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Everything posted by manowar

  1. manowar

    Recomend a good white listed private hive

  2. I remember listening to that guy. It was cool.
  3. It has always been a hobby of mine, to act superior, Not like a dick but to be a general cool person speaking loudly and in charge. Compounded this attitude with my age old handle of Dantan (No correlation to my real name, My name is not Dan. Stop calling me so.) brought on Dantan the Great. These days people call me Wishmaster though. I am sad though because I get variable restriction #99 on all of my names in game so I am stuck using the crappy name BTYB, after my PC's name.
  4. I played on the Mercykillers.eu server today coming back to dayz after several months. Now it is the only server I can connect to, all others I get Set variable restriction #99. Does anyone have a fix for this?
  5. manowar

    Set variable restriction #99

    Ive figured out, it has to do with your name. If you switch to the Default Profile it will let you join.
  6. manowar

    Hackers? what did you achieve by doing this?

    Thumbs up and beans for making a bad day better.
  7. Find them and punch them in the dick.
  8. What do :( It makes me sad to see them spawning shit and using teleports and all the bad stuff, they even nuked a server. What can I do to make myself feel less guilty for knowing these rapscallions.
  9. So I went and punched him in the dick like Max said and he got quite mad. Threats were exchanged and I dont think he will be talking to me for a while, but it was worth it. He dug his own grave by hacking like a bitch.
  10. Figured out one of my friends dayz in game name. He isnt one of the hackers but the people on the same server as this guy should be warned if you can find them Chris Scaletti. The possible hackers from a skype call I was in earlier are as follows: Via -revel staff- Co leader, Soul King and Jake (there are probably a million of these)
  11. We see movies and everything else together. But they wont let me play dayz with them because I wont hack like them.
  12. manowar

    Your Final Words Before Death

    Had a hacker come at me and corner me in a castle. Came in "He had god mode" no nametags so I couldnt figure out who it was. I shot him and nothing happened after half a belt of machine gun ammo so while he was laughing I sang the ghostbusters theme song but replaced Ghostbusters with Hacking Ni**ers! After about the second stantza he spawned 20 satchels and blew me up.
  13. He lives down the street. Im going to go do that right now.
  14. That was very rude, I was talking to VAGETA! Disconnect.
  15. manowar

    My worst Day in Dayz ever.

    I was blessed by a hundred Huey's once. I stole a hacker's pickup truck and he spawned at least that many trying to drop them on me and kill me before he managed to do it and the server crashed shortly afterward.
  16. I dont want this thread locked, it is full of funny.
  17. manowar

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Up north it is easy to survive because out just at the border of no mans land alot of animals are around because nobody is ever there to kill them.
  18. manowar

    In my day...

    Bitch bitch bitch uninstalled, ever thought of being a game reviewer for IGN?
  19. I stole somebodies truck it had ghillie suits and camo up the ass, and an mk 12 SPR <3 and since the server crashed after i tented them it duped so I have 12 mags for the guns along with several mp5's and lots of food
  20. manowar

    Music you listen to while playing.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QszALSxEh-A&feature=BFa&list=PL644BE84C68BD91B3 Gonna have to go with the usual
  21. manowar

    [VIDEO] Duping / duplicating yourself / equipment ! ( HOW TO)

    I already know the video <3 but i dont do it lol.