from proto xmls Added: "dispatch" and its children "proxy" from proto xmls now have an additional attribute "dechance", a float value ranging from 0-1 to decide chance of spawning at a dynamic event Fixed: Banlist, whitelist and prioritylist were cleared when the accompanied file was failed to be opened by the game Fixed: The enableDebug window was not fully displayed in certain resolutions Fixed: Random loot spawned by dynamic events would persist after a server restart Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the world MODDING Added: Not-categorized input actions are now displayed within the "Unsorted" category in the keybinding menu Added: CreateFrustum function to Shape class, accessible from script Added: Added and exposed Shape::GetMatrix() and Shape::SetPosition() to script Fixed: proxyInfo was never filled in for BoxCollidingResult Fixed: Damage from explosions was always falling off in 4 times the range Changed: Logic of transition changes while smoking/drying Changed: Armbands were redesigned to allow flag variants. Textures were split in halves and renamed. Changed: Layout files are no longer cached on Diag exe Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the navmesh while it is configured to load one Changed: Fall off damage from explosion goes linearly from 100% to 0% (from indirectHitRange to indirectHitRange * indirectHitRangeMultiplier) PC Experimental 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.154875 (Released on 26.05.2022) GAME FIXED The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items The M79 launcher would not deal accurate damage to bases The Derringer would change its zeroing while shooting It was possible to store improvised explosives infinitely into each other It was possible to craft the improvised explosive even if the protector case still had contents Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick It was possible to ignite the fireworks launcher in buildings where it should not be possible It was not possible to ignite a damp fireworks launcher The dismantle action performed the repair action instead The stealth kill used the infected death animation Fixed a server crash related to corrupted storage Vests attached to grenades would explode on their own CHANGED The fireworks launcher is now deployed faster MODDING Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommand so they are usable from any Animal and Infected command Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommandBase so they are usable from any Animal and Infected animation command PC Experimental 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.154916 (Released on 31.05.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a number of game crashes It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity Grenades attached to vests did not explode in the fireplace It was possible to move an armed improvised explosive into the inventory It was possible to arm an explosive in the inventory The Claymore was visible for a brief moment after its explosion The Claymore explosion was too fast and did not synchronize properly for players The Claymore LED was not glowing at night Smoke from 40mm smoke grenades was briefly visible if the expired in the players inventory It was possible to detonate explosives via the tripwire The 40mm explosive grenade did not explode when ruined Disarming the plastic explosive would create an additional remote detonator The improvised explosive would explode when ruined, even if there were no explosives inside The improvised explosive and Claymore did not visually reflect their damaged states Attaching the plastic explosive to the improvised explosive would make the cargo of the improvised explosive inaccessible Two plastic explosives in an improvised explosive would reduce its damage Grenades within the improvised explosive did not explode The remote receiver did not disappear after disarming the plastic explosive The remote detonator did not display its damaged or ruined states The remote detonator could not be repaired using the electronics repair kit It was possible to skip the arming action for explosives Infected did not react to the sound of shooting the M79 launcher Several items were displaying invisible attachments Cargo of cookware was not visible when attached to a fireplace The remote receiver did not have a widget and could not be dropped from hands It was not possible to take a ruined plastic explosive back into hands The PO-X Vial showed an "unpin" option It was possible to attach the 40mm grenades to the tripwire Kitchen Timer and Alarm Clock kept ringing after exploding as part of an explosive device "Arm explosive" action was displayed when interacting with specific grenades with the remote detonator in hands CHANGED The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards It is no longer possible to arm the improvised explosive if not explosives are inside It is now possible to disassemble a remote detonator with a screwdriver to gain a battery It is no longer possible to attach the Caymore to the improvised explosive Adjusted the composition of a dynamic train event Adjusted inventory rotation of armbands Reduced the inventory size of the sawn-off Blaze for consistency Increased the range of the remote detonator SERVER Fixed: The Central economy did not spawn weapons with magazines (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165332) Fixed: A prevalent connection error resulting in Connecting Failed 0x00020009 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163151 - private) PC Experimental 1.18 Update 4 - Version 1.18.154955 (Released on 07.06.2022) GAME FIXED A weapon attached to the pistol holster within vest pouches dropped on the ground upon reconnecting Picking up folded base-building kits could result in desynchronization of the hand slot (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165508) Farming peppers and potatoes would display the wrong item name The spawn position of the dynamic train event was not truly random Loot of dynamic train event would double on server restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165443) Attachments of some rifles could not be accessed when the rifles were held in hands The improvised explosive was incorrectly rotated after placement The improvised explosive was held badly It was possible to move the armed improvised explosive into the inventory Screen-shake effect was not present when prone in 3rd person Gas canisters did not explode when attached to the portable gas stove Empty gas canisters could still explode It was possible to arm the plastic explosive with a timer It was possible to arm the plastic explosive multiple times 40mm PO-X grenades would disappear at over 6 seconds flight time 40mm smoke grenades would start smoking when badly damaged Derringer, M79 and Revolver were missing sounds It was not possible to interact with the car tent The hologram of placement items did not move properly in tents Unloaded ammunition from firearms would disappear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165557) CHANGED Added shock damage to the explosions of gas canisters Plastic explosives now offer advanced placement Balanced health of fence parts and armor, also depending on materials (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157778 - private) Decreased 360° blast zone of the Claymore SERVER Fixed typos in the DayZ structures .cpp files (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165542) Fixed a typo in the cfgeventgroups.xml (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165555) Fixed: Renamed the SharpWoodenStick to SharpLongWoodenStick in the types.xml PC Experimental 1.18 Update 5 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 23.06.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) MODDING Fixed: Keybindings - Trying to add <sorting> block to <modded_inputs> not recognized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165909) Fixed: A server crash related to scripted animal commands (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165943) Fixed: Buldozer was not animating proxies (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166005) Fixed: Modded keybinding translations were not displayed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166026) Fixed: Adding too many sorting tabs in the keybinding menu could cause issues with the tab buttons PC Experimental 1.18 Update 6 - Version 1.18.155069 (Released on 21.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed: An issue where one could see inventories of players that broke from restrains / woke up from unconscious Fixed: Server error message related to the inventory SERVER Fixed: Launcher mistakenly reporting Livonia DLC being required for Chernarus servers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166615)
  5. lynn.zaw

    General Server Notice

    Hey Brazilian Survivors, We are deploying new servers in the region today. This is expected to take 2-3 hours starting from now. All your current character, bases, and items on ground should remain as they are in new servers. However, your character may get a position reset on the map. Here are the moved instances from your old servers to the new ones: From: DayZ HC BR 4-001 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled To: DayZ SA - SP 5131 ------------------------------------------ From: DayZ BR 4-002 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled To: DayZ SA - SP 5140 ------------------------------------------ From: DayZ BR 4-003 - Hosted by Fragnet.net - Persistence Enabled To: DayZ SA - SP 5134
  6. lynn.zaw

    Console Update 1.18

    Console Stable 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 30.06.2022) GAME FIXED It was not possible to access certain clothing containers in the vicinity A non-functional "combine" option was displayed for plastic explosives with the remote detonator Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023)
  7. lynn.zaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    PC Stable 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 30.06.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) MODDING Added: Warning message for when "Static_" prefix is used incorrectly Fixed: Keybindings - Trying to add <sorting> block to <modded_inputs> not recognized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165909) Fixed: A server crash related to scripted animal commands (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165943) Fixed: Buldozer was not animating proxies (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166005) Fixed: Modded keybinding translations were not displayed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166026) Fixed: Adding too many sorting tabs in the keybinding menu could cause issues with the tab buttons
  8. Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 1 - Version 1.18.154845 (Released on 19.05.2022) NOTES In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q. or DayZ F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia M79 grenade launcher 40mm grenade launcher ammunition Derringer pistol Sawed-off Revolver Sawed-off Blaze Craftable improvised explosive device (IED) Plastic Explosive Claymore mine Remote Detonation Unit PO-X Vial Fireworks Launcher Craftable armbands from flags Gas Canisters explode upon destruction Advanced sensitivity options for controller Game credits FIXED Doors of several structures could not be opened by force Adjusted some exploitable building collisions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163092 - private) When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163934) The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162706) When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163869) Fixed an exploit related to fireplaces Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance The land mine disappeared upon disarming Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164288) After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds The fireplace was missing some particles when burning It was possible to boil food in gasoline (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146331) Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163972) Improved textures of the spear variants The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head Bus wreck model was levitating slightly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161767) Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164438) It was possible to unpin grenades silently (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158850 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161873 - private) Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164090) Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character Ownership of the Livonia DLC was not correctly reflected in the main menu Change of the control scheme was not saved after restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164582) PlayStation: Sea water would disappear on low tide CHANGED Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked It's now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157490) Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3x3 to 2x2 The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164266) Keybinding menu now has inputs split into several categories to make it easier to navigate (PC) Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands Controller sensitivity options are now visible even when mouse and keyboard is enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164297) Renamed the "Restart" button during unconsciousness to "Respawn" SERVER Added: cfgeventgroups.xml to define groups of objects to spawn with dynamic events Added: Hundreds of static environment objects now have a config-class to be spawned by the server Added: "deloot" attribute to events.xml <child> to define the amount of wanted dynamic events loot for a child instead of the default value Added: "spawnsecondary" attribute to events.xml <child> to define if the child should be spawning the secondary infected event Added: Warning message when a definition in types.xml will be ignored Added: Additional dynamic event setup validation and warning messages Added: Dynamic events now supports spawning of "dispatch" from proto xmls Added: "dispatch" and its children "proxy" from proto xmls now have an additional attribute "dechance", a float value ranging from 0-1 to decide chance of spawning at a dynamic event Fixed: Banlist, whitelist and prioritylist were cleared when the accompanied file was failed to be opened by the game Fixed: The enableDebug window was not fully displayed in certain resolutions Fixed: Random loot spawned by dynamic events would persist after a server restart Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the world Xbox Experimental Update 2 Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.154885 (Released on 26.05.2022) GAME FIXED It was not possible to combine items from the inventory and hands The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items The M79 launcher would not deal accurate damage to bases The Derringer would change its zeroing while shooting It was possible to store improvised explosives infinitely into each other It was possible to craft the improvised explosive even if the protector case still had contents Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick It was possible to ignite the fireworks launcher in buildings where it should not be possible It was not possible to ignite a damp fireworks launcher The dismantle action performed the repair action instead The stealth kill used the infected death animation Fixed a server crash related to corrupted storage Vests attached to grenades would explode on their own It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity CHANGED The fireworks launcher is now deployed faster The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards SERVER Changed: Adjusted some typos in the config.cpp (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165022) Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.154920 (Released on 02.06.2022) GAME FIXED Weapons wouldn't fire while holding the shift key when playing with MnK (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163427) Fixed a number of game crashes It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity Grenades attached to vests did not explode in the fireplace It was possible to move an armed improvised explosive into the inventory It was possible to arm an explosive in the inventory The Claymore was visible for a brief moment after its explosion The Claymore explosion was too fast and did not synchronize properly for players The Claymore LED was not glowing at night Smoke from 40mm smoke grenades was briefly visible if the expired in the players inventory It was possible to detonate explosives via the tripwire The 40mm explosive grenade did not explode when ruined Disarming the plastic explosive would create an additional remote detonator The improvised explosive would explode when ruined, even if there were no explosives inside The improvised explosive and Claymore did not visually reflect their damaged states Attaching the plastic explosive to the improvised explosive would make the cargo of the improvised explosive inaccessible Two plastic explosives in an improvised explosive would reduce its damage It was not possible to take a ruined plastic explosive back into hands Grenades within the improvised explosive did not explode The remote receiver did not disappear after disarming the plastic explosive The remote receiver did not have a widget and could not be dropped from hands The remote detonator did not display its damaged or ruined states The remote detonator could not be repaired using the electronics repair kit "Arm explosive" action was displayed when interacting with specific grenades with the remote detonator in hands It was possible to skip the arming action for explosives Infected did not react to the sound of shooting the M79 launcher Several items were displaying invisible attachments Cargo of cookware was not visible when attached to a fireplace The PO-X Vial showed an "unpin" option It was possible to attach the 40mm grenades to the tripwire Kitchen Timer and Alarm Clock kept ringing after exploding as part of an explosive device The spawn position of the dynamic train event was not truly random CHANGED The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards It is no longer possible to arm the improvised explosive if not explosives are inside It is now possible to disassemble a remote detonator with a screwdriver to gain a battery It is no longer possible to attach the Caymore to the improvised explosive Adjusted the composition of a dynamic train event Adjusted inventory rotation of armbands Reduced the inventory size of the sawn-off Blaze for consistency Increased the range of the remote detonator Added shock damage to the explosions of gas canisters SERVER Fixed: The Central economy did not spawn weapons with magazines (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165332) Fixed: A prevalent connection error resulting in Connecting Failed 0x00020009 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163151 - private) Changed: Adjusted some typos in the config.cpp (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165022) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 4 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 27.06.2022) GAME FIXED It was not possible to access certain clothing containers in the vicinity A non-functional "combine" option was displayed for plastic explosives with the remote detonator Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Console Stable 1.18 Update 4 - Version 1.18.155069 (Released on 28.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed: An issue where one could see inventories of players that broke from restrains/woke up from the unconscious Fixed: Server error message related to the inventory
  9. lynn.zaw

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    PC Experimental 1.18 Update 5 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 23.06.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) MODDING Fixed: Keybindings - Trying to add <sorting> block to <modded_inputs> not recognized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165909) Fixed: A server crash related to scripted animal commands (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165943) Fixed: Buldozer was not animating proxies (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166005) Fixed: Modded keybinding translations were not displayed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166026) Fixed: Adding too many sorting tabs in the keybinding menu could cause issues with the tab buttons
  10. lynn.zaw

    Console Update 1.17

    Console Update 1.17 - Version 1.17.154721 (Released on 19.04.2022) NOTES In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., or DayZ F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED CR-550 Savanna rifle Longhorn pistol P1 pistol Craft-able Spear (Bone & Stone head variants) Pitchfork Craft-able Bone knife Cleaver Meat tenderizer Kitchen timer Craft-able Fireplace stand Brooms can be lit and used as a torch Improvised clothes from rags Improvised Rope Belt Improvised gas mask filter Gas mask filters can now be refilled with charcoal tablets Sensitivity settings for various scope options New optional control scheme Bark can be harvested with axes now Cookware is slowly getting damaged by being used Gas mask filters get damaged while in use Voice activation setting for voice chat Scroll through multiple actions can be now done via mouse wheel New point of interest on Livonia FIXED Gear could not be added to other player's inventories (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159801, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162845) The sound of hitting an obstacle with a vehicle while reversing wasn't played Dropped items were pushed upwards in certain situations (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162980) During punching the player would turn sideways in some situations The sound of the Sarka 120 engine came from the front, whereas the engine is in the back (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793) Shelters weren't build-able on some places A burned-out fireplace is no longer producing light Canceling activation of the bear trap and landmine caused errors The visual effect of the contaminated area partly persisted after it was despawned (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162089) Focus zoom briefly reset during several actions in the 1st person (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160921) Hair clipped with NVG head strap on female characters An incorrect texture of ruined wheels caused a server error on restart Fixed rendering exploits related to buildings Players could climb through closed windows on some buildings The Player was able to pick up the fire barrel while items were attached to it The sound of starting/stopping engine was not present for other players Sound of opening or closing attachments was not present for other players (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162184) The sound of turning on/off the alarm clock wasn't audible for other players A staircase handrail was missing a collision The attachment icon didn't correctly reflect attached optics and rails on weapons (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162436) Attaching more nails to the flag pole caused errors Sharpened wooden sticks caused errors when damaged Filtering server by favorited gives error: 9 in server browser (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150657, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150658, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156497) Traps did not react to vehicles Light and heavy melee attack combinations would sometimes result in too much damage (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160568 - private) Fixed several environment issues on Chernarus and Livonia Certain gestures would make the character float above the ground when executed in prone (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161093) Sound of ear ringing caused by the flash grenade could get stuck at some situations Ruined Zmijovka hat didn't properly reflect its state Mouse cursor was invisible in the respawn menu CHANGED Reworked Nizhnoye village on Chernarus Adding a favorite server when already at max (25) will throw an error instead of removing a random favorite VOIP (any) is not available while in inventory. If VA is active, the player can keep speaking though VOIP "push-to-talk" and "toggle voice activation" have been moved from DPAD-down to DPAD-left VOIP "volume range up/down" has been added as DPAD-left + RB/LB "Cycle fire mode" has been moved from DPAD-left to LT (I.E. while in raised hands) + DPAD-right While in vehicle, "accelerate" now behaves as an axis and can be modulated (instead of being on/off) Heavy attack is now triggered by "Press Y" instead of "Hold Y" A new optional control scheme added Mic continues to listen to the player for 0.5 s after they let go of the push-to-talk button All heat sources are now emitting heat Drain and pour liquid actions are now properly separated Adjusted the wolf model to allow a more precise head-shot The burning duration of torches now correctly depends on the amount of fuel Cooking without lard/water now reduces the weight of the burned food Weapon sway increases while the character is rolling Fireplaces start heating up the player character faster now Position of the light source for Sarka 120 when only a single headlight is on was set to the proper position Players are no longer able to get into a vehicle while holding a heavy item (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162153) Stone knifes can no longer be sharpened with a sharpening stone Action inputs will be prioritized over inventory actions (e.g. climbing a ladder before dropping your item in hands) Closing the inventory wasn't possible with the view button after assigning an item to a quick slot Updated the game credits KNOWN ISSUES Land Mine disappears after disarming Text in controls is sometimes overlapping Thrown Spears, Sharp/Long Wooden Sticks and Torches fall under the ground Missing sound while base building or mining stones with Meat Tenderizer Heavy/Special attack is not mapped correctly for the new control scheme and clashes with the new jump button Missing "Controller disconnected" dialogue with MnK enabled Player gets desynced when equipping weapon after cancelling equip animation before When kindling/fuel items become ruined in fire, player is unable to add the same item before the ruined one disappears Roasting sound effect remains with cooking equipment even after the roasting is done
  11. lynn.zaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    Yes, please reach out to http://feedback.dayz.com/. Thank you
  12. lynn.zaw

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    PC Experimental 1.18 Update 4 - Version 1.18.154955 (Released on 07.06.2022) GAME FIXED A weapon attached to the pistol holster within vest pouches dropped on the ground upon reconnecting Picking up folded base-building kits could result in desynchronization of the hand slot (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165508) Farming peppers and potatoes would display the wrong item name The spawn position of the dynamic train event was not truly random Loot of dynamic train event would double on server restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165443) Attachments of some rifles could not be accessed when the rifles were held in hands The improvised explosive was incorrectly rotated after placement The improvised explosive was held badly It was possible to move the armed improvised explosive into the inventory Screen-shake effect was not present when prone in 3rd person Gas canisters did not explode when attached to the portable gas stove Empty gas canisters could still explode It was possible to arm the plastic explosive with a timer It was possible to arm the plastic explosive multiple times 40mm PO-X grenades would disappear at over 6 seconds flight time 40mm smoke grenades would start smoking when badly damaged Derringer, M79 and Revolver were missing sounds It was not possible to interact with the car tent The hologram of placement items did not move properly in tents Unloaded ammunition from firearms would disappear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165557) CHANGED Added shock damage to the explosions of gas canisters Plastic explosives now offer advanced placement Balanced health of fence parts and armor, also depending on materials (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157778 - private) Decreased 360° blast zone of the Claymore SERVER Fixed typos in the DayZ structures .cpp files (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165542) Fixed a typo in the cfgeventgroups.xml (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165555) Fixed: Renamed the SharpWoodenStick to SharpLongWoodenStick in the types.xml
  13. Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.154920 (Released on 02.06.2022) GAME FIXED Weapons wouldn't fire while holding the shift key when playing with MnK (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163427) Fixed a number of game crashes It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity Grenades attached to vests did not explode in the fireplace It was possible to move an armed improvised explosive into the inventory It was possible to arm an explosive in the inventory The Claymore was visible for a brief moment after its explosion The Claymore explosion was too fast and did not synchronize properly for players The Claymore LED was not glowing at night Smoke from 40mm smoke grenades was briefly visible if the expired in the players inventory It was possible to detonate explosives via the tripwire The 40mm explosive grenade did not explode when ruined Disarming the plastic explosive would create an additional remote detonator The improvised explosive would explode when ruined, even if there were no explosives inside The improvised explosive and Claymore did not visually reflect their damaged states Attaching the plastic explosive to the improvised explosive would make the cargo of the improvised explosive inaccessible Two plastic explosives in an improvised explosive would reduce its damage It was not possible to take a ruined plastic explosive back into hands Grenades within the improvised explosive did not explode The remote receiver did not disappear after disarming the plastic explosive The remote receiver did not have a widget and could not be dropped from hands The remote detonator did not display its damaged or ruined states The remote detonator could not be repaired using the electronics repair kit "Arm explosive" action was displayed when interacting with specific grenades with the remote detonator in hands It was possible to skip the arming action for explosives Infected did not react to the sound of shooting the M79 launcher Several items were displaying invisible attachments Cargo of cookware was not visible when attached to a fireplace The PO-X Vial showed an "unpin" option It was possible to attach the 40mm grenades to the tripwire Kitchen Timer and Alarm Clock kept ringing after exploding as part of an explosive device The spawn position of the dynamic train event was not truly random CHANGED The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards It is no longer possible to arm the improvised explosive if not explosives are inside It is now possible to disassemble a remote detonator with a screwdriver to gain a battery It is no longer possible to attach the Caymore to the improvised explosive Adjusted the composition of a dynamic train event Adjusted inventory rotation of armbands Reduced the inventory size of the sawn-off Blaze for consistency Increased the range of the remote detonator Added shock damage to the explosions of gas canisters SERVER Fixed: The Central economy did not spawn weapons with magazines (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165332) Fixed: A prevalent connection error resulting in Connecting Failed 0x00020009 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163151 - private) Changed: Adjusted some typos in the config.cpp (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165022)
  14. lynn.zaw

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    PC Experimental 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.154920 (Released on 31.05.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed a number of game crashes It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity Grenades attached to vests did not explode in the fireplace It was possible to move an armed improvised explosive into the inventory It was possible to arm an explosive in the inventory The Claymore was visible for a brief moment after its explosion The Claymore explosion was too fast and did not synchronize properly for players The Claymore LED was not glowing at night Smoke from 40mm smoke grenades was briefly visible if the expired in the players inventory It was possible to detonate explosives via the tripwire The 40mm explosive grenade did not explode when ruined Disarming the plastic explosive would create an additional remote detonator The improvised explosive would explode when ruined, even if there were no explosives inside The improvised explosive and Claymore did not visually reflect their damaged states Attaching the plastic explosive to the improvised explosive would make the cargo of the improvised explosive inaccessible Two plastic explosives in an improvised explosive would reduce its damage Grenades within the improvised explosive did not explode The remote receiver did not disappear after disarming the plastic explosive The remote detonator did not display its damaged or ruined states The remote detonator could not be repaired using the electronics repair kit It was possible to skip the arming action for explosives Infected did not react to the sound of shooting the M79 launcher Several items were displaying invisible attachments Cargo of cookware was not visible when attached to a fireplace The remote receiver did not have a widget and could not be dropped from hands It was not possible to take a ruined plastic explosive back into hands The PO-X Vial showed an "unpin" option It was possible to attach the 40mm grenades to the tripwire Kitchen Timer and Alarm Clock kept ringing after exploding as part of an explosive device "Arm explosive" action was displayed when interacting with specific grenades with the remote detonator in hands CHANGED The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards It is no longer possible to arm the improvised explosive if not explosives are inside It is now possible to disassemble a remote detonator with a screwdriver to gain a battery It is no longer possible to attach the Caymore to the improvised explosive Adjusted the composition of a dynamic train event Adjusted inventory rotation of armbands Reduced the inventory size of the sawn-off Blaze for consistency Increased the range of the remote detonator SERVER Fixed: The Central economy did not spawn weapons with magazines (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165332) Fixed: A prevalent connection error resulting in Connecting Failed 0x00020009 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163151 - private) Changed: Adjusted some typos in the config.cpp (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165022)
  15. lynn.zaw

    Stable Update 1.17

    PC Stable 1.17 Update 1 - Version 1.17.154732 (Released on 19.04.2022) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED CR-550 Savanna rifle Longhorn pistol P1 pistol Craft-able Spear (Bone & Stone head variants) Pitchfork Craft-able Bone knife Cleaver Meat tenderizer Kitchen timer Craft-able Fireplace stand Brooms can be lit and used as a torch Improvised clothes from rags Improvised Rope Belt Improvised gas mask filter Gas mask filters can now be refilled with charcoal tablets Additional sensitivity settings (camera, aiming) Cookware is slowly getting damaged by being used Gas mask filters get damaged while in use Voice activation setting for VOIP Ability to go back and forth through multiple actions on the same item New point of interest on Livonia FIXED Gear could not be added to other player's inventories (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159801, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162845) The sound of hitting an obstacle with a vehicle while reversing wasn't played Dropped items were pushed upwards in certain situations (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162980) During punching the player would turn sideways in some situations The sound of the Sarka 120 engine came from the front, whereas the engine is in the back (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793) Shelters weren't build-able on some places A burned-out fireplace is no longer producing light Canceling activation of the bear trap and landmine caused errors Fixed rendering exploits related to buildings The visual effect of the contaminated area partly persisted after it was despawned (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162089) Focus zoom briefly reset during several actions in the 1st person (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160921) Hair clipped with NVG head strap on female characters An incorrect texture of ruined wheels caused a server error on restart Issues with object occlusion on a military guardhouse Players could climb through closed windows on some buildings The player was able to pick up the fire barrel while items were attached to it The sound of starting/stopping engine was not present for other players Sound of opening or closing vehicle doors was not present for other players (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162184) The sound of turning on/off the alarm clock wasn't audible for other players A staircase handrail in one of the city house blocks was missing a collision The attachment icon didn't correctly reflect attached optics and rails on weapons (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162436) Attaching more nails to the flag pole caused errors Sharpened wooden sticks caused errors when damaged Filtering server by favorited gives error: 9 in server browser (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150657, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150658, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T156497) Traps did not react to vehicles Headtracking TrackIR didn't work (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164166) Fixed several environment issues on Chernarus and Livonia Certain gestures would make the character float above the ground when executed in prone (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161093) Light and heavy melee attack combinations would sometimes result in too much damage (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160568 - private) Sound of ear ringing caused by the flash grenade could get stuck at some situations Ruined Zmijovka hat didn't properly reflect its state Mouse cursor was invisible in the respawn menu CHANGED Reworked Nizhnoye village on Chernarus Adding a favorite server when already at max (25) will throw an error instead of removing a random favorite Microphone now continues to listen while the player is tabbed out, but only if option "Graphics and sound" is set in the "Update in background" option (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160155) VOIP push-to-talk mode now has a release delay of 0.5 seconds to prevent voice cutouts All heat sources are now emitting heat Sensitivity settings is now exponential instead of linear Bark can now be harvested with axes Drain and pour liquid actions are now properly separated Adjusted the wolf model to allow a more precise headshot The burning duration of torches now correctly depends on the amount of fuel Food can be baked in a cookware even without lard or water Food looses its quantity when cooked in a cookware even without lard or water Weapon sway increases dramatically while the character is rolling Fireplaces start heating up the player character faster now Position of the light source for Sarka 120 when only a single headlight is on was set to the proper position Players are no longer able to get into a vehicle while holding a heavy item (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162153) Stone knifes can no longer be sharpened with a sharpening stone Action inputs will be prioritized over inventory actions (e.g. climbing a ladder before dropping your item in hands) Updated the game credits MODDING Added: OnAnimationPhaseStarted callback on Entity Added: Ability to override the position of motor sound for vehicles (for soundcontroller) (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793) Added: Exposed GetAllowDamage to script Added: Possibility to add multiple variants of same actions to scroll through Added: Support for angleAltitudes and analysisLength in the OutsideTerrain config class. Note that analysisLength is used to generate angleAltitudes, so if angleAltitudes is defined then analysisLength does not get used. If using angleAltitues, exactly 512 entries should be specified. Added: "-cfgpaths=" launch parameter to define additional paths to rvconfigs for the game to load when filepatching is enabled to quickly test configs without making a pbo Added: Modification of arrays in rvconfig by using operator '+=' Changed: Changes to Longhorn position, names of selections, some cleanup. Model config cleanup Changed: Fireplace and Bonfire uses UniversalTemperatureSources Changed: ActionWorldCraft and ActionBuildPart to use the new action variants system Changed: Fireplace tripod is now actual animated attachment of a fireplace (previously part of fireplace mesh) Changed: More clock/timer common functionality moved to the base class Changed: Tree harvesting configuration data moved from script to configs Changed: Updated SetVoiceOn() (which is exposed to script) to receive new optional parameter toggled, and also fire engine event every time VOIP state changes Fixed: Workbench crash when using undefined class in a template KNOWN ISSUES Land Mine disappears after disarming Thrown Spears, Sharp/Long Wooden Sticks and Torches fall under the ground Missing sound while base building or mining stones with Meat Tenderizer Player gets desynced when equipping weapon after cancelling equip animation before When kindling/fuel items become ruined in fire, player is unable to add the same item before the ruined one disappears Roasting sound effect remains with cooking equipment even after the roasting is done Raised flag on the flag pole is missing an option to lower the flag
  16. Xbox Experimental Update 2 Xbox Experimental 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.154885 (Released on 26.05.2022) GAME FIXED It was not possible to combine items from the inventory and hands The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items The M79 launcher would not deal accurate damage to bases The Derringer would change its zeroing while shooting It was possible to store improvised explosives infinitely into each other It was possible to craft the improvised explosive even if the protector case still had contents Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick It was possible to ignite the fireworks launcher in buildings where it should not be possible It was not possible to ignite a damp fireworks launcher The dismantle action performed the repair action instead The stealth kill used the infected death animation Fixed a server crash related to corrupted storage Vests attached to grenades would explode on their own It was possible to add the Remote Detonator to the improvised explosive's attachments Gas canisters would not explode when instantly ruined from pristine state Magazines would not display the bullet count if it was 0 or 1 Inventory arrows of the fireplace cargo would indicate the wrong state It was possible for 40mm ammunition to spawn with 0 quantity CHANGED The fireworks launcher is now deployed faster The Claymore now features a close range explosion in all directions in addition to its directional main explosion Tweaked the inventory icons of the 40mm ammunition to point upwards SERVER Changed: Adjusted some typos in the config.cpp (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165022)
  17. lynn.zaw

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    PC Experimental 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.154875 (Released on 26.05.2022) GAME FIXED The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items The M79 launcher would not deal accurate damage to bases The Derringer would change its zeroing while shooting It was possible to store improvised explosives infinitely into each other It was possible to craft the improvised explosive even if the protector case still had contents Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick It was possible to ignite the fireworks launcher in buildings where it should not be possible It was not possible to ignite a damp fireworks launcher The dismantle action performed the repair action instead The stealth kill used the infected death animation Fixed a server crash related to corrupted storage Vests attached to grenades would explode on their own CHANGED The fireworks launcher is now deployed faster MODDING Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommand so they are usable from any Animal and Infected command Added: PrePhysUpdate, IsEvent and IsTag callbacks to AnimCommandBase so they are usable from any Animal and Infected animation command
  18. Xbox Experimental 1.17 Update 3 - Version 1.16.154707 (Released on 06.04.2022) GAME FIXED Stabbing attacks had an inconsistent attack speed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163835) Certain gestures would make the character float above the ground when executed in prone (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161093) Sound of ear ringing caused by the flash grenade could get stuck at some situations Items could get stuck in the air when thrown from a high altitude (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163944) Sounds for footsteps were missing while the character had raised hands while holding two-handed stabbing weapons Ruined Zmijovka hat didn't properly reflect its state Fixed a collision exploit with stabbing weapons (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163834) If a player untied an improvised rope belt with knife attached to it, the knife disappeared Mouse cursor was invisible in the respawn menu Opening the quick bar collided with the VOIP activation VOIP didn't work after respawn VOIP toggle didn't function in some cases Items assigned to quick slots would only appear with a delay (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163867) Scope-zooming in without unzooming changed the camera perspective on the default control scheme CHANGED Increased the muzzle velocity of the Longhorn pistol (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163900) Tripwire is now triggered more precisely Closing the inventory wasn't possible with the view button after assigning an item to a quick slot Mic now responds appropriately when switching between game and party chat Several improvements for inventory navigation for the new control scheme (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163864)
  19. PC Experimental 1.17 Update 3 - Version Version 1.17.154707 (Released on 06.04.2022) GAME FIXED Stabbing attacks had an inconsistent attack speed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163835) Certain gestures would make the character float above the ground when executed in prone (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161093) Sound of ear ringing caused by the flash grenade could get stuck at some situations Items could get stuck in the air when thrown from a high altitude (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163944) Sounds for footsteps were missing while the character had raised hands while holding two-handed weapons Ruined Zmijovka hat didn't properly reflect its state Fixed a collision exploit with stabbing weapons (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163834) If a player untied an improvised rope belt with knife attached to it, the knife disappeared CHANGED Increased the muzzle velocity of the Longhorn pistol (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163900) Tripwire is now triggered more precisely MODDING Changed: Strong references for AbstractWave in scripts are not allowed Fixed: New -cfgpaths was not working properly
  20. Xbox Experimental 1.17 Update 2 - Version 1.16.154672 (Released on 30.03.2022) GAME ADDED FIXED Gear could not be added to other player's inventories (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159801, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162845) Several descriptive and UI issues in the options menu and control schemes Gesture wheel was showing wrong button hints under the default control scheme Wrong animations for spears and pitchfork melee and throwing attacks Bear traps were killing players who triggered them with a tool Bear trap and trip wires were missing their sounds when triggered CR-550 magazine was hovering above the hand after hiding the gun Cooking directly on cooking slots was missing sound effects (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163863) Ruined burned broom turned into pristine wooden stick Brooms and torches were offering an extinguish action even if not ignited yet Default action text is showing when player wants to perform the drain or pour action Player with a Longhorn pistol in hands didn't raise the weapon when colliding with objects VOIP range was overlapping with other controls Opening the quick slot menu while holding VOIP button caused the VOIP icon to disappear Improvised rope belt was not retaining the damage state of the rope and vice versa CHANGED Action inputs will be prioritized over inventory actions (e.g. climbing a ladder before dropping your item in hands) SERVER Fixed: Central Economy was not spawning mushrooms, fruits and stones Fixed: In the offline database, "types.xml" is missing default parameters KNOWN ISSUES There is an incorrect animation of ejecting ammo after the last shot from some rifles and shotguns When climbing a ladder, light is emitted even when the source of the light (i.e. torch) is hidden Items in inventory or dropped on the ground are not gaining the wet status properly Improvised face cover is clipping with hair of some female characters Wrong holding animation of the left hand when aiming with pistols
  21. PC Experimental 1.17 Update 2 - Version 1.17.154672 (Released on 30.03.2022) GAME FIXED Gear could not be added to other player's inventories (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159801, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162845) Wrong animations for spears and pitchfork melee attacks and throwing Bear traps were killing players who triggered them with a tool CR-550 magazine was hovering above the hand after hiding the gun Cooking directly on cooking slots was missing sound effects (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163863) Ruined burned broom turned into pristine wooden stick Brooms and torches were offering an extinguish action even if not ignited yet Default action text is showing when player wants to perform the drain or pour action Player with a Longhorn pistol in hands didn't raise the weapon when colliding with objects SERVER Fixed: In the offline database, "types.xml" is missing default parameters KNOWN ISSUES Thrown Spears, Sharp/LongWoodenSticks and Torches can fall through the ground Extinguished brooms and torches can't become wet and rain doesn't extinguish them Buried items offer the action to bury them again A pistol attached to the chest holster, placed within the plate carrier pouches, drops on the ground upon reconnecting The CR-550 does not offer dry fire When roasting food on the sharp wooden stick, the wrong animation is played When kindling/fuel items becomes ruined in fire, the player is unable to add the same item
  22. PC Experimental 1.16 Update - Version 1.16.154478 (Released on 27.01.2022) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Bizon SMG 64rd Bizon magazine Alarm Clock FIXED Player sometimes stepping forward during melee combat with a close target while only intended for far targets Fireplaces wouldn't properly disappear if the last attachment removed were stones or a tripod It was possible to detach the tripod from the fireplace while a pot was attached "Place" UI element would show up falsely when pointing at an indoor fireplace with selected consumables Dead chicken couldn't be buried after being picked up and dropped (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161088) Fire mode of the revolver was changing during shooting (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162103) Shock was not decreasing when swimming backward/sideways with broken legs Moving with broken legs while crouched could deal unsteady amounts of shock damage Infected/players would not show the "+" symbol in the inventory view when they had only items as attachments Dug up items were levitating above the ground Client error when attaching/detaching items to/from the tripwire trap In specific cases the tripwire trap did not display its attachment slot Smoke from a ruined car engine was only displayed for the driver (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793) Attacking with animal carcasses could cause blood particles and knife slashing sounds The inventory of the Sarka 120 was accessible through its engine, rather than the trunk The player could be desynced if their legs were broken during an action The player could be desynced if their legs were broken while swapping items Locked indoor stoves could not be opened by force Interrupting two-handed animations by dropping the tool could freeze the character Infected were able to climb fences with barbed wire on top (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160854) The UI of a deployed land mine could be seen when holding another land mine in hands Shooting while on back after kicking would play the kick animation after each shot Hitting the back of players heads would hit the brain instead of the head (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160577) Sounds of disease symptoms of another player were played from the wrong position (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162018) Fixed several inconsistencies when it comes to bullet penetration of objects The combination lock would play a sound while in hands without being actively used (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159444) The light source of the head torch was in the wrong position (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T152289) Fixed an exploit for extended melee hit distance The flame of the gas stove was slightly clipping with the frying pan Slightly improved twisted wrists when holding certain items Several head gear items were clipping with the female survivor head introduced in 1.15 Fixed typographic errors on the 1PN51 Scope Infected had bad collisions while crawling It was possible to hit players inside a vehicle with melee from the opposite side Wolves could injure players inside vehicles (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135495) It was possible to survive without food at all by only drinking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161579) Some localized settings weren't fully displayed It was possible to place land mines under train tracks Names of vehicle parts were not present when the car became ruined (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158230) It was possible to destroy the fence frame before the actual wall Adjusted certain structures to prevent exploits (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160550 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157846) Fixed a badly reflecting window at the yellow brick military building (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157757) Some items could not be picked up at the NWAF construction site (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159741) It was possible to bury corpses inside buildings FOV settings changes were not saved upon reconnect Respawn points for server switching were not functioning as intended (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162673) Sounds of flies were persisting even after the body despawned (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162654) Adjusted misleading description of Codein tablets CHANGED Increased the threshold for terrain clipping, allowing easier placement of base building objects on the ground It is no longer possible to bury ruined items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160914) Consuming charcoal has no effect when another charcoal is already active in the player's body (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161862) Increased energy and water given by mushrooms (similar to fruits now) Some jackets can now be torn into rags similar to their pants-counterpart Removed action to take fireplace from fire barrel Crafting an item using the metal wire will produce an item with the same health as the metal wire used (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161106 - private) First Aid Kits and Teddy Bears can now be repaired with sewing kits Protector Cases and Ammo Boxes can now be repaired with epoxy putty The gas stove now emits light when active The pick axe can now be used to bury things and bodies Duct tape can now be utilized to craft a splint Hid the UI element showing parts of the car while sitting inside Slightly reduced the penetration value of 5.56x45mm ammunition to match other bullets Reduced the range of the thermometer results Rotated the electrical repair kit in the inventory view to show the front (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160428) Reduced inventory size of the pumpkin and pumpkin slices for consistency Bear traps now don't kill infected, but just break their legs Damaging a tent now also damages items stored inside Adjusted damage zone selections of vehicles Bloody hands no longer make the character sick while drinking from containers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162463) Red and orange arm bands were looking too similar in certain lighting Tweaked the mid-air appearance of tracer bullets Renamed Folding Buttstocks to "lightweight" Disabled leaning while sprinting SERVER Added: use3DMap parameter to the gameplay settings to disable to the 2D map overlay for the Tourist Map Added: shockRefillSpeedConscious parameter to the gameplay settings to adjust the speed at which the player's Shock value refills when the player is conscious Added: shockRefillSpeedUnconscious parameter to the gameplay settings to adjust the speed at which the player's Shock value refills when the player is unconscious Added: allowRefillSpeedModifier parameter to the gameplay settings to allow/disallow the modifier of the shock value refill based on ammo type settings Fixed: Leaving some entries empty in cfgEffectArea.json would result in default particles, rather than no particles Changed: Greatly expanded script class indexing (allows more mods to be used on the same server) MODDING Added: Methods in Weapon_Base for spawning weapons with magazines and/or chambering and/or filling inner magazines Added: Weapon.Synchronize to force fsm synchronization Added: AmmoTypesAPI for validating ammotype or converting magazinetype to ammotype Added: Documentation for correctly setting up properties for WeaponStableState Added: All animation commands of Animal are now moddable Added: All animation commands of Infected are now moddable Added: Possibility to change variables and command properties from animal commands Added: Possibility to change variables and command properties from infected commands Added: Additional script compiler warnings (error in Diag) signalling hazardous ref usage Added: Possibility to change variables and command properties from CommandHandler inside DayZPlayer class Added: ErrorExString, to store the output into a string instead of logs Added: Documentation for static script defines Added: Class.StaticType -> To get typename of a non-instantiated class Added: EnumTools class with functionality for extracting information from an enum Added: Entity.GetIsSimulationDisabled() Fixed: JsonFileLoader overwriting defaults set in script (bool, int, float, string) Fixed: mod.cpp: tooltip, overview and author are no longer required to be localized to work Fixed: InventorySlots (e.g. MAGAZINE3) compile errors when a mod loads a CfgSlots before the vanilla CfgSlots is loaded (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136963, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148950) Fixed: int MIN value changed from -2147483647 to -2147483648 Changed: m_BrokenLegState can now contain negative values, use GetBrokenLegs() instead to access leg state from player Changed: DZ_Data and DZ_Scripts do no longer need to be filled in as requiredAddons as they will always load first (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148950) Changed: Renamed m1911 magazine textures Changed: Bolt action rifles with an external magazine had their state machines unified into one base class BoltActionRifle_ExternalMagazine_Base KNOWN ISSUES Fully consuming an item assigned to the quick bar while the quickbar is hidden might cause a bug with the quick bar Issue with attaching an items from hands with an item in the shoulder slots Alarm clock animations are not complete ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.16 Update 2 - Version 1.16.154501 (Released on 03.02.2022) GAME FIXED Bizon ironsights were disabled while having the PSO-1-1 Scope attached The camera focus would glitch during certain actions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160921) Melee attacks would in some cases rotate the player to the side CHANGED Tweaked the muzzle velocity of the Bizon MODDING Fixed: CARFLUID_USER{N} can have capacity setup via config property KNOWN ISSUES Fully consuming an item assigned to the quick bar while the quickbar is hidden might cause a bug with the quick bar Issue with attaching an items from hands with an item in the shoulder slots Alarm clock animations are not complete ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.16 Update 3 - Version 1.16.154535 (Released on 11.02.2022) GAME FIXED Alarm clock animations MODDING Fixed: Private dtor was inaccessible for static refs even within the class itself (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162982) KNOWN ISSUES Fully consuming an item assigned to the quick bar while the quickbar is hidden might cause a bug with the quick bar Issue with attaching an items from hands with an item in the shoulder slots ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PC Experimental 1.16 Update 4 - Version 1.16.154552 (Released on 17.02.2022) GAME FIXED Split disinfected rags lost their disinfected status (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162753) MODDING Fixed: Inventory of certain modded items being hidden in most cases (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162436) KNOWN ISSUES Fully consuming an item assigned to the quick bar while the quickbar is hidden might cause a bug with the quick bar Issue with attaching an items from hands with an item in the shoulder slots
  23. lynn.zaw

    Console Update 1.16

    Console Update 1.16 Hotfix 2 - Version 1.16.154602 (Released on 10.03.2022) GAME FIXED Resolved a possible issue with memory freeing on Xbox consoles
  24. Xbox Experimental 1.16 Update 4 - Version 1.16.154594 (Released on 04.03.2022) GAME FIXED Resolved a possible issue with memory freeing