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Everything posted by Riddick_2K

  1. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Who insulted are you, and you signed up right now to insult me? Here the real "Troll" is you!
  2. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Insult is the weapon of those who are wrong and has no arguments to contest.
  3. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    "Troll" just because they don't think like you? or why "dare" challenge the work of programmers? Typical "FanBoy" attitude. Arguing with people like you is perfectly useless, nothing is achieved ... as I have seen several times. The "weird" is that people like you often only come out to praise programmers on occasions like this ... very "suspicious" this way. And anyway, it's not "popularity" that decrees a good job ... and, just for the record, I bought the game at the beginning of 2020. I'm not a "veteran", but I know them these last 2 years. well and I preferred it as it was before, afterwards almost only uselessness and nodifichè useless and sometimes not harmful arrived, but the real problems are always present. And I don't want to keep talking "with the walls" (as you are, "FanBoy") it just makes me waste time for nothing.
  4. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Did you subscribe now only for what I wrote? Are you real or are you "fake"? You are a shareholder of the B.I. ?
  5. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Chernarus is NOT Middle East or Ukraine ... And I don't even care about ArmA 2, as THIS game is "standalone". it's a game in its own right, do you know what this means? I judge THIS game, NOT ArmA2 or its mod.
  6. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Of course I have played this game, this is also my 2nd account ... and I have often complained about the bullshit that is made / added to this (unfortunately unfortunate) game with each patch. Now we are talking about 1.19, not the many bullshit, inconsistencies and absurdities unfortunately already present in the game. Almost every time I contest something, the "FanBoy chorus" always starts, praising these programmers at every bullshit ... (except in rare cases). Once I frequented more and even opened some tickets ... (with my 1st account) ... but given the direction of the game and the forum, I am less and less enthusiastic about contesting the bullshit of this game... anyway it is useless. There is a proverb from my country that says more or less this (I hope the Google translation is understandable) "There is no worse deaf than someone who does not want to hear". This applies perfectly to these programmers and many of you "FanBoy". And the worst is that you "lauders regardless" reinforce in the programmers that what they do is fine. Then take this game as it is now, you have looked for it "FanBoy"... but probably you are just fine as it is... 🤢
  7. Riddick_2K

    Server Hardware requirement/recommendation/questions

    Hello. I don't know if you still need it, but I answered a similar problem some time ago in this same forum. Read this (h t t p s ://forums.dayz.com/topic/252172-dedicated-server-hosting-requirements/?do=findComment&comment=2478554) In case my personal suggestion is: Fewer cores but more GFlops possible (because not always the only frequency is synonymous with a powerful processor). You have to look for the highest computing capacity per single core and it will surely be the best processor ... then, maybe, it also goes to luck, because I've also heard people who DayZ works on multiple cores ... maybe it's one of the many bugs of the game, but from what I've more read and tried, it seems to work mainly on a single core, and the more "powerful" it is the better for the fluidity of the game and the vehicles mainly. 😉 P.S. No problem for language, I also don't know English and must to use Google...😁 PP.S. Read also this: h t t p s ://forums.dayz.com/topic/252722-server-performance-and-tick-rate/
  8. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Wiki DayZ is an official section of the B.I. ? I am NOT aware of it. Other DayZ Fan Boys, who "try" to explain the absurdities of this game ... NOT "the verb". RIGHT. Why don't they do it? Why do they keep doing shit and nonsense patch after patch? I've contested tons of them, I don't want to repeat them every time ...
  9. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    And anyway ... just wanting to discuss ... the Gloks are also for the civilian market and are much cheaper to buy from a local administration. Hummers (that type of Hummers) are military only, expensive, and only the US government could supply them to other armies. In a world pandemic situation I do NOT think anyone would have ever done it, they would have had the "material possibility" of providing many military vehicles overseas to help a small foreign and unknown country ... IF someone from the government was still alive!
  10. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Exactly, science fiction ... At this rate, with the imagination without limits, when we will see the flying unicorns sent directly by God. The only reason we see so many weapons and, now, a hummer, is just because it is an "easy" upgrade because it is "adapted" from ArmA 3. And on the "anomalies" of DayZ, as far as I'm concerned, I have challenged them since I started playing and understand this game a little better, but unfortunately, I always got "imaginative" answers from the DayZ Fan Boys. The B.I. he never replied about it. Too bad that at the moment there is no better alternative ... or, at least, I haven't found it yet ... maybe, sooner or later ... let's hope.
  11. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    ALL the anomalies of this game have always bothered me, but here we are discussing the news of patch 1.19
  12. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Instead of braking with multiple keys to press (a huge hassle, like the 2-level accelerator) why isn't support for a peripheral for steering wheel and pedals added to drive decently?
  13. Riddick_2K

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    A former Soviet republic with Hummers, US military vehicles? New kind of science fiction? 🤨
  14. Riddick_2K


    Yeah, guys... 🤣
  15. In your opinion, is it possible to exchange items with strangers and not risk your life in some way? How would you do it? Any suggestions ?
  16. Riddick_2K

    New Server

    Don't they seem like 2 opposing concepts? 😮
  17. Riddick_2K

    Stable Update 1.18

    Enough with stupid updates that break something else, enough with wipe to not know how to make the economy of this game work ... Now I would like to play "in peace with no other problems" for at least 8/12 months! 😡 👿 😠 The only REAL update I will appreciate will be when (if) they REALLY fix the behavior of the vehicles! EVERYTHING else does NOT interest me! P.S. I only thank the various modders who are REALLY keeping this game at least "decent". THANK YOU !
  18. Riddick_2K

    Stable Update 1.18

    Thanks for the reply. I don't remember exactly, because I tested it some time ago, but I had tried various ports of as many "various guides" that I had found on the net. As soon as I have some time I will also try these ports and see if the server will be visible from the outside. The top would be to be able to see it from battlemetrics.com... 😊
  19. Riddick_2K

    Stable Update 1.18

    The option can be found in the "Options" panel in the first section "Game", in the 3rd group "Hud", 1st option "Show HUD - Enable / Disable". Keep in mind that often (unfortunately) each new server disables itself and you have to re-enable it again each time. Unfortunately, these programmers, every patch fix something, but always break something else... I seem to see Mickey Mouse in Fantasia... 🤨
  20. Riddick_2K

    Stable Update 1.18

    Actually I don't have any "community", my servers have remained (almost) always offline (except for some tests with some friends). Now I would like to prepare one and also put it online. I would keep one offline for tests and trials and for the online one I would rent it from a provider, also because my "local" server (the one in my PC) is much better in terms of performance than those I find around (even for those who access it from outside, they tell me), but I can't get it to be seen outside. Whenever I invited someone, they could only come in with direct IP access after I gave it to them. It is not possible to manage a "public" server in this way...
  21. Riddick_2K


    An excellent "POINT" of view ... 😉 😁
  22. Riddick_2K

    controversial opinion

    Well if so it would be good news if it weren't that they have implemented other various types of explosives... One they fix and another they break it... it's since I started playing that I always see the same thing, patch after patch... but the main flaws are still there... 🙁
  23. Riddick_2K

    controversial opinion

    I do not know these latest news, now I play almost only in my private server or in other modded ones, but up to 1.17 I have also played a lot in the public vanilla ones. Grenades are too common, with one character I once found so many that no longer fit in my inventory (and I always equip myself with a hunter's jacket, USMC pants, smershvest with smershbag and Alice backpack) so much so that I went to the top to a building, when the server was nearly deserted, and I threw them all over the infected. If I had been a "raid fan" (which I hate to receive and have no intention of doing), I would have filled at least one of my submerged barrels (which were never found, but only wiped out by the various WIPEs) in anticipation of a raid . I DO NOT duplicate, but grenades are very common indeed, much more so than weapons and magazines you really need. With Christmas, even land mines are found by the ton, truly in the "Christmas spirit"... 🙄 I would be curious to see what is really inside the skull of the DayZ programmers... Lucifer? Nosferatu? Count Vlad? 🤔
  24. Riddick_2K

    Admin ages

    I am from 1966 (56 years now) and I assure you that a good majority of "presumed adults" are just that "aged children/adolescents" but never "grown up"... if by "growth" we also mean a personal psychology evolution from "commands emotionality and egocentrism" (like children/adolescents) to "I keep emotionality/egocentrism under control with rationality and civilization". I have known many of the former, especially among server administrators (NOT only in DayZ, eh...) that it is the place where they can most "vent" their instincts and "egocentric" impulses, of the latter very few... at any age! It is NOT the chronological age that makes the "good and honest person" 😉 P.S. I hope I was able to explain myself despite the Google translations
  25. But did they also break something about the barrels or the vehicles? I am no longer able to load an open barrel inside an M3S like I did before... I have deleted all mods (I was thinking of a conflict between mods) and it is NO longer possible to move an open barrel inside an M3S. I hope it was NOT done on purpose, but from experience I fear it will be one of the "usual wickedness" of the B.I. Has anyone noticed? Maybe some other way to do it? Do you know a MOD that gets around this new problem?