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Everything posted by Riddick_2K

  1. Riddick_2K

    Stable Update 1.14

    Beautiful. If now the NVGs are only in perpetually gassed areas, I won't find them anymore and will start jump servers for the night again. Now, with the gas bombings, I won't waste my time risking death trying to escape, I'll start jump servers for that too ... It is becoming a nasty "game of war" and continuous "server jump" ... Under these conditions I don't know if I will play this game again which gets worse with each new patch. At this point a "real" and "good" war game like Batlefield is better where you don't just have to look for things like a fool, and after crediting your weapons remain ... and fight against enemies on equal terms ... and while we're at it, you not only have a night vision device, but also an infrared, which is much better ... if the main business is just "kill the next" and NOT "survive the pandemic".
  2. Riddick_2K

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    The relevance of bombing to war games, and the substantial changes they can create to the game I have described several times... if my English is bad, I'm sorry, but I have to use Google. I really don't know what to do. But after repeating it several times in different ways, I get the impression that you DON'T WANT to understand... It is I who say "natural environment", because you listed the weather, the wolves and hunger ... Do not make me repeat the whole speech about the bombings again, I have already more than expressed it. I have the impression that you are taking advantage of the fact that I do not know English and I cannot understand if what I have written has been translated well or badly ... and you pretend not to understand, while in reality you have understood very well but you just try to justify this stupid choice.
  3. Riddick_2K

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    I guess yours is just irony. In any case, I understand it and I also share it in part ... because an arc is actually part of a survival game, too bad that the lack of a simple arc is a small thing, while the addition of these areas, these bombings and all changing the spawn of main weapons and accessories is a huge thing, not just a little bow. Here they didn't lift a weapon, they completely upset the game turning it into a war game worse than it was before.
  4. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    It happened to me that in "Elektro", I was chased by a very angry policeman and I closed myself in a house waiting for him to calm down and go away, since I was new and still poorly equipped, but after a while I saw him cross the wall and attack me in person. Luckily I had an ax... but what a stress. With other infected it is no longer the case, perhaps that certain policemen have special characteristics that generate the bug? I don't know what kind of policeman he was, I don't know them, anyway a simple guy in a blue jacket and trousers, no hats. The house was "land_houseblock_3f1" according to iZurvive. I hope it is useful. I don't open tickets because I have opened several but they have never been of any use, or almost.
  5. Riddick_2K

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    Not for FPS players, this is also a FPS game, for "War FPS players"... it's not the same. FPS = First Person Shooter All games where you impersonate a character in first person are FP (first person) and if you have a weapon and you can shoot it is also a "shooter"... it does not necessarily have to be of war, even a game where you can impersonate in first person a biathlon athlete is in fact a FPS. It doesn't have to be by force an "arena" where you have to shoot everything that moves. Not really. Weather, wolves and hunger are natural things... gas bombings are not... they are things of war and armies. It's a whole other thing. They could have add a separate area, like an old hidden military depot that, suddenly, due to neglect, explodes and plagues the area... and to interest the players they could add something interesting, but without taking anything away from the base game... With the bombings, not only does it imply the existence of an external army hostile to the area (because they don't try to contact/save the survivors) that you cannot fight because in fact it does not exist, but they have also plagued the whole game (search Reddit for map of areas subject to bombing) with a war bullshit that it doesn't have a shit to do with it with survival. Survival of the environment is one thing... fighting gas bombs and another. Moreover, if the anticipations are true, most of the good weapons... which also serve against bears which, I remember (I have not written anything about it yet), have been increased in resistance... as if they were "weak and sickly ", poor things... 🙄 And it also seems the NVGs, they are exclusive loot of fixed carbonated zones, which is not only used to kill the players at night, as all the "Rambo" of DayZ seem to be convinced, but for any normal activity, since at night (except the DayZ brightness bug that seems to hit some at random) even if you can barely move (not in HC, though) you can't do anything else. Now... if everything I've read and seen on YouTube is true (I also tried 1.14 for 20 hours, but too little to personally evaluate all the differences, I should at least read the game's XML to understand it better, but not I have them), if you don't go inside a carbonated zone you will NEVER find an AKM, an M4, a suppressor or an NVG... all things that are NOT needed only by the "Rambo" of the game... Try to defend yourself from a bear with a Mosin or a SK and make a video... now that they are even stronger. And even before that they took out the 20 magazines of the Saiga, and gave spawn only in helicopter accidents, which I have NEVER seen one with at least 1200 hours on public servers. Try shooting an AK or M4 without a suppressor and see how much crowd comes around you... not just the Zs, but also the "Rambo" on duty who hears you, follows you and kills you shortly after... Play at night without an NVG, even just for loot, fishing or hunting. Not to mention that you must also defend yourself from all the "Rambo", the marauders and various "Heads of D**k". This will help even more all the players who in DayZ are only looking for the war fight with the others... because it will force everyone to try the carbonated zones, with these new super-equipped and super-resistant Zs (another galactic bullshit), just for one decent weapon or for an NVG... and there will be the carnage of players inside (for the Super-Z) and outside for the snipers, marauders and, by now, all the others who are only looking for a decent weapon and an NVG, even if only for hunting and fishing. Great result: forcing everyone to war without quarter. But this wasn't supposed to be a War Game, ArmA is already there ... or isn't it?!? Is it still not clear what I stand for? P.S. It also applies to others, of course
  6. Riddick_2K

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    Sorry for my bad English, but I don't know it and I have to use Google. Reread what I wrote at the beginning and quote me what you don't understand. I will try to explain it in another way, hoping that the Google translations do not distort too much the sense of what I am trying to say. 🙁
  7. Riddick_2K

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    Are you also a relative of some programmer of the B.I. or a shareholder? 😮 I didn't understand what you mean by "lore" and "gameplay loop", but the fact that it's also an MMO doesn't necessarily imply this bullshit (which MMO is just a generic definition, a "label": always questionable). The fact remains that this game was written and sold as a "survival sandbox against the pandemic" and I bought it for this, not for anything else... and now (indeed for some time now) it is becoming more and more hybrid between the "Fantasy-Horror" and one "3° World War". It is NOT the pandemic and the infected that "are nonsense": this is the substance of the game... it is everything else that has been built around it that is a "are nonsense"!
  8. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    Everyone happy with this? Anyone who thinks it's bullshit that makes the game unnecessarily mangy and annoying? Anyone who thinks that with the substance of the "survival of a world pandemic" game it does not matter ? No criticism? Dynamics too... 😮 Really missing no only light sabers and an alien spaceship that appears every now and then and kidnaps some players at random... 🤮
  9. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    I saw a video of Wobo where he showed that the infected, in the carbonated zones, are much more aggressive and resistant and it seems that it is practically impossible to deal with them with sidearms because anyway you will receive damage to the anti-gas suit and you will die from the effect of this. The bullshit remains that these newly infected will rain down from the sky like the gas... they haven't been there before. We only need the 2-headed monster to complete the scheme and move on to the next scheme. It reminds me a lot of the arcade video games from the 70's-80's, the ones you can now play with the M.A.M.E.
  10. I have now read in "DayZ fandom" that the M4, AKM, Suppressors, and other miscellaneous will be "exclusive" loot of these infected areas... and that should only be 2: The military base of Pavlovo and the stranded ship of the Rify. This is true ? Really those who do not enter an infected area will have to settle for at most an MP5 with a gun suppressor? Or is it just a wrong anticipation? P.S. If so, I can already see snipers with hunting weapons waiting for the "intrepid daredevils" as they leave the infected areas to steal their loot. What a shit game it risks becoming.
  11. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    Perhaps because the majority of those who play DayZ are psychopaths, sociopaths, assassins and bandits missed in real life, and other people who believe that DayZ is a "weird" version of a FPS of War... as if it were still a variant of ArmA. And those who remain, given what they are around and since getting into a base is always too easy, avoid doing it. In any case, since these programmers go to great lengths to make this game the way it is, making it harder and harder to build bases while increasing the weapons in play (as if weapons are missing), there aren't many alternatives left... except to go to the modded servers, but there is another nice "madhouse" of various absurdities. In my opinion, the only way to try to make a base, as the game is right now, is in an almost deserted server, as cheaters, psychopaths and sociopaths look for the mass of players to be able to harass them... same thing the marauders and the "Rambo" from war FPS, look for the crowd to rob or kill... In an almost deserted server only those who want to do an "easy" loot enter, but generally then they leave, or who "seek tranquility"... hopefully ... if you hide well, perhaps, you have some chance. Even if it doesn't always work. I'm afraid "civilized people" are very rare in this game. I had a base on one of these servers which lasted for just over a month. I could not even complete all the small metal fence in the rear courtyard that someone entered and did not just steal what they needed... it just destroyed everything! He left me only the complete entrance door alone and some scattered bullshit which, evidently, she was unable to take away... 2 cars including, curtains and materials... she literally completely dismantled the entire fence. If it's not a sociopath's job, this. If I were in the government, I would give everyone who plays DayZ a psychiatric exam, I would definitely catch a lot of delinquents, sociopaths and psychopaths potentially dangerous in real life as well. But... Regardless of my opinions. If you've heard someone denigrate the basics and now complain that they can't stay in it, it's them you should answer, not me. If it's a problem with Google's poor translations, I'm sorry, but I don't know English and I have to use Google
  12. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    I understand that my English is bad since I have to use Google, but ... yours is not an answer. Insult or, as you do, "denigrate" the interlocutor is the weapon of those who have no arguments to challenge. It is not the way to discuss regardless of the topic. 🤨
  13. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    Sorry but I didn't understand a tube of what you wrote. Keep in mind that I don't know English and I have to use Google. "Balance The Loot" with infected areas? what does it mean ? The balancing you get by modifying the "types.xml" file not upset the game with bullshit. "High-level zones with military loot" is "End Game"? How "End Game".... there is no "End Game" until you die ... it's a pandemic survival game, and if you survive the game never ends, and the "real victory" to this game is just DON'T die and build an increasingly equipped base to experience more and more comfortably and calm... This is the real victory at this game. The end is only when you die or someone destroy your base and you have to start everything again. Then, after all you wrote I didn't understand anything. It's as if we were talking about 2 different games ...
  14. Riddick_2K

    Rainwater in 1.13

    I know it sounds silly to ask this after 2000 hours of play, but it has never really interested me until now and with google I found several different opinions, probably because they referred over time to different versions of the game... or also, quite simply, different opinions. However the question is this: In this version 1.13, the rainwater collected with a barrel left open can be direct drinking? That is, without having to use pills or boil it? Thanks
  15. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    Yes, ok ... A virus of its kind doesn't make any sense, but being a video game you have to be "a little tolerant", but here we have been exaggerating too much for a long time. Otherwise, if everything becomes lawful just because "it's a video game", then I put back the "lightsabers", "the aliens who kidnap random players" and the "flying pink unicorns". The real skill in writing a video game is not only in the simple "writing without defects", but also in imagining it and making it fun but at the same time "possible for most" (perhaps with scalable difficulty so as not to bore anyone) and "plausible in the context of same". DayZ is a failed game in all contexts. Its only luck is that it still remains a lot of fun and exciting... and it seems to me that, at the moment, it is unrivaled in this field... but the constantly increasing "annoyance" of its countless bugs and its (equally) countless "nonsense" is increasingly increasing the "weight" in the balance of "negative evaluations". Sooner or later, with this bad habit, the time will come when the scales will hang on the side of "close the game" or "change the game". 😕
  16. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    Yes, if the game would be set a few weeks after the pandemic... but then the already rusty cars wouldn't make sense. This game does NOT make any sense... it is haphazard... this is one of its main flaws! Perhaps even more so than the bugs themselves, which are annoying anyway. But the fact that the game has no sense of logic and chronological time, in my opinion, is its biggest flaw and also the most annoying. 😧
  17. Riddick_2K

    Regarding the toxic areas

    An area in its own right, like an ex-military depot exploded would make sense, but "normal" parts of the map that suddenly plague NO... it makes no sense. How are they supposed to be infested? Did citizens keep gas cylinders in the basements of their houses? What does it mean ?!? It has the same sense as the farts of the flying pink unicorn... And... Who should bomb Chernarus? The aliens ? Another part of humanity left out of the pandemic? (why not send help, rather?) Is a galactic bullshit that's why I gave the example of the aliens... usual bullshit of this game. Then, if he bombs Chernarus, it will be to kill the infected, not to kill the survivors, I hope... In the plagued areas the infected will all be dead, I hope... or the bullshit gets bigger. AND... The mere fact that there is something in the game that has not been used for some time does not necessarily imply that something has to be done later... that makes no logical sense. I still see that in this forum there is still a small group of aficionados who always justify these programmers whatever they do... what are you, relatives, friends or do you take a percentage on sales? I hope at least that in the plagued areas the infected will all be dead... And the sense of bombing Chernarus is precisely to kill the infected, otherwise it is just a absurd illogical nonsense just to make the game more annoying unnecessarily... here is the sense of the light saber and the alien spaceship... and I would add also the "old" flying pink unicorn... But already knowing the game (and who writes/manages it), I would not be surprised that the infected in the contaminated areas will not only be alive and well, but maybe even a little more resistant and strong... just so as not to deny the will... DO NOT do something right and logical, but something stupid and absurd... as too often in this game, which makes it worse with each patch. Like the absurd and annoying rays of the Sun... Backpacks that cannot be stored full... Fences that can only be planted on perfectly flat land... Tents that can only be set up on perfectly flat ground... Construction (fences, observation towers, etc.) that cannot be planted well side by side, but far from each other... And many other small and big shit done deliberately... NOT bugs! 🤬 Two specific questions: * - Is there a map with the fixed areas covered by the infestation? * - If I have a fixed base and I get the plagued bullet... what should I do? Quit the game and wait? How many ? But does all this make sense? Is all this really funny to you? In my opinion it could have made sense only if they had added a separate area where to implement this plagued area... maybe an abandoned military ex-depot that, with time and neglect, could have exploded and plagued the area... and they could add some exclusive special loot... but so widely for the map, with no logical sense it's just another absurd and pain in the ass bullshit... as usual, sadly... Also for this reason I always read with terror and horror every news about new patches... they fix something but break something else... and they add (except in rare cases: the Desert Eagle) always bullshit and/or useless things. This time, I fear, they surpassed themselves in absurd and unnecessarily annoying things... Anyway, I'll download the experimental one and try a few games... since we'll all have to finish there anyway, except to permanently close the game, or have the money to dedicate a fixed PC to keep a modded (logical) version of the game online.
  18. Riddick_2K

    How is tapeworm care?

    My baby doll must have gotten a tapeworm because he ate a whole cow and was still hungry. Only after a few more cans did he finally get his fill. And that's not all, after a few hours of play (almost 2 days in game) he quietly ate 1 wolf, and only with the second he was satisfied again. He definitely got a tapeworm. How do you care that I can't find the page on WikiDayZ? P.S. I hope the irony has been caught... 🤨
  19. Premised that, for those who have never read me, I also have a vanilla server of mine where I delight to edit XML files to adapt it to my needs and looking for more realism (I haven't tried any MOD yet, I'll do it as soon as I find some of time for this) and... of course... having increased the number of events and being able to drive safely, I have found many Heli-Crashes over time, the most common points I know well (and all the others can be found on iZurvive, however) and the streets of greater "frequency"... then that the European ones "smoke", while the Russian ones do not... and I have a well-stocked base of all kinds of military booty. The "problem" is in public servers, where the loot is the "standard" one. I have over 1000 hours of gameplay on public servers, both of the B.I. (normal and HC) and in those "Public/Veteran" of GameServers.com (always public vanilla). I've been driving around for a few months and only in the latter which are fairly sparsely populated... but not as "easy" as in my server, of course. But... despite over 1000 hours of gameplay... Heli-Crash never even one. How do you find them? Just luck or do you have any particular technique? Any suggestions ? Thanks
  20. Riddick_2K

    Chinese are a Problem. =/

    Perhaps the "old" now know that complaining doesn't change anything and have lost the desire to do so? 😦
  21. Riddick_2K

    1.14 coming soon.

    Of course I like to have fun, but I have another idea of what "fun" is or isn't in a game that "should" be about survival against a pandemic and, often, even claims some "realism" (which in reality too often is just the opposite... and it should be under everyone's eyes). If you look for all my posts in this forum you can get an idea about it, I don't rewrite everything because it would take hours and nobody would read everything 😉
  22. Riddick_2K

    The UMP

    It is something that does not make sense and is not even balanced. The real damage to a game is NOT when some weapon is very powerful.... but when it is "lockable" for the exclusive benefit of one or a few players. This is what unbalances the game. If you allow one or a few to hoard and block the entire economy of the game to their exclusive advantage (by exploiting those flags) this is a real damage to the game. Is it possible that no one understands it? It is 1000 times better that EVERYONE has an M4 than ONLY one (or a group / clan) and can dominate a server. One thing is the "rare" equipment where few specimens are born and you have to struggle a lot to find it... but once found and taken, they are reborn indefinitely for all... this is fine (NVG, for example), another is the "impossible" equipment where few specimens are already born, but someone can completely block the birth of others... this is BAD! Under these conditions it is better not to put anything and at least all players return fairly even. I still think this game is very poorly written and even worse handled... 😞 About the SK. I don't know if anything has changed to 7.62x39 with 1.13, my latest tests concern 1.12, and was 5.56x45 quite more powerful, for this... except for other specific needs (but I believe that in this case things are coincident), the M4 is definitely better and since the SK and AKM use the same cartridges, but the AKM has magazines and suppressors, I would NEVER throw an AKM for an SK: it makes no sense. least of all an M4 for a SK. And I think very few are also looking for it, in recent days, that I'm trying to build a couple of characters on as many public vanilla servers, of AKM or M4 not even the shadow, instead I find tons of SK and many M16... that obviously nobody wants. And in this case I agree, I always skip them too, I much prefer an AK74U, rather. P.S. We already have VSD, FAL and VSS which are very rare (in + 1000 hours on vanilla servers I have never seen a Heli-Crash) and can be blocked with those "criminal" flags ... so OP ... why block also these "classic" machine guns ? 🙁 These are real discrimination allowed between players. 😟
  23. Riddick_2K

    The UMP

    Roughly I agree, however, there is a factor that perhaps you have not considered: the suppressors for pistol (which go on the MP5/UMP) are found without major problems, the suppressors for AKM/M4 are very rare and at risk of "extinction" (see the flag "count_in_cargo" & "count_in_hoarder"). This might make people prefer a "silenced" MP5/UMP to a "NOT silenced" AKM/M4 even for those who want to "hunt humans" but want to do it silently and not start an "open war". Only one point of view, I don't go hunting for humans, I avoid all possible human contacts and choose weapons with other criteria... but... I almost always have an MP5 first, and I often find first some suppressor for add... later, over time, I also find an AK74U, which is NOT my favorite shotgun, but it is always a better caliber... but I can't "throw" a silenced machine gun for a NON silenced one. And so both remain: MP5 to be used and the AK74U waiting for a suppressor that, often, never comes... Then, sometimes, I also find an AKM (very rarely an M4), but much more rarely also a suppressor... and the MP5 stays in my backpack because it continues to be the only suppressed machine gun I have. The NOT suppressed AKM/M4 remains as a last resort anti-bear, but if I have to defend myself from a human, I would always take the suppressed MP5 in order not to attract ½ map of Z and passing humans, even at the cost of having to use a few shots in more. Subjective tactical choices 😉
  24. Riddick_2K

    When are helicopters in the game? Vanilla

    In DayZ we already have flying vehicles... there is the "Ada 4x4" Fighter, the "Olga 24" Fighter Bomber and the "Sarka 120" Scout... then there is the "M3S" High Altitude Bomber... 🤣 The only problem is that after take off they become unpilotable. The B.I. should add parachutes to be able to use them. 😀
  25. Riddick_2K

    The UMP

    I don't know if it's a Google translation problem, but the AK74U is an assault rifle, not a carbine... and it's not to be despised even if it's the smallest of the brood. You can keep it inside the backpack, instead of the MP5, without occupying the slots in the back and without being noticed and with its 5.45x39 you can take out a bear with 17/24 shots, which with the 7.62x39 of the AKM you need 16/24... practically irrelevant difference... at least in my experience. The only real problem is that they are rare bullets to find and only in military areas, while the 7.62x39 of the AKM can be found almost everywhere, because it is considered hunting ammunition. And it is not something to be underestimated. And for me who don't use Russian optics (I don't like them) and I don't do anything as a "sniper", I prefer the short version to the long one. AND... The real "hoarder problem" is that these programmers have put these 2 flags "count_in_cargo" & "count_in_hoarder" which are the real culprits for the absence of certain weapons. It is these 2 flags that block the respawn of certain weapons even if they are only deposited or hidden by someone... and considering that their number is very limited, just one player is enough to find an M4 with Suppressor, duplicate another 7 and hide them and in that server you will NEVER see any M4 and any Standardized Suppressor again (for this last the maximum is 5, not 8). Same goes for the AKM and the Normalized Suppressor This is the real problem, which these programmers don't understand and/or never play this game. As I have already written several times it seems that they hate this game or its players... for how they are handling it.