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Everything posted by attorney1977

  1. attorney1977

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    With of all this talk of weapons as entities, I wonder if they can fix simple things about firearms in Day/Arma. Will weapons remember their fire modes? Currently, when you put a weapon down and pick it back up, the fire selector defaults to "SIngle" (or "FullAuto" for AKs) Will weapons retain a bullet in the breech when changing magazine?
  2. Even if you add them (which is a shit lot of work), the zombies will not attack them. Their scripts/FSM are solely to attack players. You would have to rewrite the whole zombie AI to get anything credible working.
  3. attorney1977

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    We got this on GB Wireworld - admins rolled back to 17.2.6 as well.
  4. attorney1977

    The Horror of Green Mountain Trailer

    Excellent. Good use of silhouettes and the splashes of red. Once you visit Green Mountain you can never leave!
  5. attorney1977

    How to remove peripheral dots

    Could you post up the contents of the batch file you use to start the server if ok?
  6. Hi Mac, Been having a lot of fun with my hombres on your server. Got in some mad scrapes and even tangled with Barry Bandit :D Wanted to say thanks and also had a bit of feedback. Joined the server today and it's getting dark as I type (8.00PM GMT) wheras before it was about midnight when the sun went down. I know you've increased the NVG spawn, but we haven't found any so can't really play on much further (without using lots of flares). I just checked DayZ Commander which thinks it's 2:51PM and the description still shows GMT -5 so not sure if there's a bug or something. Also, do you have the peripheral dots enabled on the server by design? I spotted a player the other night by the green dot that flashed up when I turned around away from him. Anyway, many thanks :)
  7. attorney1977

    How to remove peripheral dots

    @Caffeind My server had this problem. I checked this old Arma 2 page: http://forums.bistud...p/t-132596.html Then added PeripheralVisionAid=0; and the following parameter: visionAid=0; so the Server profile looks like this: version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; shadingQuality=7; shadowQuality=3; maxSamplesPlayed=32; class Difficulties { class Recruit { class Flags { Armor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; AutoSpot=0; CameraShake=1; ClockIndicator=0; DeathMessages=0; EnemyTag=0; FriendlyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; Map=0; NetStats=1; PeripheralVisionAid=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; UnlimitedSaves=0; visionAid=0; VonID=1; WeaponCursor=0; 3rdPersonView=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0; precisionEnemy=0; }; class Regular { class Flags { Armor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; AutoSpot=0; CameraShake=1; ClockIndicator=0; DeathMessages=0; EnemyTag=0; FriendlyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; Map=0; NetStats=1; PeripheralVisionAid=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; UnlimitedSaves=0; visionAid=0; VonID=1; WeaponCursor=0; 3rdPersonView=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionEnemy=1; }; class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; AutoSpot=0; CameraShake=1; ClockIndicator=0; DeathMessages=0; EnemyTag=0; FriendlyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; Map=0; NetStats=1; PeripheralVisionAid=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; UnlimitedSaves=0; visionAid=0; VonID=1; WeaponCursor=0; 3rdPersonView=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionEnemy=1; }; class Mercenary { class Flags { Armor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; AutoSpot=0; CameraShake=1; ClockIndicator=0; DeathMessages=0; EnemyTag=0; FriendlyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; Map=0; NetStats=1; PeripheralVisionAid=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; UnlimitedSaves=0; visionAid=0; VonID=1; WeaponCursor=0; 3rdPersonView=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionEnemy=1; }; }; activeKeys[]= { "BIS_IAmBeingNaughty25" }; sceneComplexity=300000; viewDistance=9999; terrainGrid=3.125; volumeCD=6.5; volumeFX=8.5; volumeSpeech=5.5; volumeVoN=6.5; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; Then I ran the server at highest difficulty Expert/Mercenary and the dots disappeared. Even though those parameters are in there now, I still had to run at highest diff in order to remeove the dots. Running at Recruit/Regular left them on screen. Didn't test Veteran though. Test this and see if it works. Can you put a quick post in this thread to confirm if working or not?
  8. Thank you to DayZ development team for update. Testament to RV engine for it's flexibility too. Be interested to see performance gains client side vs server load. Question: Currently, it can take long periods of time (for me) to join server if lots of people are playing. Will changed engine/network architecture help with issues like this? (Syncing info across clients etc)
  9. attorney1977

    Green Mountain radio

    Shh...Some secrets should stay hidden.
  10. attorney1977

    Vagrent has a boner...

    He hacked you like a BOSS ;)
  11. attorney1977

    ALT F4 Penalty suggestion

    OK. FIrst off, I did search this forum but couldn't find a similar idea. Apologies if this has been suggested already. At the moment, we know that the server can distinguish between a correct log-out and ALT F4. If someone invokes ALT F4 to combat log, the server spawns all of their gear on the floor (guns, ammo, backpack and tool belt items). The server then signals the hive which deletes all of the items from their inventory. The person has survived successfully, but without any gear. (So no point in combat logging). Advantages: Incentivises people not to combat log or they lose their stuff. Disadvantages: At present, the server cannot differentiate between combat logging and say, a CTD. So in theory, if someone crashes, then their gear would drop over the floor. However, presumably they could just go back to the server they were on and pick it all up again. If they CTD while in combat, then that would just be unfortunate ;)
  12. attorney1977

    ALT F4 Penalty suggestion

    I don't mind you wasting my time on these forums iJosh, but it might be boring for others. I'm an insomniac, so I don't sleep much. Why are you here?
  13. attorney1977

    ALT F4 Penalty suggestion

    I did search but probably not to the same dilligence as thebirdolux. Sorry but I don't have a lot of time to check this stuff out. I thought I'd better put it in the suggestions it before I forget. My bad though. Chabowski - Yes, probably would be easier on all concerned if it was guns and backpack only. Thanks for good suggestion. Who cares if they lose a military torch or w/e :)
  14. attorney1977

    ALT F4 Penalty suggestion

    Yeah but you're a massive troll. I mean; I like your enthusiasm but I think you're misguided iJosh.
  15. attorney1977

    Completely hopeless and utter dispair....

    Go into 3rd person view. The default key is Enter (on your numpad). As for looting, check this loot map: http://dayzdb.com/map Gives you all the locations that loot can spawn in. If zombies are chasing you and you have no weapon do one of two things: 1 - Run through bushes and go into 'crouched run' as you leave them. The zombies stop following when they lose LOS. The crouched run will help mask your noise levels. 2 - Run into a building. The zombies can only walk in buildings. Try to only go into buildings that have two entrances (so you don't get boxed in). You're normally somewhere where there's bushes and/or buildings so this should work for the majority of situations. Good luck!
  16. attorney1977

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Looking good - could do with some dried blood caked on the walls for that 'lived in' appearance ;)
  17. attorney1977

    Can we include one of these?...

    Gotta love the 'music' on that vid :D EDIT: Tampax, WTF?
  18. attorney1977

    #UK02 14/1012 between roughly 19:30 gmt

    I imagine he was slowly mastubating and licking his pallid lips while he shot you in the back. ffaaaaappp ffaaaaappp ffffaaaappp...bang! And he's spent.
  19. Just on uk02. Medbox with all guns in Elektro church so assume there's hackers.
  20. attorney1977

    Differing sizes of players

  21. attorney1977

    How do you deal with the preasure of...

    Just loot one of the supermarkets in Elektro/Cherno/Zelenegorsk/Stary or Berezino.
  22. attorney1977

    Strange goings on in Dayz today

    Maybe you joined a private PVP orientated server? Other stuff sounds like hackers and guy with satchel charge.