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Everything posted by attorney1977

  1. attorney1977

    Attn Community: Help needed - wind and windage

    Okay, changed the code for the ballistics. Bullets now change their path during flight and follow a correct ballistic arc horizontally when in wind. The windage system is in mil-dots and increments in 0.1 mils. Bullets now even react to changes in the wind during their flight-time (I'm not going to do anything about regions of wind at this time, but maybe something for the future). Arma 2 does have a variable wind speed however, so even though the server might set wind speed as 3 m/s southerly fror example, you will still experience fluctuations in the wind from time to time. Please see the following video for demonstration. The DMR was picked as I had Hetstaines data for 7.62mm NATO. (I don't even know if the DMR should have windage in Dayz) I'm thinking if a gun has zeroing controls in Dayz already, then it should have windage controls. If it doesn't have zeroing, then why should it have windage turrets simulated? Anyway, please see the demo vid. The data is based off the first chart in this post. The yellow trails are just debugging stuff so you can see what's going on. I need to add in the coefficients for other calibers (dependent on finding ballistic charts), determine which guns need windage and tidy the sound files up then it's good to go.
  2. attorney1977

    Attn Community: Help needed - wind and windage

    Thanks for replies all, especially Hetstaine who has caused me all sorts of headaches! :) When I coded the drift, I didn't realise that the drift is linked to the drop off in velocity. (I hadn't done any research and assumed it was a constant change - which is incorrect). Classic schoolboy error.... What this means is the calculations in the code are only good for one range, and at all other ranges, the results would be skewed. Having looked at the link you gave me, and those charts, I'll have to go away and recode it to dynamically calculate the path of the bullet relative to time. *Puts thinking cap on*...
  3. Not really a wise question to ask on the official forums.
  4. attorney1977

    Lag During Zoom/Scope (Can you reduce it?)

    Enable fraps or some sort of FPS counter Go into your scope view While you are looking in the scope, open the graphics settings Lower your "Objects Detail" and check FPS Profit I have a shit-hot graphics card and I still lower it to "low" AFAIK, the "Objects Detail" puts more load on your CPU (because more objects and polygons are drawn on screen). The rendering of them isn't a problem for your GFX card most likely, just the fact that there's more hit boxes, LOD's and so forth to calculate. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  5. attorney1977

    Ramdisk =cant join any servers

    Fair enough. I haven't seen that video, but if you do a bit of reading and benchmarking, you can work out what's going to be the best for you. Do you have an SSD you could install Arma 2 onto? Personally, I used to use RAMDrive when I had a low spec PC, but with modern SSD, there seems to be no benefit for me at all. Your computer looks quite nice, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's up to you though.
  6. Not an Arma 2 issue? You are right though, the system needs an overhaul. You should post your bug on DEV HEAVEN though as on these forums, you are wasting your time. You can even link that video as a repro if you like.
  7. attorney1977

    Ramdisk =cant join any servers

    Good, at least it isn't an Arma installation problem then. Just out of interest, why are you using the Ramdisk for just Dayz? Dayz has such a small amount of data on it (170Mb), it hardly will make a difference to your experience. If you had put some of the more commonly loaded files (like chernarus.pbo or buildings2.pbo) then it would improve your data streaming for the files that are generally needed all the time. It's argueable that the overhead of a Ramdisk might outweigh the benefits too (depending on circumstance). See this post for some more info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?88629-ArmA-2-I-O-analysis-results&p=1478166&viewfull=1#post1478166 I can't be more specific as I know nothing about your setup (steam or retail, PC specs etc)
  8. attorney1977

    Ramdisk =cant join any servers

    Do you have this problem when you try and join a mission that does not use @DayZ? (like Wasteland for example).
  9. attorney1977

    New 'suggestion' board

    My view is, tick system doesn't encourage debate. By responding in a forum thread, you are at least validating what your opinion is on the matter and more importantly why you hold that view. Tick system in this context encourages laziness. Too easy for lazy user to look at the title and vote without knowing what contents of thread are. In present system, if user makes useless post without reading thread then they are quite rightly called out on it. User could vote on 30 topics, all within the space of 1 minute. Has that person really read and understood the ideas?
  10. attorney1977

    How To Record Dayz

    You can record with MSI Afterburner as well. Haven't used it for recording - mainly stick to using it for diagnostics etc.
  11. attorney1977

    Bolt action rifles bolt sound

    No, it would be kicked if you tried to join for missing/incorrect signature files. It's more for R4ZOR 49 if he wants it in Dayz. You are free to dl and use it for Arma 2 if you want though.
  12. attorney1977

    DayZ Standalone for Mac

    It's a Hackintosh (off retail disk so not pirated). There's a bootloader when you switch the machine on and you select which OS you want to load. BIOS file is shared and a couple of kexts are needed to be installed on OSX for internet and sound to function correctly. But it does run natively and make full use of CPU/GPU/memory etc. I do most of my gaming on WIndows side, but flip to OSX if sequencing, or playing X-Plane/Kerbal. OSX is great - perfect for music and video production, but yes Apple do overcharge for their hardware. This way you can have best of both worlds. (PC hardware and choice of OS to use).
  13. attorney1977

    DayZ Standalone for Mac

    Yes, this my Mac - not too shabby for horsepower or graphics ;) Certainly fast enough for gaming.
  14. attorney1977

    Can we have an AN-94

    He means the burst leaves the gun before the recoil is felt. Not as in 'balancing' the weapon lists.
  15. attorney1977

    Bolt action rifles bolt sound

    Here is a pbo with working bolt action sounds for Lee Enfield, M24 and CZ550 - could not see bug on DH to add to. If you want to use/modify it for Dayz, please feel free. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/101800212/test_reload_rifle.7z Sounds not added for "Remington870_lamp" or "Winchester1866" because I couldn't load them in SP to check or look at their class inheritance. Note for other forum users: Bolt cannot be animated on these rifles without getting access to the models from Bohemia so it's a no go until sample models are available.
  16. attorney1977

    Bolt action rifles bolt sound

    Quick config to add bolt sounds to Lee Enfield. Untested - you will need to have a reloading sound file ofc. I couldn't find the path to bolt sounds in Arma so unless you know it, perhaps somebody from the community could provide one? class CfgPatches { class your_lee_enfield_class_name { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.01; requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield"}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Rifle; // external class reference class LeeEnfield: Rifle { reloadSound[] = {"path_to_your_wss_file",1,1}; // have seen mods using format reloadSound[] = {"path_to_your_wss_file",1,1,20}; }; }; EDIT: Apologies for the formatting. This forum seems to do it. EDIT 2: Gone through Arma 2 configs. Path to suitable reload sound file might be: "Ca\sounds\Weapons\rifles\M1014-reload" Again, untested so you may need a .wss file if this sound isn't the right one.
  17. attorney1977

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    As much as I would like that, it would have to be a 30 foot golden statue of Keanu Reeves. This would be a tribute to community for their level-headedness and willingness to engage in meaningful discourse.
  18. attorney1977

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    This is mostly guesswork, but the release of Arma 3 gives us a good indication of some of the unconfirmed features in SA. Stuff like: Arma 3 features a weight/fatigue system. AFAIK, this hasn't been talked about by Rocket for inclusion in SA, but Dayz players would be in uproar if Arma 3 got a feature like that and it wasn't ported in some capacity to DayZ. Will be getting it next week to check out the new scripting commands and java implementation. - Porting some mods over I've worked on to see how they fare or if there's anything new I can do with the engine, (not Dayz code though).
  19. attorney1977

    Ghost in the machine

    Definitely something to with Green Mountain. I don't know how, but it is.
  20. attorney1977

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Russian Revolution - 1917 ___________________________________________________________ Student protest in Tiananmen Square - 1989 __________________________________________________________ DayZ fans protest over some tin cans - 2013
  21. attorney1977

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    You know what my point is. All of the gear in Arma 2 has hookey names. Do you want to remove that too?
  22. attorney1977

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    By that rationale, they should remove the AS-50 with it's "Zoidberg" branded scope, and the "Hand-Over Offender", amongst others....
  23. attorney1977

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I can only speak for me of course but I think if the creators/caretakers of this mod (who done this all off their own back for free) want to have a little fun with something as trivial as the wrappers on food, then it's their perogative and fine by me. It seems there's a lot of stock phrases that get bandied about like "breaking the immersion" that just become a really lazy, tautological way of saying "I don't like it". As as for people claiming it ruins the "vision of Dean" or is "disrespectful". Who are you to decide what deserves respect or not? What have you given back to the community? It's a fucking computer game, not the holy grail. A misplaced sense of entitlement is strong with this thread.
  24. I posted here because I have already told one of the admins that the server is open season and nothing has been done about it. Then it turns out that someone/people have been abusing the server. Hacking/misuse of mods is detrimental to everyones experience more than these comments are detrimental to the topic.
  25. attorney1977

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Quite a big changelog there - will look forward to playing. Thanks.