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About WhiskeyGinger

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    On the Coast

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  1. Server Stats https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/dayz/5053919
  2. Server Stats https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/dayz/4986351
  3. Rules Base raiding allowed. Metagaming is allowed via Discord, Teamspeak, Steam...whatever platform. Don't block paved roads, medical or military buildings with bases or base components. Don't build within 100m of the Traders or block the entrances to them. Anything else goes. Embrace the chaos and make Livonia yours. Info Join with https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home Increased zed count; small armies in bigger villages. Bring plenty of ammo. More chickens, goats, cows, deer, pigs and hogs to hunt. Sell their meat and pelts. Larger wolf packs (6 minimum) with expanded hunting grounds. Be careful! More wolf and bear spawns. Guns and ammo are everywhere. Certain guns, medicines and supplies are tough to find. They're worth a lot. Traders pay the most for items they don't sell, like antibiotics and power generators. Daylight for 3 real hours, nights last about 10 minutes. Restarts are at 12 & 6 Eastern (-5 GMT). Server is in Atlanta, GA. A smooth experience despite using a ton of mods. Mod List: https://www.bloodyrp.com/forum/mod-talk/pvp-server-mods Links https://discord.gg/Hvte6T2 https://www.bloodyrp.com/ https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bloody_RP
  4. Changes: Added Trader Wallet mod Added CheckIdentity mod ("CanCheckAlive": 1, "CanCheckRestrained": 1, "CanCheckUnconscious": 1,) Even more wildlife. Minimum dynamic animal spawns increased further.
  5. WhiskeyGinger

    Bloody RP: Non-KoS PvE/PvP in Livonia

    Looking for others to join the 6 of us regulars on a 60-slot server. Bloody RP launched our first server in Atlanta on Dec 18th. It's ran well since then; no crashes; frequent backups. The full details are in this post, but here's the quick n dirty... No base raiding (Disable Base Destruction mod installed). KoS permitted only at airdrops in a 100m radius around the airdrop crate. Airdrop loot despawns after 45 minutes. New airdrop / KoS Zone every 45 minutes. Anything else goes. Armed robbery, et al, permitted. More chickens, goats, cows, deer, pigs and hogs to hunt. Sell their meat and pelts to Traders for a fair price. Increased zed count; small armies of them in big villages. Bring plenty of ammo, a friend, and a towel. Don't block paved roads, military or medical buildings with bases. Discord BloodyRP.com Steam Group
  6. Rules No base raiding. However, unlocked bases (and vehicles) are fair game. Metagaming is allowed via Discord, Teamspeak, Steam...whatever platform. Don't block paved roads, medical or military buildings with bases or base components. Don't build within 100m of the Traders or block the entrances to them. Anything else goes. Armed robbery, torture, et al, permitted. KoS permitted at airdrops in a 500m radius around the airdrop crate. (Airdrop loot despawns after 90 minutes. Each airdrop crate, and thus its KoS zone, lasts 90 minutes. A new airdrop / dynamic KoS zone spawns every 60 minutes.) Lethal self defense is permitted if someone points a gun at you, steals from you, threatens you, or robs you. Lethal vengeance may be taken immediately or at a later date against the perp(s) who have wronged you. A KoS attempt is allowed one time against the perp(s) to settle the score. The perp(s) may defend themselves during the victim's retaliatory engagement, but may not retaliate against this KoS attempt. Victims who fail to kill the perp(s) in the attempt may not attempt a 2nd KoS against them. Victims may hire hitmen and enlist friends to help kill the perp(s), but whoever dies as a result will not be reimbursed for their losses. Info Join with https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home Increased zed count; small armies in bigger villages. Bring plenty of ammo. More chickens, goats, cows, deer, pigs and hogs to hunt. Sell their meat and pelts. Larger wolf packs (6 minimum) with expanded hunting grounds. Be careful! More wolf and bear spawns. Guns and ammo are everywhere. Certain guns, medicines and supplies are tough to find. They're worth a lot. Traders pay the most for items they don't sell, like antibiotics and power generators. Daylight for 3 real hours, nights last about 10 minutes. Restarts are at 12 & 6 Eastern (-5 GMT). Server is in Atlanta, GA. A smooth experience despite using a ton of mods. Mod List: https://www.bloodyrp.com/forum/mod-talk/pvp-server-mods Links https://discord.gg/Hvte6T2 https://www.bloodyrp.com/ https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bloody_RP