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SlowDowNmetriX slow

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About SlowDowNmetriX slow

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  1. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    Writing on paper

    they should add it on pc and consoles again!
  2. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    Skill Tree

    Hello dear comunit, the new gas update is out and is petty cool but a little bit useless we need something that bring you a goal in dayz. ok its all about getting weapons , kill, have cool interaction with the people on the server, but its missing one realistic part of the game the skill tree! If you kill more zombies you getting more experience and can kill the zombies faster, if you live longer and ran more miles you get more stamina. if you shoting zombies/people you can hold your breath longer... so half a year i wrote with an dayz developer, and gave him this suggestion... his anwser was it is to unrealstic😂, now they added the gas zones... so please tell me what you thinking about my suggestion. Have a great Dayz!
  3. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    New Update

    These are only mods for pc, what’s with console players
  4. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    New Update

  5. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    New Update

    With a face painting you can better see who is your enemy or friend, when you are with a group you can better organize the group
  6. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    I need help, fast..

    Ohh that’s hard to figure it out
  7. SlowDowNmetriX slow


    https://tenor.com/view/good-morning-its-friday-friday-gif-13247366 Her is what i mean
  8. SlowDowNmetriX slow


    I think im in a Lowrider every time i drive around the map, it just bounce around and sometimes do a flip😂. The Driving kills us 8/10 Times ! often you stuck in a car when you try to get out that is a big disadvantage !
  9. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    New Dayz Overlay and Start Sound

    Yes namalsk would be good but it would come as a DLC .. They would have 3 Maps then, hopefully the fix all the bug´s in 2021 and bring some more love in this game
  10. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    New Dayz Overlay and Start Sound

    It should be more Scared with a new scary music, the old Infestation Surviver Story (Warz) Start Sound was like the Zombie´s would come out of you´r Screen Maybe the developers have some Time to make it better
  11. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    Starting loot for money

    lock up in my Suggestion a save zone would be great to trade, buy and sell items for Ingame Currency🤑
  12. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    Ghillie Strips

    sounds good but a ghillie is still a very rare item, you need time or luck to get it
  13. SlowDowNmetriX slow


    this sound´s pretty good, with every zombie you kill you get stronger, with every mile you run you have more stamina. that would be good in this game to get another goal in !
  14. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    More Dance Moves!

    no this is not fortnite, this is a military shooter
  15. SlowDowNmetriX slow

    I need help, fast..

    you need a metal saw to destroy it, anyway you gotta go on the roof and try it there