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Everything posted by Riddick_2K

  1. Riddick_2K

    1.25 Server Wipe announcement

    No. Everything on the map (bases, hidden and buried deposits, cars, etc...) will be deleted. Everything you have on you, including in your hands (clothes, shoes, accessories, weapons, everything...) should be found when you return after spawning... which should take place exactly where you left before the Wipe. If something doesn't work, it will be due to one of the many bugs in the game and not by the programmers' will. I don't know what philosophy you play with, but you can pretend that in your absence you were robbed and your base was destroyed... better than nothing. I recommend a prior selection of rare and essential things to keep with you and not "waste" space on common things that you can easily find around. It would be great to hold on hand an Alice backpack or a sailor's chest. The barrels, if you want to keep one, you have to keep them empty... I don't know if it's worth it. This is the maximum allowed on the official servers, and it is already "progress"... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Riddick_2K

    1.25 Server Wipe announcement

    In theory no... but DayZ is always DayZ... we'll see what happens only when we try it... ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿคจ
  3. Riddick_2K

    New map idea

    Why not ? Not everyone likes the cold and snow, maybe they prefer heat and sand... ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Riddick_2K

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    I'm not saying you're wrong... I'm just saying that in DayZ, if you consider a "verisimilitude of the context" the problems are very different and macroscopic. The "scarce" inertia of the largest weapons is very little compared to the ENORMOUS consumption of shoes, tools, food, etc etc... You are complaining about a "finger in the eye" (which really hurts), when you are without an arm, with a sprained ankle and two broken ribs. I would worry about taking care of the rest first ๐Ÿ˜‰ My 5 cents... obviously ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Riddick_2K


    Did I write something wrong, maybe? If so, please correct me by explaining my mistake. If not, what did you want me to do? That I would leave the "inexperienced" player at the mercy of his mistaken beliefs? Isn't it right to "correct and inform" (= evolve) new players? For the rest... I did NOT write that "the tricks don't exist"... unfortunately I saw them too... I just wrote that "in this case" I didn't see them and I gave the rational explanation of how it could have happened. An old adage goes: "Let's give to Caesar what is Caesar's" (and I agree with it) ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. Riddick_2K

    Reporting a bug

    For any type of report you must always write here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ Best wishes ๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. Riddick_2K

    Has anyone reached the edge of the world yet?

    From what I tried (but it was a few patches ago, something might have changed). *) Beyond the map, where there is terrain, you find the "map base" (hills and valleys without any added trees, bushes or grass) almost endlessly. IF you try with an administration tool and try to fly, you can increase the speed of the flight and fly (perhaps) infinitely and always find the same situation below you: hills and valleys with nothing else. I've never understood if it's a "closed loop" or what, but I imagine so, otherwise how much should an infinite map weigh and for nothing (because it's basically unusable). *) If you go beyond the map towards the sea... you will not find the "end of map", but only an infinite sea. The few times I tried, from a bird's eye view and with the speed greatly increased... same situation as on the ground: below me the same thing "seems" to infinity. I think a "loop" not a real map. *) If you go beyond the map on foot, where there is terrain, you can go wherever you want, you don't die "on time" but only from hunger or thirst. *) Same thing towards the sea if you try swimming. You can swim endlessly until you die of hunger, thirst, or cold (in the case of the sea). However you DON'T drown. Now that the "management of cold at sea" has changed, I believe that there are no clothes even to try the "Debug Island". Too bad, it was an adventure worth trying. This sea modification was NOT a good one, even if we were at the North/South Pole. They could at least exclude firefighter clothes from this. *) If you try a vehicle off-map, as soon as you put the wheels on it, they explode. You can get out and leave, but you don't move the vehicle. Now I don't know, now it can be moved, it seems to me... However the vehicle should remain functional. *) Indeed bears (and I think every other AI) stop at the border line between the constructed map and the "off-map". It can be convenient to go north, from the western side of the map, avoiding the bears if you don't have enough weapons to face them, or you don't want to "make a mess". I recommend walking on the tree line anyway and considering "off the map" only as an eventuality for an encounter with a bear... because you could encounter a human and, if you walk in the "bare" part of the map, you would be a target from far, far away. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don't remember anything else at the moment... but I renew the suggestion to try for yourself with Arkensor's mod "DayZ Community Offline Mode". It's a mod that all players, especially new ones (and those who don't have a personal server), should try at least once... the ability to try and test a bit of everything is a huge help in understanding the game, the its dynamics and the map in general. Try it, you won't regret it... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Riddick_2K

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    Balancing what? It's not a war FPS... or at least it "shouldn't" be. And even if it were, what does the inertia of a weapon per lap have to do with "balancing"? Balancing compared to what else?!? The concept of "weapon balance" (and accessories) makes sense to me only in small FPS arenas... disconnected from any specific context and built only to exterminate each other for "sport" or "competition". DayZ is NOT (or should not be) a "small competitive FPS arena", but a large, complex environment that "should" simulate a pandemic survival situation. Already like this what it is like, for me, it's too "arcade"... let's leave aside the "CoD" talk, and try to make DayZ more "plausible" (why talk about realism, with a game based on a disease that doesn't exist, is a bit "strange") possible to a situation like the one he is "trying" to simulate. The problems in becoming one are much more "macroscopic" than a bit of inertia in the guns per lap... ๐Ÿคจ
  9. Riddick_2K

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    Have you noticed that the consumption of weapons, tools, shoes is simply "absurd" (not slightly out of the norm). Have you noticed that the doll eats like a pack of wolves but never becomes obese? Plants that grow, flower, fruit, wither and rot in a few hours?!? To mention the most glaring absurdities, but also other things "completely out of reality" impact the realism of the game much more than a bit of inertia in moving a weapon. The setting up of tents, fences, the general management of vehicles (as well as their behavior), the cold (very different clothes = minimal difference), the damp (waterproof clothes should remain dry... only matches suffer the humidity), etc... And do you mind the "poor inertia" of movement of the weapons?!? Did you notice everything else?!? No bother at all?!? I do not understand... ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜ž
  10. Riddick_2K

    Has anyone reached the edge of the world yet?

    Try with this: https://github.com/Arkensor/DayZCommunityOfflineMode Best wishes ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. Absolutely not ! Sometimes the Zs spawn inside buildings, sometimes on top of roofs and sometimes I've even seen them inside walls... both in areas completely inaccessible to players and (it happened to me once) half-length on the floor (in a Police Station). These are all flaws in the game, any nearby players have nothing to do with it. Then it may happen that someone manages to lock a Z inside a building... more easily sheds or garages... but also in some buildings... however it is not an absolute rule, it could also be a random spawn of the game. P.S. I've seen them often on my personal server where I mostly play alone. And while I'm at it, it also happens to find spawns of civilian objects inside military dormitories. They are NOT always players who have made a change, sometimes (rarely) it is the game itself that generates those objects "by mistake". And I'm very sure of this, because I found things like this in my personal vanilla server after starting it and without anyone else setting foot on it. And I didn't change the "<usage name="Xyz"/> of the "types.xml" file. It's well known that the item spawn system isn't exactly... "perfect"... ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
  12. I had a blast unlocking Battlefield 1's "PeaceKeeper". This is a video that explains what you need to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_TUMddOdLQ Battlefield Hardline also has several unlocks (or rewards) where you have to solve puzzles to get them. Generally the rewards aren't that great, but it's a lot of fun solving the puzzles... a game within a game. I just hope that if DayZ implements something like this, it's done in a way that I can fix it on my own since I don't have any friends/playmates in DayZ But it is also true that when more people are needed to solve a puzzle, there are also players willing to help who you don't know and in other countries... not everyone tries to cheat you (many do, however... :-P)
  13. I see it's not a public server. Maybe it has a place reserved for VIP customers and/or administrators, many servers do this. The count would be correct: there are 49 players inside, 1 place is reserved and 12 others are queuing to enter as soon as a place becomes available. I believe that the administrator, precisely because of the service he should offer (helping players in difficulty, NOT playing first because the server "belongs to him"!) has the full right to always have a reserved place. My 5 cents ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Riddick_2K

    Contact email for Bohemia

    Try here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ Best wishes ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Riddick_2K


    From the video on YT you can't understand much... the shots could have come from someone well hidden in the bushes and the grenade (it's not clear where it exploded, but from the noise it seems far away, though) too. Maybe when you arrived (already close to the lighthouse) you disturbed someone who was tinkering with the vehicle and he hid waiting to see what you were doing... and when you found the vehicle and took what was on the ground, he waited there 'right opportunity to shoot you. I've seen worse. I myself, who have never killed anyone "for sport" (only once for defense), happen to see other players and hide to observe them and see what they do and where they go. If they go away, they remain alive, if they come closer to where I am, I take the weapon and wait for them ready. If they happen to see me first, I generally die... From that video, from what I saw, I can't find any indication of "tricks" or anything else. With this I DO NOT mean that "cheats don't exist"... unfortunately I know something about all video games... I'm just saying that "in that video" I didn't see anything "abnormal". If a player had been truly "invisible", he would have gotten much closer and would NOT have missed you with his gun on the first shot... he could have even stabbed you or killed you with a knife, which didn't happen. I'm sorry but this is my point of view. However, unfortunately, it is true: DayZ is plagued by cheaters. Try looking for a sparsely populated server. Generally those are "safe" because those who use cheats don't have fun with a few players (his cheats... expensive... are better exploited with many players... it's more "fun"). Although it is not an "absolute rule", but you can try... P.S. I don't know what you were looking for, but from the way you were moving it seems to me that you still have a long way to go to understand this game well. ๐Ÿ˜• Best wishes for everything ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Riddick_2K

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 20

    Is the fishing news just a new fish? Really ? But improving fishing activity first, since you can't fish from piers and rocks, and often even from the shore it's difficult to activate the animation? wouldn't it be better? In reality, the fishing activity should be activated EVERY time you aim your sight at a piece of water, even from a bridge if you want... this is how it works in RL. ๐Ÿคจ P.S. Take a look at this "gebsfish" mod, maybe hire the programmer: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2757509117 ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. Riddick_2K

    Recoil improvement

    But haven't you yet realized that this (beautiful, unfortunately) game is a very complex arcade that passes itself off as "realistic"... but that in reality it is just a very complex arcade that is becoming more and more "arcade FPS" ?!? There's no point in complaining about a "realistic inaccuracy" when everything else is absurd, grotesque and out of all reality! Just think about the consumption of materials, shoes, equipment... the infinite hunger of the puppet who seems to have a tapeworm in his stomach... and the impossibility (on purpose, unfortunately) of putting the curtains where they are needed (the curtain I need it in a deserted forest with uneven terrain, not on a road or in a square... Developers: have you ever been camping in the woods and NOT on a beach? Have you ever seen a tent pitched uphill ? and on bumps and ditchs?!? I assure you that in RL it is possible!!!), same thing with the fences... but also the management of the vehicles (which still don't work!!!) but think about your car: when you enter you don't the pockets or backpack disappear (which should be removed and placed on the back seats, not held on your back to go beyond the seat) and from the car you can drink, eat, shoot out the windows, lean out of the windows and shoot (many games do this , it's NOT impossible!), I'd light a cigarette and smoke, if one drives, the others can do maintenance on their weapons, take care of themselves, feed themselves... in RL it's NORMAL!!! In this game it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! And many other things that don't come to mind right now. I understand that an "unrealistic recoil" could be annoying, but... in the meantime I remember that DayZ should NOT be a "War FPS", but a complex game about "survival from a pandemic"... therefore the "realism of weapons " (although important anyway) should NOT be in first place... first there should be everything related to "survival"... hunting, fishing, makeshift constructions, repairs, recovery of materials and restoration of equipment, shelters, etc ...THAT should be the primary focus of the game developers' care... However, I understand that even imperfect "weapon accuracy" can be annoying... but how serious can a "grain of sand in the eye" be when EVERYTHING else is moribund? And the "doctors", instead of serious treatments, cyclically offer handbags, hats and theater masks?!? My 5 cents.
  18. Riddick_2K

    First experience

    Blessed are you... Try asking in these Discord servers: Enfusion Modders (discord.gg / enfusionmodders) DayZ Editor (discord.gg / gPq8wmP67b)
  19. Riddick_2K

    Suggestions for where weapons spawn.

    Given that I'm a little behind on the tests (there must be some patches that I haven't done new tests) and specifying that I do them against bears, which are my main "problem" (I don't do "man hunting")... since what I understood a few patches ago, the 7.62x39 (KA-M) is a little better than the 5.56x45 (M4-A1), but they could have changed with the latest patches. But even if they were the same, with the 7.62x39 you have the advantage that it is considered a hunting ammunition, and you can find it everywhere, while the 5.56x45 is a war ammunition, and you necessarily have to look for it in military areas with all the "problems " that follows. Lately I've also started to consider the 5.56x45, but only because the AUR-AX (exchangeable sight and silencer) can be found in military convoys, while KA-M & M4-A1 are very rare and can only be found in gassed areas ( too difficult and complicated for little and rare loot). The M16-A2, LE-MAS and AUR-A1 I don't even consider them. The best as "anti-bear" is undoubtedly the Vaiga with buckshot (when they work well) and you can find the 20 round magazine in military convoys. But even with the 8 size one, if the bear doesn't catch you off guard, you can take it down without major problems. Better to have another spare, ready and on the quickbar for on-the-fly changes, anyway... The KA-101 only mounts the Soviet sights which I don't like. The best one I always look for is the ATOG6x48, too bad it can't be mounted on Soviet weapons (without mods).
  20. Riddick_2K

    1.25 Server Wipe announcement

    Thanks for helping us maintain the progress we've made... although for this "cycle", due to more important RL issues, I won't be able to look for my survival record. But thanks for changing your "attitude" about Wipe. Thank you so much... Perhaps the best step forward I've seen in DayZ in the 4 years I've been playing.
  21. Riddick_2K

    1.25 Server Wipe announcement

    Don't worry, don't delete anything. If you have a Vanilla I assure you that no "disaster" will happen and the spawn will fix itself with a few "cycles" (I have had my own vanilla server since 2020 and I have NEVER done any wipe, and everything works "normally" as every other version of DayZ)...if you have a modded one, from what I've seen so far, you shouldn't have any problems, but I've "only" started since the summer of 2022 and haven't tried all the mods. But thinking about it, when you use mods, it's much easier for them to generate "strange problems". I am increasingly convinced that, except in particular cases (but still solvable without wipes, such as interpenetrations of structures added to the map with the patch which could conflict with player constructions: in that case, dismantle the construction and move it... if you want, of course... however no real "malfunction" problem), Wipes are NEVER really necessary, but often just an excuse that server managers adopt to impose the Wipe (which everyone who wants a "COD" style game ", they invoke as the "panacea")... or when they are not really able to "fix" all those small (and large) defects that depend on the mods, their "combination" and their settings. Many " botched job" and then they don't know how to manage... and after a while they call the "Wipe" as necessary and "carry on" a little longer. but I repeat that I'm not very knowledgeable about mods, also because: Vanilla is Vanilla... always... while there are thousands of possible combinations of mods... ๐Ÿ˜• P.S. Read this: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254783-121-server-wipe-announcement/
  22. Little of this game is also "realistic"... it's just very very complex, but too often out of all reality/realism. Think about the consumption of food/water, boots, tools... the construction of fences and turrets... the placement of tents... and many other things that don't come to mind right now (I'll make a list while game, so I'll make a post with the complete list of all the nonsense I find). And as for weapons... never mind that they go through the thick walls of houses (seen on YT, I don't know if it's still like that, but I fear so), but try shooting from a window and tell me if you can do it like in the reality or you are continually "blocked" even from the air, often. Since it's a video game and you don't have all the complete movements of a "real human being" at your disposal, the collision should be "tolerant" enough to compensate for this lack... instead, too often, you get blocked even by NOTHING... ๐Ÿ˜ž Go to a 2-story house, and from the 2nd floor try to shoot the infected that gather below. In reality it would be something elementary. In the game it's impossible, even if you're on the ground floor and you can see them by eye, you still can't shoot them as the game raises the weapon for you. And worse, with the weapon raised it doesn't even shoot... The TOP of the "grotesque" ๐Ÿ˜ฎ A real weapon, if loaded, when you press the trigger it shoots you even if inside a pocket or a bag... there's no There is no "celestial deity" blocking your weapon. In some ways it seems like an old "arcade"... ๐Ÿ˜• Try opening a ticket on "feedback bistudio com / project / view / 2 /" and let's see what they reply... either that it is "made that way on purpose" (for the most varied and imaginative reasons) or they don't even reply to you. ๐Ÿ˜•
  23. Riddick_2K

    Conscious-Unconscious state bug

    If it's a modded server, you should delve deeper into the various mods it uses... it probably depends on some of them, if one of them changes this aspect of the game. I don't think the B.I. can (should) do something.
  24. Riddick_2K

    Ban ban by abusive admin

    You're the one talking nonsense... and do you know what "schizophrenia" really means?!? And precisely what you write demonstrates what I maintain: a server left in the hands of private individuals without rules or control has an enormous probability of becoming an instrument of fraud and/or bullying. Anyway. Meanwhile, most people rent a server from a third-party company. And even if you have your own hardware, the game you run and "open it to the public"... is NOT YOURS, it is licensed... and if you open it to the public (without a password and without needing to sign up to a club/clan) IT'S PUBLIC! It is NOT "your home" (which is personal/private). In reality, even if you had a "Private Club" (with registration and membership, NOT with free access), you can make the rules you want but only if they do not violate any general law (and there are also different tax rules, which many use to defraud the tax authorities... but that's another matter). In a public bar, you cannot discriminate against anyone "because it suits you or suits you", nor make the rules you want, you must necessarily stick to the "general civil laws". At least where I live... and at least by law (then the reality of the facts is often different, precisely because society itself is NOT "honest and civil", but that's another matter) This mentality of "I pay, it's mine, I do what I want with it" is a distorted mentality that only demonstrates how true what I write about the results of "arrogance and bullying" that derive from the use of every "tool" (which even a game server) if not regulated properly and, above all, monitored and sanctioned for each violation. But the worst is that I have read about many players who agree with this type of mentality... not realizing that not only is it civilly, legally and ethically wrong, but it goes against them themselves... They seem like a bunch of servile masochists with the "strongest"... Only "herd beasts". Unfortunately this society is like this in everything, not just in video games, and this is much, much more serious. We are truly much more "beasts" than what we seem and what we "pose"... ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
  25. Riddick_2K

    Ban ban by abusive admin

    I didn't insert any link, why is my answer blocked?!?