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About famepaint

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. famepaint

    Can badly damaged weapons be repaired?

    Gun cleaning kit or duct tape will fix your weapons. I believe like 90% of the items can be repaired with at least one or multiple different repair consumables. sewing kit = most clothing items leather sewing kit = backpacks tire repair kit = tires electrical kit = electronics epoxy putty = helmets and some other plastics ( i think) sharpening stone = knifes and some other melee weapons gun cleaning kit = guns + suppressors duct tape = basically everything lol! And lastly anything can be repaired back to worn condition provided that it was in badly damaged condition and not ruined. Once an item is ruined then chuck it.
  2. famepaint

    Xbox Mouse & Keyboard Support?

    We need different sens sliders for look and aim sensitivity. As in 1 for the right stick camera movement, 1 for aiming sensitivity (left trigger, hipfire) and possibly another for ADS look sensitivity. Pretty important tbh can't believe there isn't already but whateva. K+M crossplay should only be allowed for games that aren't considered competitive or important at all in any sort of way. (insert comment about how many times i've been killed and how many kills lost and generic yadda yadda f u bohemia type of childishness here)