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About JJ_Judge

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  1. Side36 1PP No aiming dot. The night is dark and full of terrors (c). https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Server IP-adress : port : 7615 Minimum excess content. We don't have tens of modpacks a couple gigabytes each and hundreds of added firearms with questionable visuals and functionality, trader and unlimited stamina. And won't have. We will try to have one global mod for our server plus several separate utulities for administrating purposes. Only natural role-play. DayZ as a game gives more than enough instruments for roleplaying and doesn't require additional conventions for it. Anybody can be anyone he or she wants in the game world. There will be no artificial rules, that put players into imaginary boundaries and dictate interaction with one another. Harsher survival. Fewer weapons and ammo, instruments and food. Fewer slots in clothing. Missions for players. There will be a mission broadcast on radiochannel 99.7 once per hour, completing said mission will grant a reward. Any player can hear the mission. The reward and random and may contain different useful things, some of which can't be found in the game world. Changed basebuilding. You can build almost anywhere. More resources are needed to build walls, but higher toughness and raid resistance. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Без точки прицілу. Ніч темна і повна жахів (с). https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U IP-адреса : порт сервера : 8415 Мінімум зайвого. У нас немає десятків модпаків по кілька гігабайт кожен і сотень доданих стволів з сумнівним візуалом і функціоналом, торгівника та безлімітної стаміни. І не буде. Ми будемо старатися мати один глобальний мод для нашого сервера плюс окремо кілька утиліт для адміністрування. Тільки природнє відігрування ролі. DayZ як гра дає більш ніж достатньо інструментів для відігрування ролі, і не потребує додаткових умовностей для цього. Тому кожен може бути у світі гри ким забажає, але під це ніколи не будуть створюватись штучні правила, що ставитимуть гравців у вигадані рамки і диктуватимуть як взаємодіяти між собою. Суворіше виживання. Менше зброї та набоїв, інструментів та їжі. Менше слотів у одязі. Завдання для гравців. Раз на годину на радіочастоті 99.7 з'являється завдання, за виконання якого гравець може отримати винагороду. Завдання може почути будь-який гравець. Винагорода є випадковою і може містити різні корисні речі, з яких деякі не знайти в ігровому світі. Змінене будівництво. Будувати можна майже будь-де. Більше витрат ресурсів на побудову стін, але більша міцність і стійкість до рейду. НЕХАЙ ЩАСТИТЬ, УЦІЛІЛИЙ.
  2. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    It may be my loss, seriously no sarcasm here. But as a book written by a soldier that's part of american military, that is known for sticking it's nose where they're not asked too - my presumption is, there is a great probability of subtle star-spangled propaganda, and i'm not gonna waste my time on it to prove myself wrong, so sorry there, dude. Well, yeah. I could put names, but why should I if the wikipedia has 'em and it's the first google search result List of snipers Not sayin' it's the worst in any way, there are strong sides, but... You meant the one with the most bloated budget, right? I'm no brit, but I cincerely have more respect for Her Majesty's Armed Forces. No offence, dear US of A inhabitants, that's just how the outside world sees and perceives you.
  3. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Why the actual F did you go about stg's and ak's and russian (actually soviet) military manufacturing, how is that related to my post or where i've mentioned it? Does it really hurt that much? 😂 And still you missed all my points and write all this bs from an american standpoint, which i specifically mentioned 😂 93 confirmed kills is mediocre at best btw, but actually - that was one lazy sniper. TL;DR cry moar From a gameplay standpoint, what would be the difference between the m24 and the already existing tundra?
  4. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    VSS *literally* stands for (translated from russian) special sniper rifle, lol. Yes, it's a DMR rather than a sniper rifle, if treated from a US Armed Forces classification. It's just that not the whole world uses that classification and US Armed Forces isn't the only military force in the world. And while there are exceptions, most real life small arms engagements are under 300m anyway.
  5. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    I think stones should be much easier to find, but stone knives should last 2-3 uses at most. A stone knife is a poorman's knife, the way it is now it's usually harder to get a stone knife that any other one lol. IMHO.
  6. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Tried DayZ in the end of May during free weekend on steam (heard about it earlier but never played it, ever), loved it and bought it. Play only vanilla because have some experience of community servers of other games, don't want to waste my time. Got a friend playing with me, who played the mod back in 2012-2014, and didn't play SA at all. He says that SA as is at the moment is much more survival and hardcore, than the mod ever was, and it's actually more fun to play, even considering all the bugs. Just sayin'.
  7. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Just make the light source not render from too far away or maybe when a certain distance threshold is passed, make it render in a different, simpler way. (remember those old 2dfx from renderware games) I think it's a plausible temporary solution while the engine can't provide anything better. IMO.
  8. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    To those complaining about the same damage from different caliber rounds. Do you really think that if a 7.62x39 round makes a bigger "entry hole" it deals more damage to a living organism? Well, lol, go read some stuff, learn a few things, kiddies. There's a reason why 5.45 was implemented by the eastern block, and 5.56 was made into the NATO AR standard.
  9. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    If you put it that way, lore-wise, surely you can see the desolation all around. It's not like the outbreak happenned yesterday, a week ago or even a month ago. It's more like a half a year to a year or so. In that time, everything that was simply lying around, including weapons, was looted or broken/damaged. The usable rifles are left in nooks and crannies to look for, yes they're still out there, but not in every single barracks - those were, lore-wise, raided and looted in the first days of the outbreak, and now it's been months.
  10. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    About modded servers - yes, maybe I didn't, but currently and in the foreseen future I have no desire and no time to experiment with them, especially considering vanilla CLE is totally fine by me. And I don't perceive AK as a mid-tier gun (well, aside from AKSU, that's really somewhere in between the middle and top). Because with all the superiority of the NATO 5.56 round, it actually doesn't make a whole lot of a difference. You'll die with one bullet to the head or two to the chest either way, doesn't matter if it's 7.62x39, 5.45 or 5.56 NATO, that's how DayZ works and it's actually rather realistic. I consider SMGs and probably shotguns mid-tier. And pistols, along with the upcoming Sporter 22, low-tier. I'm a noob to DayZ and didn't have problems finding AKs anyway. Hell, I've found a FAL and VSS! Yes, they are not as common as Makarovs or Glocks, but an evening or two of considerate looting and you'll have one in general. Totally fine. I actually have a problem with the rarity of tents xD I mean, c'mon, IRL you could rather easily make a simple, small, makeshift one out of animal hide, rope or duct tape and a couple of sticks, but in DayZ finding a tent, especially a large one, is like a hitting a jackpot in the national lottery xD
  11. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Play modded, nobody prohibits you that. Just don't come here crying "make AKs spawn moar!". I play official because I like the balance here. And modded servers, from my experience by far, are either 2 AKs and an M4 in every house or "ultra-turbo-hardcore" trash. Vanilla lies in the middle and is the most fun to play.
  12. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    If you play modded servers, why the actual f-word are you even here to complain about loot on official? Go play some more modded and cry to admins about CLE, they can modify it any way they can, so even sore losers would have an AK to fap on. Plain ridiculous.
  13. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I totally agree. The things that should (IMHO) be added are bicycles and umbrellas, for example. Because, lore-wise, those are the things of not the utmost need, that would've been looted or taken for a possible evacuation at the begging of the outbreak. But AKs? C'mon. You really think there should be an assault rifle in every kindergarten if it's post-soviet Russia? School kiddos went to summer holidays and want AK to go tra-ta-ta? I came to the game very recently, on May 21st of smth, got hooked actually, but that's not the point. Bought the game after the free weekend. We're playing duo with a friend on a high-pop official fpp server. We both have AKs. And we have a stashed FAL and VSS, found in the first week we played. Soooo, just git gud? And the amount of guns is totally fine, I'd say at times it feels like there are too many even. Cry moar.
  14. JJ_Judge

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Just go play on some PvP server and have fun. It's a survival game with guns and shooting, not a shooter with survival elements. Sheesh.