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About Joka813

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Joka813

    Connecting failed. An unknown error has occurred

    Happened to me too. Let me know if you find a fix
  2. Joka813

    Problem connecting to any server

    Let me know if you find a solution. My xbox is doing the same thing
  3. Joka813

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    How can I fix the warning you are kicked from server issue
  4. Warning, you are kicked from server How did I get this bug and how can I fix it. I want to get back to playing the game. I reinstalled and reset my xbox multiple times. Nothing seems to work. Need some help please
  5. Joka813

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I keep getting “warning you are kicked from server” over and over again. Would this be because of the update? Is there a way to resolve this issue? Love the game so far