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About david4460

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  1. david4460

    Stable Update 1.15

    patch notes say "Slightly reduced the health damage caused by dehydration and starvation". It seems like starvation pauses when you have water in your belly. and with the increase in time to ingest water this pause in starvation damage is longer in 1.15. If you are hydrated the damage from starvation is low enough that you can regen health back to 100% by drinking water. This makes it possible for your survivor to never eat food as there aren't any penalties for having a completely empty flashing red apple... you can still sprint, have normal movement speed and have 100% health.
  2. Hello friends, I call StartCommand_Script for a Animal_UrsusArctos and pass it a DayZAnimalCommandScript object with the PreAnim_* functions overridden to set "behaviorAction" to 3 to make it move forward. but DayZAnimalCommandScript runs its PreAnimUpdate for 1 frame and then its OnDeactivate() gets called. How do you control how many game frames DayZAnimalCommandScript runs for? I see DayZ-Samples/blob/master/Test_ScriptCmdSwim/scripts/4_world/DayZPlayerImplement_ModSwimSample.c but there it looks like it runs in a loop until PreAnimUpdate stops it by calling PreAnim_CallCommand(). thank u in advance for any help u provide Sincreely, David
  3. david4460

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    is there a way to recreate the flying cars in single player? i try single player and car is ok and responsive (I assume because the server load is tiny with 1 player). tried to make it fly only trouble I could notice is the car seems to get "spongey" or "sticky" (like I am driving in the glue pot at school) around the barricades in downtown elecktro and then I died doing 50kmph in an Olga down the road from Tisy(hit a bump and everything went black). do the car lag-flying issues also show up for airplanes? was wondering if the cropduster yellow prop plane has trouble or if a boat has trouble since I wonder if these are simpler cases to simulate since airplane isn't continually colliding with the ground when it is flying and a boat's buoyant interaction with water maybe is simpler than a car with 4 wheels & springs(not even sure how many springs car has haha).
  4. david4460

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    are you guys having trouble with the character after they pickup a sarka wheel and look at the wheel hub and left-click to attach? the trouble my guy has is after she attaches the wheel they are stuck walking around like they are still burdened with the wheel and can't pick anything up. I am stupid and don't know how to clear the state without relogging maybe if someone beats the shit out of me and I get knocked out the I'm-carrying-something-heavy state would be cleared. if i attach the wheel using the inventory it works ok and my character returns to normal.
  5. david4460

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    have you guys seen any bears in 1.13? i walked from the ski resort to Tisy and didn't see any bears :~(
  6. david4460

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    played 1.13 chernarus got to NWAF: feels like the zombies are less sensitive so I could sneak around without triggering too many. coast zombies seem pretty easy and not a threat feels like its back to 1.11. at NWAF I ran into 2 officer zombies. they seem to scream louder but I already drew alot of zombies on me so I didn't notice a difference unless they cause more to spawn?. checked to see if they had any special loot, they had the nice officer hat so I took it haha. saw some runner zombies they were always running instead of doing the slow shuffle but I'm not sure what the point was because it seems like they still only move about in the same small area like the other zombies. maybe the runner is for sounds to trick the player into thinking there is another player around as real players sprint everywhere? once they attack the runner seemed to be just as fast as a regular zombie.
  7. For the radar site that is at the top by Tisy, what if you made it so that if you can scrounge up some electrical repair kits, some radios and a power generator you can repair some functionality of the radar site to see some of the crashed helo sites that are on the map? maybe like as a green blips on a busted radar cabinet like when the helicopters spawn in and crash. could give something to fight over late game after you get to Tisy.
  8. david4460


    holy crap 4 bears awesome!!! was this Chernarus? question: were you crouching around after the first bear attack?
  9. david4460


    zombies got a buff. suggest making bears harder in this way: everytime a bear is killed by a player make the next bears to spawn on the server have twice the hitpoints of the dead bear. then keep looping this. so as more players kill bears the harder they become. as a visual indicator maybe make the scale the bear to be slightly larger as it has more hitpoints and make its fur tend towards black. this way the northern forests of Chernarus can become progressively more dangerous as more survivors come through the area! can have the server keep track of the spawning bear hitpoints and how many times players have killed them. would be interesting to see what hitpoints the bears hitpoints get to. hope it isn't 4,294,967,295.
  10. david4460

    Base damage

    DZ\gear\camping\config.cpp has base building objects. for example class Fence. There are nested classes within class Fence with fields that specify the "Armor" of the Fence's components (e.g. Wooden Upper Wall, Wooden Lower Wall etc.). So for example there is a nested class with the name "Wall_Wood_Down" and within that class there is a ArmorType of Melee for Health with a damage field of: damage=0.64999998; this field says how much damage to let thru. so for example the Splitting Axe does 15 melee damage. with the field above the wall receive: 15*0.64999998=9.7 damage. so if you set it to 1 the wall gets the full damage of a weapon. if you set it to 0 the lower wall will get no melee damage even if you pound on it with an axe. So now for example I make this to change the armor of the Wall_Wood_Down so it receives no melee damage. making a mod (with a name for example "TestWallCfgOverride") with this config.cpp below that changes the damage field to 0. and now i can hit the wooden lower wall again and again no damage it is still at 16000 health: class CfgPatches { class TestWallCfgOverride { requiredVersion=0.1; units[]={"Fence"}; requiredAddons[]={"DZ_Data","DZ_Gear_Camping"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class BaseBuildingBase; class Fence: BaseBuildingBase { class DamageSystem { class DamageZones { class Wall_Wood_Down { class ArmorType { class Melee { class Health { damage=0; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; };
  11. david4460


    Suggest a server settings option where it is full brightness 24/7 daylight and NVGs are removed from the map. when nightime comes it gives an opportunity for players to stop pursuing their goals and to quit, whereas if it was always daylight I feel like players would not notice and continue playing. when nighttime I seem to ask myself "do I really want to sit here for 40 minutes and stare/stumble in blackness?"