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Posts posted by Riddick_2K

  1. 13 ore fa, Infernales ha detto:

    If age is irrelevant, then why aren't you running Windows 3.11 in 2023 on your PC?

    What a stupid... and ignorant joke. Have you ever heard of DOS, kernel, etc... Win 3.11 was not real S.O. Windows, but just a DOS GUI. I used it with DOS6. And if you really want to say it, DOS 3 worked the same, for the programs I needed that time. This is the point!
    The S.O. they are just the "table" where you work, but what is needed for the work are the tools... they do the work... and as long as the tools work, any table is fine (if done well, obviously).
    Same goes for DayZ.
    What you need is working DayZ, NOT the O.S. where it turns or, much less, STEAM (which as far as I'm concerned could fail).
    Valid speech for everything.
    The update of the S.O. it has always been a fundamentally useless thing. The only real "progress" was made with Windows 2000 (compared to its predecessors), everything else (except for some things that could have been added with a patch, if it weren't for the fact that they always have to SELL something new), I haven't seen nothing sensational... but I lost a lot of excellently functioning software just because it was no longer supported by the new OS. I have an installation of WXP only to be able to use a series of Audio/Video software that does not work on W7 and that I cannot find alternatives, some of which no longer exist... but ALL of which work perfectly on WXP.
    What matters most for those who "use" the PC and not just "waste time"?
    The "new operating system" or the software you use that works well and does what you need?
    Think about it carefully and give yourself an answer.
    "News" are NOT "always good" just because they are new...

  2. 16 hours ago, Scoo1 said:

    Devs decided to drop Windows 7 support without giving us a warning bevor - not very nice, but that's how it is.

    Just bad luck. No change here.

    They could have at least waited until patch1.24, Steam support for Windows 7 ends at the end of the year.

    Who cares about all this unsolicited "news"!!
    I had blocked STEAM updates. I had to go through a few steps just to get DayZ to work, but I definitely would have done everything to stay with Windows 7. It works great, no updates needed, like W2K, I've used it for years without any updates and it's always worked perfectly... Who claims that "it's a PC at risk", which means that he doesn't understand a thing about IT. Long discussion that I don't intend to give here and now.
    And the B.I. it shouldn't help big companies to sell their new products, because this is the result... only forced and USELESS consumerism!
    The PC is NOT a "toy"... it's a "tool", and as long as it works well, there is the rule: "the winning team DOES NOT change"!
    Thanks B.I. always excellent products!!! (I hope the irony was understood!)

  3. 18 hours ago, Kyiara said:

    This is true, we will update the minimum criteria, thank you.


    WHAT ???
    Windows 7 is no longer supported???
    Why ???
    Should I change the operating system just for DayZ???
    It's a joke ?!?

    😡  😡  😡  😡  😡  😡

    • Haha 1

  4. 21 hours ago, torchbear said:

    Oh I didn't realise you weren't wiping characters. DayZ xbox is no fun when everyone is completely stacked with gear from the last update.

    No rush to see if you can get to the airfield and best loot first. So so disappointing. 

    You know that this game is a "survival" game and NOT a "War" game ?!?

  5. This can be read online on the B.I. servers.

    "The official servers will go offline for a game update on Nov. 7th. PC update starting at 13:00 CET Console update starting at 14:00 CET.

    Both maps on official servers will be wiped with the update 1.23 release on Nov 7th."

    The explanation of what the CET time is can be found online.

    Good luck to all.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  6. 2 hours ago, Drift13b88 said:

    DayZ is a community a big family a niche game, in a sense devs are part of that family too "imo" and a small team at that, if only talk crap to people and devs your feedback will never gain traction, constructive criticism is one thing, toxic rants nobody will care food for thought.

    Nice rhetoric, a little "emotional", but classic.
    I don't write in this forum to get feedback from developers (they never do, if you're that "experienced" you should know). I am writing to have a discussion with the other users of this forum, to get information and news on what is happening around DayZ and, in part, to "verify the mass" of players who at least bother to sign up to this forum.
    However, from the consideration you have of my interventions (bullshit and toxic), it doesn't seem to me that you are very inclined to quibble about other people's ideas. You insult me, you go around my statements, but you don't contest them in substance... perhaps because they are so obvious and obvious that they are "indisputable"?!?
    And do you really believe that I write in this forum hoping that my "feedback" will be successful? On how to manage DayZ? I really DON'T think about it, I followed the real B.I. feedback site for a while and I know very well how it works. In fact, I don't even write anything there, unless it's a really serious problem and no one has noticed it yet. I have already understood the trend of DayZ for a long time and I know very well that it will never change. Definitely not for my feedback, "kind" or "toxic" (as you define them). I just hope that this forum never becomes like a branch of the old "soviet union" and they start deleting and banning all "unwelcome or inconvenient" contributions.

  7. 3 hours ago, Drift13b88 said:

    I feel you intentionally write so much bs for anyone that chooses to reply has to unpack so much, but at the end of the day your ideas and interpretations are no better or wrong then anyone else's...


    Maybe it's just a skill issue problem "joking"


    What I wrote was only as a response to what I read and many things would also have to be listed, but I already write a lot, I don't want to write novels.
    In any case, you don't even make a "mega base" (the kind you sometimes see on YT) in a group, but only with the possibility of generating the objects yourself. And I know what I'm talking about, I've played both Vanilla and modded games and I remember that I already mentioned that I've been managing a modded server for a year, I know well how the administration tools work... roughly what you get in " Vanilla" with good makeup.
    For the rest, unfortunately I don't know English well and I have to use Google, I didn't understand everything you wrote.
    In your opinion, in order not to have a "mind set in stone", every person should always agree with others... with the masses? This is not a symptom of "intelligence", but of "opportunism".
    And finally... you basically claim that the developers don't read the forum because I don't follow the opinions of the masses and contest them?!?
    I really hope it's just a translation problem with Google... 😮

    • Confused 1

  8. 2 hours ago, Drift13b88 said:

    Official servers wipe roughly every 4-6 months mostly depending on major CLE changes or Map Changes.

    Imo which is long enough for the long game feel and for people to experience beginning of apocalypse.

    I can't imagine a vanilla server never wiping would be a lag fest of mega bases or abandoned bases everywhere till they decay with also being a troll fest of people literally blocking off access to many vital areas lol 😆

    I believe the devs wipe cycle of roughly 4-6 months is a good balance to please the masses.

    4/6 months is NOTHING in this game. In this time you can barely get yourself decent equipment, without anything so advanced*, you certainly won't have any base, or even all the equipment to start one... the first... which you will definitely be raided and, if you manage to recover something, you will have to move, hoping to find a "quiet" area... already with this another 2/3 months have passed... unless you are a nerd, without family, without work, without friends, without a social life and you play for 10/12 hours every day... then yes, you can do it in a few weeks.
    And the "megabase festival" is only in your imagination, or in YT videos, of those servers where cheaters play. ONLY cheaters can build "mega bases" in a few months. But this is NOT a "DayZ story chronology problem" (the WIPE is NOT needed! A cheater, a few days after a Wipe, already has his "Mega Base" ready, with everything inside.) but a "management problem of video games" (ALL video games have this problem... the difference lies only between those who fight them seriously, modifying the game to allow everyone to recognize them and report them, and ESPECIALLY following the complaints personally, carrying out investigations and definitively banning all scammers found.... and those who "care" only respond with "ready-made sentences" and delegate the problem to another company which generally doesn't do anything good [I've seen some] but allows them to not care and say that " you have to contact XYZ, they are the ones who deal with the cheaters, we can't do anything.")
    And anyway, in a "pandemic survival" game, finding abandoned bases is also part of the game, and its story... You can always get other boards, poles and nails to build your own somewhere else.
    But from the way you write, you are surely also one of those who DOES NOT play "DayZ: surviving the pandemic" (what it is advertised and sold for), but perhaps "DayZ: I arm myself and wander around to kill anyone".. This is what a lot of people do, but it's not the real DayZ.
    And I see, from your comments, that you know little about the game and how it actually works.

    A Wipe every 4/6 months can only satisfy those who are not interested in DayZ (casual players) or those who DO NOT play DayZ (all those who are not interested in "surviving", but only arming themselves and looking for a clash between players)... because Don't migrate to ArmA, Battlefield or CoD? Those are your real games!

    Machine gun suppressors are very rare and are only in perpetually gassed areas. Just to find all the anti-gas equipment, bring it to an area adjacent to the gassed one, organize the deposits for changing clothes and equipment (you know how it works right? have you already done it at least once?) It takes a mountain of hours, which if you only play in WE, it will take more than a month. And after all this, maybe you don't even find a suppressor... and you have to try again... if they haven't already killed you on the street.

    In this forum, they are all "phenomenons & experts"... in words... it's a shame, however, that the reality of the game is very different... things are not so simple and immediate... you need many hours of play and knowledge of the same... risking being killed at every corner and every tree and having to start over... if you don't end up in the very populated servers with the cheater on duty who kills you and robs you even without seeing you.

  9. 6 hours ago, lakevu said:


    but i believe vanilla servers are very longterm servers. i think they only get wiped every update. for stability reasons or such or incongruencies with the previous patch necessitating a full wipe. 



    No ! Read carefully everything I wrote, Wipe is NOT needed for stability!
    I've had a vanilla server since the beginning of 2020, I've started to get to know it and modify the configuration files. At the beginning I played it a lot, I have a base that has grown over time, and also modified (I have the game structures inserted via code in the "init.c" file).
    I started this server from 1.06 and I updated ALL the patches, 1x1, every time WITHOUT ANY WIPE!
    Everything works like a normal DayZ, with its specific defects that every public DayZ has... Nothing more, nothing less...
    Now I'm behind on the last 2 patches, because since last summer I dedicated myself to another modded server and I have some health problems which obviously have priority... but if you want, we can organize ourselves, I update the last 2 patches and I'll let you try it. So you can see for yourself that I'm not telling lies but it's the reality of the facts.

    You don't really play DayZ, or you've played very little.
    You can't see the start of the pandemic if the server resets... it's bullshit.
    In DayZ you will never have a real beginning, because the game DOES NOT have its own logical temporal thread... it seems like a jumble of new things, old things and rusty things ALL together. It makes no chronological sense. It's one of the main "structural" defects of the game decided on the table (out of indifference, I say).
    The spawning of the objects has NOTHING to do with a possible "start of the story". Those who claim this have understood nothing about the game... of DayZ as "pandemic survival", obviously.
    If you consider DayZ as an "exotic variant of ArmA" it's another matter... but it's really another game.
    Furthermore, even if we only want to consider the spawning of objects (the one that everyone talks about and complains about), then... for those who play a lot they should have already understood/seen it for a long time... ALMOST EVERYTHING spawns cyclically anyway... YOU DO NOT need a Wipe to "put things in place"... Even motor vehicles (which always work like shit anyway; THIS would have always been a real problem!) are still in "circulation"... every now and then you still find some, because they break and are reborn.
    And in any case, you CANNOT maintain a game "always and only at the start"!!! What a shitty game that would be!!!
    Unfortunately I've started so many times now... there is NOTHING different about the game other than finding more cars and more barrels/trunks. EVERYTHING else has the same spawn as always... it's just you who has to restart as if you were dead even if you're not. It's a rip-off, it's NOT a "real start of the pandemic"... DayZ does NOT foresee a real start of the pandemic, it's not structured for that. You always find all the things, well mixed between new, old and ancient (rusts)... There is NEVER a real "start of the pandemic"... It is NOT possible in DayZ... You simply get killed and robbed of everything from the company that manages it... as if they were bad cheaters... there is NOTHING else.
    And if you've never seen it, I can assure you that even the beginning of the game (NOT the pandemic), where you find more cars, is just a hoarding race... which lasts a maximum of 1/2 weeks... then everything has already been found and hidden.
    Really a great start.

    If you mean the "end of the game" as having the basic equipment... maybe yes, in a week or two, if you play all the time, you can have it, but this is NOT "the end of the game", but just the "beginning of the game", which is potentially endless... until I die IN THE GAME, not by decision of the managers!

    Here's the thing: you DO NOT play "DayZ: Pandemic Survival", you play some other kind of game, based on DayZ, but which is not the "real DayZ" (as it was advertised and sold). .. I don't know what you do exactly (are you looking for more wretches to kill?!?), but you're definitely not looking for "pandemic survival".
    You as many others, from what I read.

  10. On 9/21/2023 at 6:08 AM, lakevu said:


    I won't add anything else, because I have nothing else to add beyond what I have already written, and it makes no sense to repeat the same concepts endlessly.
    We have different ideas about what exactly survival is and, consequently, what a "pandemic survival" game should be.
    The objective fact remains (and this is NOT a question of "opinions") that this game is described and sold as... "Fight for resources and survive as long as possible."... and every WIPE is precisely the denial and the arbitrary break of the game itself.
    It should NEVER be done...

    Or describe and sell the game, NOT as it is now, but as something that refers to "temporary arena of desperadoes", or "Timed Death Mach", or "try to survive until the company lets you ends the game." For how it is described and sold now and for how it is managed... and not only for this important aspect... it sounds more like a "rip off" to me than anything else (they describe one thing but sell another !).
    What saddens me the most is seeing that very few people understand it... but luckily it's "just a video game". There are other, much more important things in real life that are ignored and very few people care about them.
    Too bad there are no decent alternatives... at the moment...




    There is no way that in a few days you can "have everything"... NO ONE can have everything in a few days... only a cheater, with a good trick, can, in a "few minutes", generate everything he wants. Not an honest player, not even if he is an expert with 10,000 hours of play... NOT in this game. Whoever declares this is a "ball teller".

    😂  😂  😂  🙄

    • Thanks 1

  11. I have now seen that many official servers (normal and HC) are offline on Battlemetrics.
    Now I am unable to access my gaming PC to check if the servers are offline or if there is some type of connection missing with the Battlemetrics service.
    Do they all work properly for you?
    Does anyone use Battlemetrics too?
    Do they work for him?

  12. I'll answer in points.

    Premise that I am talking about the official servers only. The modded ones are a "world apart", completely different and modifiable as desired by those who manage them.
    This is the official forum, when we talk about DayZ and DayZ Servers... unless specifically specified... we mean the Official DayZ Servers B.I.

    What to do when you have everything:

    But when will you ever have it all?!? I don't think there is a player who "has it all" in DayZ! Not with these "frequent wipes"!
    And anyway... (I quote my post on SteamCommunity with the nik I use now "Old_Wild_Lynx")

    "Survive" which is the "basic purpose" of the game!
    You hunt, fish, explore new or off-the-beaten-path places, upgrade your equipment, build a base (if you don't already have one), upgrade/expand the base (if you already have one), look for a vehicle (if you don't have one), look for a better vehicle (if you already have one), go hunting for bears (it's dangerous), build yourself an "outpost" opposite the map where you built your Main Base... with all this you have already taken over a year of play, except if you are unemployed and have no family, friends or RL interests... then you may really take less time to do everything.
    If this does NOT interest you... what the hell did you buy DayZ?!?
    Do you just like killing other people?
    Buy one of the many War FPS and play with them, they will surely be more suitable for your enjoyment!
    And more generally:
    What's the point of taking a War FPS game (ArmA2), creating a mod to survive the pandemic (the ArmA2 MOD), then making it all a standalone game (DayZ) to complain and want a War FPS to return ?!?
    Stay in ArmA2! Or if you want an upgrade use ArmA3!
    DayZ is NOT ArmA2/3 anymore!
    GET OVER IT ! (This should be remembered especially to the programmers, for how DayZ is "derailing" patch after patch... 🙄)
    You like to survive (hunting, fishing, loot, bases, exploration, etc) well: play DayZ!
    Do you like to exterminate each other? well: play Battlefield, CoD, Arma2/3 etc!
    It seems to me such an obvious and banal concept that I remember Mr. Lapalisse


    The game is not structured for "long distance":
    Well, yes... it's true... but NOT because there is no AI with bandits or other amenities of the kind, but because it is a "Frankenstein" game, where the programmers themselves don't know/want to give it its own character..." of survival"... to the game. It is much easier and more profitable to add weapons (imported from ArmA) and "satisfy" the "occasional" players who pay for the game anyway, and if they then leave, so much the better... fewer players who complain about the defects of the game game.
    Furthermore, even reading this forum (and Steam... Community and various groups), the majority of players are only looking for "clash between players", they don't give a damn about "survival". I even read about some servers where they disabled the infected "because it disturbed the battles".
    As a "survival player" these things disgust me. If I have to think as a "B.I. shareholder", obviously, any "change/addition" to the game that could increase sales would be a good thing... even at the cost of making it become something else.
    I, of course, am a "survival gamer" and will always argue with this goal: DayZ is a game of "long survival" in a world ravaged by a pandemic, NOT anything else! Even by the very description of whoever wrote it, manages it and sells it!
    For all those who... are either bored... or are just looking for other wretches to kill (even cowardly, in this game... where no one is ever truly equal): Change the game! CoD is more suitable (if you are looking for a simple and dynamic clash), Battlefield (if you are looking for a dynamic but slightly more complex clash) or ArmA (if you are looking for a complex clash).

    The spawn "problem":
    This has been a problem forever... However the game DOES NOT always follow what is written in its own configuration files. Try setting up your own server and managing/modifying it for a certain amount of time:
    *) You will also see uncategorized spawns in places where they shouldn't be. In public servers it is reasonable to think that it was abandoned by someone... when the server is yours and you know very well that no one was inside it, you have the "certainty" that it is a defect in the game and NOT human intervention.
    *) Have you ever seen the same objects repeated many times all close together... Or look for something and always find something else? Here's another flaw in the game. This would be a long discussion, there's already a thread on this (I'll add the link as soon as I find it). Just know that, however, even adding a digit to the "<restock>XXXXX</restock>" parameter, unfortunately, nothing changes.
    And in any case, in any case, the "types.xml" file, the main "culprit" of the loot wpasn, is poorly managed... changed too often... and done without realistic and rational logic... like everything DayZ , after all. But this must be considered "a flaw" (which should be fixed), NOT a feature of the game (and the substance of the game should be changed).

    For those who have the "too many SVD, AUG and LAR problem"...
    First of all, I don't think you have that many... except that if you're a nerd with no social life and spend your days inside a DayZ server.
    And even if you find some... THROW THEM AWAY, like I do when I find them. They are fundamentally useless weapons. They are NOT useful for survival but only for clashes between players... in fact USELESS in DayZ. It's not Cod or ArmA!
    I have already written extensively what the "thought of a DayZ player" should be (the REAL DayZ, that of surviving the pandemic, NOT that of the clash between players... DayZ, NOT CoD/ArmA!)
    Same goes for NVGs. On a "normal" server they are practically useless. They are only useful in "HC" servers (which at night is always pitch black... more DayZ bullshit). But the "real problem" shouldn't be "there are too many profiteers"... who cares!... The important thing is that everyone has one and we get on an equal footing. But this is because the game is poorly managed... poorly set up... and, I fear, difficult to fix properly even with this engine (from what I read around).

    For those who "have fun" only with "the beginning":
    I don't know ?!? I think only a newbie will have fun with this. 😮
    I don't know how much you played. I have been playing for relatively few years (2020), but for various reasons (including the pandemic, but not only) I have accumulated 2500 hours on my first account and 2100 on the second. I have had a Vanilla server since 2020 and I started (it was also online for a short while, as soon as I have time I look for a valid alternative to Nitrado which sucks as a service) to manage a modded in spring 2022. But at the beginning, and for more than one year, I only played on "Public Officials"... at the beginning without knowing the game... then, over time, with ever greater awareness.
    At the beginning I almost always died, without knowing where to go and using full servers (cheaters, then... a plague...). Then, having met Izurvive, I did a bit of practice and "local mind" and I reduced the deaths by a lot... Only now, that I know the game quite well, am I able to survive without dying from Wipe to Wipe... And the My "goal" (as advertised in the game description) is "the most days I survived" (game days, of course).
    Right now, starting everything again, for me, is a pain in the ass... a deadly bore... an annoying and bothersome routine.
    Do you think that, even just to test a mod or a server setting... where I would have to kill myself and start fresh... it breaks my balls and I put it off as long as possible.
    I think that in any game, where you have a "slow" progression curve (VERY slow in DayZ), it's normal to have to start all over again many times... and it's also normal to get bored of doing it every time.
    For some games, you can save the level, otherwise almost no one would play it, after several restarts from scratch...
    DayZ is obviously different... The "restart" is NOT a "real restart", but a "new beginning"... it's another matter... it's obvious that it must be done, but only if you die in the game, NOT for "spring/autumn cleaning"!!! This is killing the substance of the game!!!
    And to all those who "only" have fun at a restart I can only say:
    *) Or are you new... you'll see that over time you'll get bored of this and you'll want something more than leaving the coast to look for another pair of trousers, another jacket and a better backpack and always a lot, a lot... excessively much food 😞
    *) Or do you have a "distorted" vision of the game... I don't want to repeat the old story "survival is NOT CoD/ArmA" it's DayZ IT'S "survival" by the very description of the game.
    And, in any case... if you really get bored when you are well equipped and enjoy the journey back from the coast...


    >>> It is expected by the game, there is the option in the menu

    Why do you pretend to impose your choices on ALL the other players too?

    Who the fuck are you? The "masters of the game"? Those who say: "either you all play the way I like it or I'll go away with the ball"?!?

    Ok, that's enough...
    Try to think about what I wrote a bit... if you can and if you feel like it.
    I don't know if I will reply again, I really risk becoming vulgar and this is not my intention... 😕

  13. Hi everyone.
    I've been using the DCOM (DayZ Community Offline Mode) mod for a few years, for various reasons, now, with patch 1.22 it no longer works for me. I checked for updates and downloaded 4.1 (I used 3.8 before), but it still doesn't work.
    I replaced the mission folders and start from the usual "DayZCommunityOfflineMode.bat" file. The game appears to load, but then freezes and hangs with one of the game's hint windows.
    That's why I was looking for Arkensor's Discord contact.

    Thanks for any suggestions (contact Arkensor and how to get the DCOM working).


    Sorry Mods if this isn't the right section. In case you can move it where it is more suitable. Thanks for understanding.

  14. 32 minutes ago, lakevu said:

    i see what you are saying


    doesnt vanilla follow a much longer wipe schedule? like every 3 months or something? or every update? i do believe it is very long term.


    but when it comes to private servers i would say its up to the discretion of the owners and how long they want to go. nevermind what type of stress that causes the server having that many things for that long...

    We just miss it is there was a Wipe for every patch! Even just one a year would be too much. Didn't you read carefully what I wrote?
    Try to carefully read the description of the game given by its programmers and sellers.
    Try your own server: it is NOT the amount of loot accumulated that "generates stress", in fact everything that generates processor (CPU) activity which this game, despite the settings, is not able to use (by now old) "multi core" CPUs. Set up your own server on your own hardware (or rent one from a serious provider... NOT "Nitrado" !) and see how much CPU you use but, above all, how many CORE the server uses.
    Try it, you will be amazed.
    Even if it's true that I've read about someone who thought it worked... On the other hand, I've read about many who complain.
    Most likely one of DayZ's many flaws... it works for some, for others it doesn't.
    In any case, even with just one core...
    Open a vanilla server and see how many FPS you get... then fill it with bases, tents, barrels full of loot, and see how much the server's FPS drops.
    Then try increasing the infected and animals and see the same thing.
    Try to join your friends and check again, at each login, the drop in FPS of the server.
    With AI (infected and animals), if you overdo it, you can crash the server.
    With players, if you don't have a powerful CPU, you can put it in crisis (maybe even crash, I don't have that many friends... 😁)
    With the bases and the loot, very little changes.
    DON'T take my word for it! DON'T take ANYONE's word for it! Try it for yourself!



  15. 7 hours ago, Misnomera said:

    wipes are a necessary part of the game for many reasons and it would become very stale without them. They indeed are particularly troubling for builders since all of their hard work building and resource gathering is put to waste, but ultimately building is a waste of time either way. Many months without a wipe allows the player to resource gather and survive long enough to have a good experience, id agree with you if the wipes were every month or two, but that's not the case here 

    But where did you read this bullshit?
    You've never had your own server, have you? You've never managed and edited XML files on a server, have you?
    Read carefully everything I wrote in this thread:
    forums. dayz . com /topic/254783-121-server-wipe-announcement/

    And anyway, even if it were true that DayZ "needs Wipes to work"... AND IT'S NOT TRUE!!! It would be like a game of "Rallyes" where you can't run more than 100km/h and before reaching the finish line the game would be deleted. It would be an unplayable game.
    And if you don't understand this, it just means that you don't play the "Real DayZ", but like many others, you enter, try to equip yourself and go kill other people or be killed... in an infinite loop that has nothing to do with with the essence of DayZ. Go play CoD, or Battlefield... or ArmA if you like very complex games.
    TO ALL: Before contest inappropriately, because...
    *) Don't you read what the "purpose of DayZ" is, according to those who wrote it and those who sell it? (even if he himself manages it badly and against his own descriptions). If your "problem" is "how DayZ should be played"
    *) Open and manage a vanilla DayZ server yourself, at least for 8/10 subsequent patches and try to update your server WITHOUT doing ANY WIPE! You will see that EVERYTHING works regularly (like the "normality" of DayZ, obviously... with its "usual and inevitable" defects). If your problem is that "DayZ without Wipe doesn't work". Judge for yourself, don't believe bullshit from hearsay!!!

  16. On 9/10/2023 at 9:43 PM, lakevu said:

    one key word here is "authentic"

    this implies many things especially how the character SHOULD move and how guns SHOULD act. authentically.


    both of which are completely unauthentic and are merely arcade.


    like seriously can you tell me that having the crosshair locked to the center of the screen instead of it tracking the end of the barrel like it did before is "authentic"?

    i dont think so.


    i believe "authentic" is also used in place of realistic. a word Dean himself was said to want to achieve as a synonym to realism. and nothing about the current game, or very littel parts of it, are realistic anymore. 

    its arcade. degraded. and devolved for the sake of children

    I understand what you're saying, and I agree with it too... I too, a long time ago I complained about some of the absurdities and unrealistic choices of these programmers... from the backpacks that you have to empty to store them, the increasingly difficult fences and tents to be mounted on terrain that is not perfectly straight and paired with each other, the consumption of tools, shoes, weapons... the exaggerated and constant hunger of the doll... and many other unrealistic absurdities that now don't even come to mind... .
    But the point I wanted to make is an "order of priority" on "severity and impact of the flaw on the game".
    I'll try to explain better with an example:
    A) A heavy piece of furniture falls on your foot and you are left lame. Ugly and very annoying.
    B) A branch enters your eye and you lose half your sight. Much more serious and annoying.
    C) You get hit by a landslide and die. This is more serious than anything, because you are dead.
    I don't want to quibble about what bothers you (rightly) and what I have listed regarding the absurdities and unrealisms of the game... what is "A" and what is "B"... but "Wipe" is certainly condition "C" = EVERYTHING DELETED!
    No ?!?
    Nobody gets there?!?


  17. On 9/10/2023 at 9:30 PM, Jevez said:

    I understand that wipes can be frustrating if you're someone who does base building etc, but I have to disagree that it's more important than the games core mechanics.

    A wipe happens 1-2 times per year, these other mechanics you encounter every time you play the game.

    NO !
    Wipes are not "frustrating for base builders." This statement means that you understand little about DayZ and the "substance" of him.
    Read carefully what the story of DayZ is, the purpose of DayZ, the "logical thread" on which it was written... the "sense of the game" for which it is advertised and sold:

    By W W W . bohemia . net/games/dayz
    "The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what's left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?
    DayZ is an unforgiving, authentic, open world sandbox online game where each one of 60 players on a server follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary.

    "Wipes" are the interruption of the game, the cancellation of the possible victory, the annihilation of the purpose of the game, they are worse than the cheater who kills everyone in the server (because they also delete your hidden deposits), it would be like a cheater who would kill everyone and would wipe out all the deposits and annihilate all the bases. It's the same principle, as far as the purpose of the game itself.
    I, personally, don't give much weight to bases anymore, they are always very difficult to hide, but it's fun to do them and see if you were smarter or more careful than others by seeing how long they last without raids. But what matters, given how poor the protection of the bases as they are written now (they seem to be made of butter), are the hidden deposits... the ones where you accumulate tools, medicines and food that allows you to continue to survive better and better and always safer... and every day you add to your survival, it's one step closer to victory... which is not a "set point", but the "increasing number" of days that you are still alive and have survived!
    "follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary."
    This is DayZ!
    This is what DayZ is all about!
    This is the point of the game as DayZ is advertised and sold!
    The Wipes KILL this!
    Those who don't understand it, evidently, have NOT understood the very essence of DayZ!
    And there isn't much to discuss or quibble about... It's NOT a "matter of opinions" or "points of view"! Just read the text describing the game "DayZ"!
    That is !
    "follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary."
    Go read it, if you haven't understood it yet!


    🙄  😠

  18. Sorry but...
    Talk a lot about what DayZ "should be" and discuss game mechanics and added and missing items...
    I remind you that this is the official definition of DayZ (taken from the official 3xW . bohemia . net/games/dayz website):
    "The post-Soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what's left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how will you go to survive?
    DayZ is an unforgiving, authentic, open world sandbox online game where each one of 60 players on a server follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary."
    Therefore this is also the "official lore" of the game: Fight for resources and survive as long as possible.
    And yet... despite the purpose of the game, this company carries out "Wipes" as if they were a spring or autumn cleaning.
    If this isn't "breaking the game", ruining the real purpose of the game, destroying the lore of the game.
    Read my full post in this thread, without me repeating everything again:
    forums . dayz . com /topic/254783-121-server-wipe-announcement/?tab=comments#comment-2485369

    What do you expect from a company like this ?!?

    What you are discussing... may be right... but it always remains discussions of "goat's wool", or of the "sex of angels" if you put into play the concept of: "what DayZ should really be"
    This company cyclically destroys what DayZ "should really be" with Wipes!
    That's the main damage... that's "the Demon" of DayZ...
    Everything else, even if substantially correct, is just trifles...

    😠  😦  🤢

    • Like 1

  19. 6 hours ago, lakevu said:

    if this is true. which i dont know if it is. [cut]

    Well, a few posts above I also put the link, and you replied that you read... it's all there.
    Maybe you didn't read it right.
    I put the link of my last ticket on that problem: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173493
    But if you read my last note well, you will see that it refers to the same problem that I had already reported, in fact, in April 2022 and I was answered in September 2022 which will be fixed in one of the next patch:
    And in any case, try scrolling through all the tickets... and see how many there is at least one answer.
    And since the tickets are reports of game defects... and this should mainly be the work of the programmers, not the players... see how many times whoever reported a defect was at least thanked for the effort and time wasted reporting.
    Here the "customer who pays / company that produces" relationship is being reversed... it almost seems that they are doing us a favor... in a little while we will also have to pay "us" to be able to report a defect to "them" of the game.
    And all those who come to this forum (and also to all the other "social networks") to praise these programmers just for some new mask or handbag, only make this way of doing worse.
    Has anyone noticed yet that it's an old game and still full of defects of all kinds? And that the main defects are not able to repair? And which are often not even "defects" but "desired characteristics"?!?
    Is there still someone who has NOT figured this out?!?
    And, while we're at it, with this new patch 1.22 my launcher doesn't work anymore !!!
    I opened a ticket, we'll see.


  20. The launcher no longer works for me. Just after startup, a Windows window appears warning you:
    "DayZ Launcher has stopped working. A problem has occurred that prevents the program from working properly. Please close the program." with the close button.
    I've checked all the game files from Steam a few times, but I always get the same error.
    Great gift...
    This is also why I'm always terrified when I hear about a new patch...


  21. On 8/28/2023 at 1:29 AM, lakevu said:

    i click on this and read through it. it seems like they said it was being fixed in future update. which doesnt seem unreasonable to me

    Yes, they said it would be fixed in one of the next updates, but this was in September of 2022. How many updates are needed just to enlarge a window? After almost a year I re-proposed the same problem and they didn't even reply.


  22. On 8/26/2023 at 12:46 AM, lakevu said:


    however i did see that they answered my bug tracker input pretty fast.


    Well, you're in luck... they don't always respond. Try following the feedback site for a while, as you can only read the first page and not all the others (perhaps they have something to hide? ) and you will see that they don't always respond
    And, sometimes, they respond but they DO NOT do what they say.
    Watch this:

