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Everything posted by Pauperprince

  1. Pauperprince

    BI, we have to talk, again!

    “BI, we have to talk again!” 🤪 in this forum, you’ll talk to everyone BUT Bohemia. This is pretty much just a place to vent.
  2. Clipping into specific building walls, while choosing placement, allowed what your describing. It may have been patched. Tho, I never used that exploit and have not tested since the update.
  3. Pauperprince

    VOIP Enabled

    Check that you prioritize game chat
  4. We have a map with paved roads on hills, but the vehicles haven’t the power to navigate them. Every vehicle should be able to make it up paved roads on an incline, in first gear. I propose, vehicles could build up torque while the acceleration is active. This would allow them to make it up the roads on hills. It would even allow for spinning the tires (burnouts), which most audiences want more on vehicles when exiting a vehicle in 3rd person, the camera dips into the car. On certain terrain, this causes the character to fall thru the map. Consider remove forward aft camera bobbing when driving vehicles in first person. vehicles are far to fragile, consider the performance lag, the console cannot run DayZ smoothly. Driving is far to problematic with these fragile vehicles headlights project no peripheral illumination . vehicle engine noise, as heard by the player is a little too loud in 3rd person. Dropped by perhaps 25% or more, the sound may feel more realistic. It’s easily understood that infected hear vehicles, without them sounding so loud to the player. Frankly, aren’t they a big enough target already? consider placing a thin white damage bar under the existing vehicle hud display, which decays to depict body damage. Currently players write in communities with confusion, as to why a vehicle just started smoking while having serviceable components. The current system miss-uses a check engine light for this. vehicle check engine lights should be exclusive to changeable components concerning new players especially - why not let a % of vehicles spawn ready to drive? The ADA isn’t really a 4x4. I feel like that statement alone, delivers disappointment. Dropping a weapon while getting in a vehicle is silly. If you can sprint with it in your hands, you should be able to enter a vehicle with it in your hands. Vehicles may flip and tumble while driving at low speeds over railroad crossings, certain spots on roads at intersections, And roadside curbs. olgas have a chance to despawn at server reset when parked on uneven terrain (including two track roads) or near various vehicle spawn points. all vehicles may get destroyed or despawn at server reset, when parked on slightly uneven terrain. a damaged vehicle intermittently makes crashing and/or glass breaking sounds upon entering or loading in nearby. No horn, why no horn all tire tread markings are identical vehicle inputs: acceleration, breaking, and steering; need trigger/pressure sensitivity. This is a big one. Sarka instrument panel image file is spread across the dashboard and steering wheel. Olga spare tire cannot be installed Players other than driver often hear scraping wheels, even with no vehicle damage Thank you for your time and considerations,
  5. Pauperprince

    Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

    Unbelievably this post is still viable after update 1.06/1.07 I am increasingly disappointed 😔
  6. Pauperprince

    Where report glitcher?

  7. Your topic is a duplicate, but I’m bored so I’ll add to it.😋 Tips: ensure appropriate space is available in your inventory before trying to move the item if you are holding something in your hand and use x to swap it with an item in a tent/container inventory. The item that swapped from your hands to the tent/container inventory, will become stuck. Till it is fixed, don't use item swap option. when placing items into, or removing items from a Tent/container, do not rush it. Allow each transaction to complete with a pause in between. If applicable, try to combine or stack the stuck item, with a compatible item in your hands for now, only one player at a time, should access a tent/container inventory be sure to only use non swap options when moving items: with the item highlighted, hold square to move it to vicinity with the item highlighted, Hold x and drag item to hands, then press square to move to inventory or triangle to equip with the item highlighted, hold x and drag item to your inventory or another container with the item highlighted, press triangle to equip With the item highlighted, press square to move it to inventory 😎
  8. Pauperprince

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    My biggest problem with base building is infected jump right over.
  9. Pauperprince

    TKO (Total Knock Out)

    We get knocked out to quickly, to easily. No one wants to get knocked out by a zombie slap at full health. And then, spend the next 10 seconds listening to them slap the rest of your health away. What we do want is the excitement of fighting, as health falls, and moderating when to disengage. We want a chance to be in the fight long enough to enjoy it. Also, a 20km/h vehicle crash into a cow crossing sign, shouldn’t knock you unconscious. BI, did any of you not see Zombieland? Rule no.4 wear seatbelts. Please tweak the TKO threshold. 😎 Edit: Players please leave feedback, support or over wise. If you feel you are knocked out to easily. We need to let developers know.
  10. Pauperprince

    11/10/19 Community Server Connection Issues

    We did on ours also. Thing is, one guy was in the server while 3 of us couldn’t connect. (NItrado=Bohemia). 🤪
  11. Pauperprince

    Duper bases!!

    I would like to point out that generally, EVERY base is a “duper’s” base, in regards to the communities. There are no tasks or storylines. Therefore it is popular to find and Loot player made bases. Bases by which are loosely described as a “duper’s base”. It’s on everyone to discern between projecting and facts. Why does it matter? DayZ community is toxic with the ignorance of it. This entire subject paints me glad to not play on public servers. Where strangers enjoy griefing each other in anonymity.
  12. Pauperprince

    TKO (Total Knock Out)

    Thank you, although i was already clear on your opinion and how you appreciate shock as an invisible factor.
  13. Pauperprince

    TKO (Total Knock Out)

    The issue is that at 75% health players blackout and are helpless until dead. It should be at 25% or lower. Why give us a health bar that we can only use 25% of. 🧐
  14. Pauperprince

    Items stuck in tent even after server restart?

    Playing on a community server, we’ve found that items stuck in a tent. May be stuck to only one player or to all players. In the case that it is stuck to only one player, that player can exit and enter server again. If it is stuck to all players, a server restart should free it. Tips: ensure appropriate space is available if you are holding something in your hand and use x to swap it with an item in a tent/container inventory. The item that swapped from your hands to the tent/container inventory, could become stuck. Till it is fixed, avoid using item swap option. if players have exited/entered server, and server has restarted with item still stuck. Only then, attempt to swap an item from your hand with that item. when placing items into, or removing items from a Tent/container, do not rush it. Allow each transaction to complete with a pause in between. try to combine or stack with an item in your hands for now, only one player at a time, should access a tent/container inventory be sure to use all non swap options: with the item highlighted, hold square to move it to vicinity with the item highlighted, Hold x and drag item to hands, then press square to move to inventory or triangle to equip with the item highlighted, hold x and drag item to your inventory or another container with the item highlighted, press triangle to equip With the item highlighted, press square to move it to inventory Hope this helps you.
  15. Pauperprince

    Bleeding is overpowered/stacks too many times

    Bleeding feels a little op to me as well. Also, I think footwear gets ruined too quickly.
  16. Pauperprince

    TKO (Total Knock Out)

    Interesting replies, thank you. 🙂
  17. Pauperprince

    Another one

    I have this issue occasionally. I force close the app and start it again. Letting it sit untouched doesn’t work for me. Just sits frozen and half loaded.
  18. Pauperprince

    No ps4 UK servers??

    I must regretfully discourage, No one here is gonna be able to answer that question. You need to take that question to nitrado. However, you will not receive a definitive answer. The decision can not be made over forum raised awareness. It will be made over recorded network traffic and a wide range of regional business specific factors. No one that encounters your inquiry will honestly know.
  19. Pauperprince

    New map (server owner question)

    Shame on Bohemia for not providing information already ! 🤨
  20. Pauperprince

    New update today

    Yes, I got 3 game crashes/BSOD’s in just two hours of play. Driving provided the usual number of freezing accidents. I also had an Olga get airtime. Was a pretty eventful game time. on a side note, the water....well, I’m sure everyone has seen. There has to be an explanation as to why the console stable releases, aren’t so stable upon release. Right.?.🧐
  21. Pauperprince

    Livonia PC Open Beta

    I am not interested in the slightest for a new map with old bugs, especially if it costs. Furthermore: raincoats should be attached / placed over clothing. We don’t want 20 slot raincoats fix rain penetrating tents first infected don’t set off land mines or bear traps. Will bears set off bear traps? Anything that walks and breaths should set off both, even chickens. Especially chickens! 😋 we want land we can build on, flat and open spaces to build please give us the ability to make a door/window in the base walls why do we build base walls, but cannot manage to make them just one foot higher to prevent infected from jumping them? New map, new car parts system, same old bugs and vehicles with no power #golfcarts4life Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Wait, no. Never mind. only bears, and lots of empty and lifeless jungle. 😋 logically, the new map. Layout will promote experienced/established players, loitering on top of fresh spawns. 😕 we still can’t form groups or parlay. Players Duping players is the toxic thorn crippling this game. Fix it and watch your game and community flourish. mmhm, not interested
  22. Pauperprince

    Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

    I haven’t experienced that one. May I use your statement and include it?
  23. Pauperprince

    Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

    I edited the original post to exclude a few more notes on vehicle issues.
  24. Pauperprince

    New update today

    Hahahahaha Yas! It was crazy! My mate and I had a real good laugh over the entire ordeal. Then, I tried to reproduce it with the same kit in the same spot, but no beans. The character popped up mid deploy with arms straight out. It seemed to be turning in sequence with the kit deployment circle. ‘good times good times, as it was the type of bug that we find amusing over troublesome.
  25. Pauperprince

    New update today

    I donno, been playing for several hours, and it seems better. I mean, one blue screen all day today is pretty nice. I am assuming that I don’t have to do a install on my server to see the update. Last update I had to and it wiped progress. My assumption is partly based on the fewer performance lags. Although, it could be coincidence coupled with my hopeful expectations. It’s further based on the issues being primarily client/machine based. So yeah, one game crash and seemingly better performance. I’ll get more feedback from my mates on my server and check this forum, as to install or not. Still a fun game, but I wish I’d never gotten addicted to such an incomplete game. Seems they aren’t testing the game against many consecutive hours of play time. Still chance of rain thru tents. I deployed a watchtower kit and it spawned a naked character, no tag or A.I., just stood in place till killed. Etc. Etc. Etc.