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Everything posted by BrotherPlum

  1. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    YES! I am a simple man and easily pleased. I will now play your game again.
  2. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    You're an idiot. The DayZ experimental servers are unstable at the moment and the devs have already acknowledged and confirmed the issue, saying they will release a patch on Monday to resolve the crashes.
  3. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    The servers are more unstable than I've ever seen them on experimental. I'm in the UK and the UK 0-3 Chernarus server keeps kicking me for unstable connection. I'm struggling to get into the map and test things at the moment, and it's low pop. EDIT: Perhaps they are being DDoS'd?
  4. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Misaligned iron sights is a known issue, as far as I know. It's been highlighted in a few big YTbers videos. If you don't see the open ticket, just make a new one and it'll get combined with the main ticket once it gets seen.
  5. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Spaggie's servers.
  6. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    I noticed that there was a couple of HUD fixes. How close are we to getting the 21:9 aspect ratio bug, where text is off the screen, fixed? As it stands, you still need to unequip items or drop them from your inventory to read their item descriptions and insulation/wetness status.
  7. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.11

    I don't know how many times people need to be told that the issue with cars is going to require a major update dedicated entirely to cars. This is a hotfix bruh. They know cars are janky and they know why, but fixing it isn't a small task for a development team of ~80 people. They've never had a game before where vehicle physics were handled server side. The solution will probably be finding a difficult to exploit client side implementation to prevent people duping cars and their inventory, but it'll need time and it's own dedicated update. At which point they could add other things back in. DayZ will benefit from the completion of ARMA 4 by receiving engine updates and optimisations too. Bohemia's focus is that right now, but DayZ is getting more devs so we'll see what comes this year.
  8. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    DayZ's player base has risen this year and it consistently hovers around the top 20-30 most played games on steam every day.
  9. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Some good changes there that the community has been asking for. However, there are still Inventory UI bugs for people playing on Ultra Wide resolutions, making item descriptions, wetness level and insulation values unreadable as the clip off the screen, which has also been reported by others in the past per this thread. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154541 I also made a report about an exploit to give a player unlimited night vision, the report was confirmed repeatable and made private but there has been no update and the task is unassigned.
  10. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    The default is jog in DayZ not walk, you have to press Left Ctrl or double tap to toggle walk. It just means you can limp very slowly to a bush to get a stick for a splint, it's not even as fast as the red health jog.
  11. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Have PU/Hunting scopes always spawned in wooden toilets or has that been added in this update? I don't ever remember looting a PU from a toilet in this game until this update?
  12. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Just been informed in a reply to my own bug report that the Inventory UI bug on UW resolutions has been a known issue for over a year and hasn't been resolved. @ImpulZ
  13. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    You need to sharpen long sticks with a blade to use them for cooking now.
  14. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I'm having the same bug, no solution that I know of. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T154541
  15. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I've been kicked from UK server 0-3 (UK resident FYI) roughly 8-10 times today. Most times it'll tell me why, sometimes not. One of the times it told me I had 600ms ping to the server, but most of the time it was >300. That doesn't seem right for a UK resident. I know it's an unstable build of the game, but the servers shouldn't be lagging that hard at medium pop surely? I've also noticed that guts CANNOT be attached to a sharpened stick for roasting, I haven't tested if they can be equipped to a cooking slot on a fireplace, but if you can roast fat on a stick the guts seem like they should also be cookable in the same way.
  16. I play on Livonia server EU - DE - 2074 (1st Person Only) on PS4. Today I found 4 Heli crashes on this server, 2 the day before, and none of them had been looted when I arrived, however the loot they spawned didn't seem right. The latest update (1.09) patch notes state that the loot table has been tweaked to allow Heli Crashes to spawn T4 loot and guns regardless of the current state of the loot table. I was wondering if you could clarify exactly what that means, as that doesn't seem to be the case or hasn't been implemented correctly. I found things you normally find at Heli Crashes; large tents, plate carriers, tactical vests, boots, mil clothes, mags for T4 guns, etc. However, the ONLY gun I found at any of these crash sites was one (1) SG5-K. The fact that I found these Heli Crashes without any dead zombies, with mags and other highly desirable and rare items and that these items were evenly distributed around the Heli is what leads me to believe they were unlooted. I found tents and other incredibly rare items that, if the Helis had been looted, were left behind which doesn't really make sense. To clarify, how exactly does Heli loot work on Livonia? I appreciate your time, Thank you.
  17. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    With the Flag built, do bags despawn or is everything reset along with fences/gates/containers? For example can I leave a bag or even a gun on a table and it not despawn (e.g. decorating a base)?
  18. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    So initial speed, mussel velocity and barrel length, bullet dispersal and drop, friction, penetration and ricochet calculations on every single surface in the game with every ammo except shotgun ammo doesn't count as ballistics to you why? It has the most advanced ballistics in any non-mil sim I've ever encountered.
  19. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    I haven't really ever used the Iron sights on an ATOG scope before, M4 is easier to use with it's own irons or RVN/Combat Sights, but while trying it out today I noticed that the ATOGs top mounted irons zero at 200m and 600m and that's it. It just seems odd. If it's supposed to be like that, then OK, but it seems like it should zero between 50 and 100.
  20. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    I don't sprint at all now because of this and I can assure you it's like wearing paper bags even while moving at normal speed and it seems to be worse on Livonia. Boots wear out by the time you get to Novy Sobor, you're bleeding and need to find new shoes. On Livonia, you can't walk from Topolin to Kolembrody on a single repair. Just because you haven't noticed it, doesn't mean it's not a problem.
  21. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    I can't be the only one who has noticed that footwear has had it's durability reduced, right? Or at least, the wear has been increased and I cannot fathom why. It was already a ridiculous situation to be in having leather working boots fall apart from walking from the coast to Tisy. It's only 16km from the coast to Tisy along most of the common loot runs, I shouldn't have to carry 2 spare pairs of boots with me. Not only does it mean there are less to spawn, but you can't carry things like weapon repair kits or leather sewing kits on you because your bag is full of shoes. Even when you do find a repair kit, and can repair your shoes they are damaged again after a kilometre or two and you have to stop to fix them again. It's incredibly tedious for no discernible gain in immersion of added gameplay value.
  22. BrotherPlum

    Stable Update 1.09

    What exactly are the lifetime values for items like bags now? I left one out to test it and it hadn't despawned after 24 hours, but It would be good to know how long exactly they'll remain. Strikes me as a fantastic temporary storage solution while getting a base together, but if I can't log for a couple days and haven't built a flag pole, It would be good to know you're not going to lose your stash.
  23. BrotherPlum

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    I haven't noticed this before on previous versions, but on a whim I built a base in the red brick factory at Kamensk Military. While players remain warm and dry inside, the rain texture clips through the roof of the shed attached to the right side of the building. It's not a gamebreaking balance issue, but if you leave a barrel open inside there you have constant fresh water, as the barrel fills up even though it's indoors.