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About JPdusty

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JPdusty

    Let us saw-off the BK 133

    always wondered why7 they wouldn't let us saw this guy off. makes sense
  2. JPdusty

    Console Update 1.08

    you look like Daniel Radcliff. edit: I didn't know that about the destroying top portion of gate. that would be frustrating AF since people normally always destroy bottom to crawl under because your character cant hop over.
  3. JPdusty


    go to persistence off servers hunt heli crashes I promise you will find high tier weapons. I have an m4 and VSD from them right now. Also my wife found two m4's yesterday at NWAF on persistence off which I didn't even know was possible, I thought they only came from helis until yesterday. as far as persistence on I have only found one AKM at a heli in like 6 months, so your odds are a lot better on persistence off...hope this helps!
  4. JPdusty

    Can we have a PVP map ?

    there is private servers where you spawn at the airfield or tisy and weapons like m4s and LAR are everywhere...
  5. JPdusty

    Lone wolf mini base

    cant you still use a hacksaw to cut the lock or an ax to destroy it? or is it only destroy able through attacks now?
  6. JPdusty

    Duct Tape (The tool for every job)

    So whats the problem with this exactly...? Its nice to have duct tape be able to repair so many objects and i don't find that this renders other repair items obsolete. I still use sewing kits, gun cleaning kits, ect. to repair items\.
  7. JPdusty

    Low FPS

    Hey everybody, latley I have been having major fps drops when in another players network bubble or nearing bases. I have never had this problem in the past. It does this on every server I join and began around the time 1.08 came out. To try to help the issue I switched from using WiFi on my Xbox to direct wiring via Ethernet to no avail. I am still experiencing these fps drops. It turns my shootouts onto slideshows ending in "you are dead". Also seems to be BAD desync and hits not registering. Would like to get some feedback from y'all on anything I can do as I'm sick of gearing up only to lose everything to some guy with a knife because I'm not able to shoot. Also anyone having buckshot not killing people. Hit a dude point blank on the chest yesterday and twice on the arm, all very close range >15m, only to end up dying. Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.
  8. JPdusty

    Xbox one x. Really badd fps??

    Been having this issue recently too,I switched from using WiFi to a network cable which helped me a bit. Still not perfect, but better until things can be sorted on BI end. I find its the worst when entering another players network bubble or around player made base structures. Has only been bothering me for a few days now. How about yourself? How long had this been an issue for you?
  9. JPdusty

    Insane Bugs

    The gun not registering does seem like desync to me as I've had it happen. The items getting stuck needs to be fixed though. With the difficulty of getting AK and M4 its very frustrating when u finally get one but Oops its stuck in a crate now and your base got raided so bye bye. Good luck getting another since they are legend on official servers. SRS been playing for 4 months and maybe have gotten 4-6 top tier AR's most.