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About DarkMyth

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DarkMyth

    Just logged in Steam to a DayZ ban

    So today I woke up to a dayz game ban on steam and I'm really confused considering I touched the game for 10 minutes 2 weeks ago to see how much it's changed, but got off because it was boring. Before that, the last time I played was back in 2014-2015. Where did this game ban come from and how come theres no reasoning behind it?
  2. DarkMyth

    Just logged in Steam to a DayZ ban

    same for me. i woke up today to a dayz ban when the last time I touched the game was 2 weeks ago for a solid 10 minutes to see if it was dead or not. before that i didnt play since 2014. no reason for the ban wtf?