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Everything posted by attorney1977

  1. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Hoik - can you set up your forum account so you can receive PM? I have a way for you to test your items without having to set up a server. BTW awesome work really liking the drinks containers (esp the tartan thermos) :) Been working on some melee weapons:
  2. attorney1977

    Robin Hood, Little John, and Pirates

    "How many bullets did I just fire?" - excellent :)
  3. attorney1977

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    The Nagant is a Soviet weapon, not Japanese. Also, Gews is making the point that when modular system is in place, the Lee Enfield should not accept any old scope (RIS system etc), due to it's unique rail mount. That's assuming it's in SA in the first place.
  4. attorney1977

    AK-74 series

    I prefer the 74 but the 74U is my mates fave gun.
  5. Try getting rid of Flash player and see if your problem persists: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html Also, do system restart when you have uninstalled it.
  6. attorney1977

    DO i need operation arrow head

    Your advice is sound, but don't trash these programs out of hand. They do a good job and in the case of PWS/SU also manage hundreds of other mods should one want to play other Arma modded content. At 15Mb and 25Mb they are hardly bloatware imo. Just clean out the caches now and then.
  7. I'm not optimistic that there would be shadowing. I suspect they will bake the ship onto the map as Arma has geometry issues with discrete objects over 50 cubic metres, and AFAIK, 'terrain' doesn't cast shadows (even in A3), so I'm not really hopeful. Look forward to your tests though - they may have worked out sone way to do it.
  8. Thank you Matt, your strokes are sublime (keystrokes that is) ;)
  9. attorney1977

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Nice, was that at Pax?
  10. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    That is definitely something that could change :)
  11. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Awesome :) I changed it so HTML is now the text and not a load of paa's. The book is a bit bigger and also remembers what page you were on (like a bookmark) in case you get interrupted while reading. You can also click on the pages to turn them now, and there's a little "book closing" noise when you put it away. The size of the file has shrunk dramatically from about 6.25Mb down to 250 Kb for the picture (which can be shared between books) and 20Kb for the text (10 pages). Haven't seen Hoik on for a few days, but here's the source code. You don't need to run mods now, just drop the demo mission in your Arma 2 Docs folder and open the book with 000. The code isn't finished as we ideally need a couple of parameters in the book's config to determine the page count and a couple of other things but it's working well enough as a demo... Obligatory media:
  12. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    That brings up a really good point. The textures for the book are about 250Kb per 2 pages in that demo. For a 50 page book that would be about 25 x 0.25 = 6.25Mb. Is that too much? It seems okay for one book, but if your talking about 100 books then that starts to get really large imo. Ideally, we don't want the community stuff adding hundreds of megabytes to the DayZ download. Other way round it would be to display the book as blank pages and do the 'print' using structured text. (Which would decrease the size dramatically as structured text is nothing compared to paa files. Only downside here is we are limited to the fonts used in Arma (LucidaConsoleB, Zeppelin33Italic, Zeppelin32 and Zeppelin33). I will make a demo for doing it this way as well and post it up.
  13. attorney1977

    Blue Screen of Death :( Help me!

    What are your temps like when you're playing? If you haven't done so already, it may be worth cleaning out the case with an air duster or somesuch. Especially if you a smoker, or have pets, or both.
  14. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I put together a test dialog mini mod and test mission for you if it helps. There is no book item, but it's just to demo how you can have a reading system. There's only 5 pages to the book as I just wanted to show it working, but you can modify the scripts to support more pages. You can download the source files here. If you want to test it in game as it is, you will need to run CBA at the same time. Feel free to use any of it if you want to be able to read books. I still think right clicking the book in the gear menu would be the way to go, but I couldn't do that in here as I haven't got a DayZ server at home to test it on (I really need to set up a server). EDIT: Pressing 0, 0, 0 loads the dialog on screen in the test mission. Oh yeah, sorry for dodgy page turning sound. It was all I could find in a rush.
  15. attorney1977

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    It sounds really cool but doesn't it depend on minimum frame rate of 60 fps? Not sure DayZ Standalone could guarantee that sort of framerate so this accessory is moot imo. EDIT: I will prob be called out on my assumptions but nevermind. Will learn from the next wave....
  16. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    If you want, you could add actual content to the books, so that the player can read them. It's just an idea, but here's how I think it could be done. When you have your gear dialog open, you right click on the book (in much the same way as hatchet or water bottle)*** and select the "read book" option. At this point, a script is fired which closes the Gear dialog (closeDialog 0;) and displays the first page of the book onscreen as a dialog for the player to read. There should be the following options I think: <Next Page> <Prev Page> <Back to Gear (close book)> <Back to Game (close book).> And then the player can read as they see fit. *** = here is example of config stuff which lets you read in the menus: class cfgMagazines { class i_inherited_this_class; class necronomican: i_inherited_this_class { property_x = "whatever"; property_y = "whatever"; class Toolbelt // defined in DayZ code { text = "Read book"; script = "spawn player_addBook;"; }; }; }; player_addBook would then show the first page onscreen as a dialog. If you want to do something like this, then I can definitely help with any dialog stuff (if you want). BTW - excellent work on the books - looking really good. Hope that is of use for you :)
  17. attorney1977

    SA: start out 'sickly'

    I think this is a great suggestion.
  18. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Cool man :) From what I understand, you basically need to halve the faces of your model for each LOD. I tried to use the "decimate" tool in Blender, but the results were unsatisfactory so I had to do it by hand (which was pretty boring). There's some really good reference material if you download the Arma sample models pack and open up the p3d's to see how they're put together Really good resources for LODs and general O2 stuff here (may have been posted already): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/LOD and this following guide is pretty cool - I followed it all the way even though it's for buildings, Everything in it is relevant for other types of models for sure :) http://community.bis..._Addon_Tutorial Of course, if you get stuck, it's always worth going on the Arma 2 editing forums. Just don't tell them it's anything to do with Dayz! ;)
  19. attorney1977

    Weapon modification

    Hi Olly, and welcome to the forums. :) Your idea is pretty much confirmed for DayZ: the game. Check out some of the latest video devblogs. They talk about this quite a lot. :) EDIT: Ninja'd by Orlok.
  20. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Been doing a lot of LOD work, so hopefully all should be cool for pushing Circular Saw Blades to GITHUB. AFAIK (and from what I have painstakingly researched) - LODs are so that the GPU renders the least amount of triangles possible but still makes the scene look good. Apparently, this is all down to the individual PC, so the onus is on the model maker to make their model work with all setups: LOD 0: LOD 1: LOD 2: LOD 3: LOD 4: Hopefully this works as advertised. If not, then maybe we will all have to experience the last shit picture I posted all the time.
  21. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    That's fair comment I think. :) I am trying to keep the faces down (900 atm which compares favorably with RDG5 1179 faces in the sample models pack) but I'm setting up some more res LODs for decreased detail at different distances. I've got to read up on how the engine handles the LODs but will keep performance in mind. Thanks for making point about texture size as well - currently using 2048x2048 atm so will chop that down and see how it goes. :)
  22. attorney1977

    Old bandit skin in next build

    Why is this "nice"? Why should bandits have "camo" when their opposite number (heroes) do not? There is a "camo" skin for that exact purpose already. How is this any different to distinguish from the current set of skins? (I can tell who is a bandit already thanks). Why would they be unable to change clothes? Maybe your suggestion should have some weight to it or it comes across as random. AFAIK Balota Buddies US offers this skin as a reward for being an über-bandit so maybe play on there if you want it so bad. Sorry but yours is a hasty suggestion without much credible thought behind it.
  23. attorney1977

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    No that's cool - let it install in P: - it's a pseudo-drive and you can load and save files from anywhere :)