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Everything posted by generalmayhem

  1. generalmayhem

    No PS4 Servers Error 24

    I recently ditched Twitter as I found them being Prats and proved them liars. So If you don't have Twitter your not worthy of notification. Sounds about right.
  2. generalmayhem

    No PS4 Servers Error 24

    Was not aware of any server maintainance other than normal restarts but awake this Sunday Morning in the UK to find no servers available Error 24 in server list. Is this a Issue or is it just my PS as my other online ganes work fine.
  3. generalmayhem

    Error Code 9?

    I have just found no servers on my PS4 in Wales in the UK. Tried a number of other online games which all work fine so I think all the Servers have an Issue.My server list reads Error 24.
  4. generalmayhem

    why are all official servers down for ps4?

    Happened to me about four hours ago. All available servers went off. A update arrived 1-18 PS4 uploaded it and when I signed back in all servers were back so It was a bug fix update for all servers It seems.
  5. generalmayhem

    Cars Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

    Four times this week I have found a car fixed it up fueled and watered it and within 5 mins its underneath the map and I die. Today I only got in and switched the engine on and had not even moved. Official Servers 2350 and 9994. Not amused.
  6. generalmayhem

    Cars Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well 1.08 has come and gone and the bleeding cars are worse than ever. Spent four bleeding hours hunting Base building Loot drove back to my chosen spot Got out of the car turned round to see the car performing somersaults a 100feet into the air and when it stopped it would not let me get anything from the car I had collected.. Three minutes later the car disappeared never to be seen again. Three days later yesterday I decide to have a go again on an official server. What a bloody mistake three hours to find a car and get it going fair enough. Three Hours getting the Base Building materials together drive off back towards my Base location and I am under the map spinning like crazy. When it stops car wrecked and unable to get any loot out of the car again. DayZ though it grieves me I feel we need a trial seperation. I love you but we can not go on living like this.
  7. generalmayhem

    Cars Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

    5 more times since saturday death by doing nothing wrong sat in a car all on community servers. Apparently 1:08 will fix car issues. Please arrive quickly 1:08
  8. generalmayhem

    Which Public Server Do You Use?

    Quite a few Modded Servers now showing on the community pages and I have had some of the best DayZ play on them. Most notable feature though is most have got the weather spot on.
  9. generalmayhem

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    So Today I fell off the crane at Topolniki as I posistioned for a shot as I heard a car coming. My fault so no worries. My respawn was Berezhino and I have a few routes worked out between there and a run to NWAF or Tisy Military to try for some good weapons and Heli Crashes. Route one never failed me before once I knew where stuff can be found but died well before getting anywhere near my destination because I spawned with only a pear as normal and found not one Pear, ,Apple or Plum. By looking back as I had recorded it I killed 76 Zombies before I died who offered me 4 boxes of matches, 4 Torches, 2 Can Openers, 1 Battery, 1 6 Pack of Rags and a Plastic Bottle. I tried loads of properties which offered me Cowboy Hats, Crash Helmets , Beanies, Capri Pants, Quilted Jackets, Trail Shoes and Working Boots by the crate. I checked Green Houses and Sheds and found mainly Car Parts and Generators and Camping Tripods in sheds and Packs of seed in every Greenhouse. Drank and had full water from two wells but eventually died from Hunger. I had nothing to kill Animals to cook and eat. this route has never failed like this before Anyway respawn South of Berenzino and try a different Route with exactly the same results. So two official Servers and to be honest it was crap. My conclusion was poor settings on the servers. It was obvious with decent pop on the servers some places had been done by other players but no melee weapons, no guns , no ammo and no fruit or food anywhere and believe me we tried some obscure locations. Add to this Zombies spotting me AFK in a locked Garage lay down. I came back to 20 Zombies all aggroed at the door where it was impossible to see me and no way did I aggro them as I was in the garage not moving for a few minutes before I AFKed because I had a phone call. Because I had nothing and had found nothing I had to wait ages before I could move on. After the Second death I thought I would look around at Community and official servers of various Pop and see how many were online. Every login it was chucking it down and after seven tries I was about to give up when I spotted a community server that has reappeared after going missing for about a week. My character is pretty geared so she will be my next login tomorrow but overall I found today a pretty crap experience and I am not one to moan normally but it was not the way to make players keen to play again. If I was a newbie I would probably be demanding my money back. We really need some sensible server management depending on server pop and general understanding of the game please Empty supermarkets of food and cans where in real life thats where you would look first. Better distribution of Zombie loot would be a good place to start. There was no way was just bad luck.
  10. generalmayhem

    Which Public Server Do You Use?

    Different servers do offer varying experiences which is great and kinda guide the game a little but the total imbalance on loot and rewards along with the overall experience can make or break a server. I live in Mid Wales and I have a number of times tried to incorperate Discord into my experience but the few times I tried this Discord has just been a total destructive process for whatever reason. This obviously eliminates my ability to go to a number of servers. Then in game the logic of where loot spawns drives me nuts sometimes. These sort of things add to a players enjoyment of the game and again you learn the better servers. Of course the main reason most play is for the interaction with other players which again varying servers lay down some guidance for play to guide the experience. Servers also do not help themselves by what the providers call the server immediately alienating certain players. I see tactical logging of servers where squads go active to gain as much loot as possible as it becomes available to disappear 2 hours later and the same four are there again the same time next day. there is so much to add in the mix of the overall experience. I have seen a number of good pop servers with the right mix become unplayable as the admin of the servers become non existent after it goes live. I have been in a few communities where issues crept in as the server became popular and some just disappeared some become unplayable some become whitelisted or discord initiated and a good community on a well pop server is suddenly gone. Its a baffling journey working out what you want as all players are not looking for the same experience but overall once you are somewhere near getting the experience you want I am sure someone will put a spanner in the works and lessen the experience. I write this now as I logged in earlier to find after nine servers where I log into continual heavy rain on each one making my choice easy. No DayZ until later I just don't want it so playing something else after I finish this. I see in many other games nothing like the rain I see in DayZ so in the end DayZ loses as it is also the PC community where you watch some of the streamers constantly complain about the rain so its not console specific. But servers certainly are a law untio themselves and can be as I said earlier baffling.for want of a better description
  11. generalmayhem

    Which Public Server Do You Use?

    I will be honest with you Trev where I use to have a few favourited servers Official Ones I tend to now work through the list and try to play the first one I find that its not raining on and has a decent pop. Lately it has been difficult and as my brother and a few friends play the community servers more I tend to end up there but I prefer to play as a pair or lone wolf. Even though the game is I feel playing better there are still to many inconsistancies restricting enjoyment.
  12. generalmayhem

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    Totally agree again guys. Gave up today again after Rain Rain Rain just made the game soul destroying. Again today nothing from Zombies except one gave me a battery. Must have killed about 40 before I gave up. Today was just not enjoyable again.
  13. generalmayhem

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    Well back at Day Z today and I had this great idea to try route 1 from the original post on this thread. Zombies gave me peaches, Beans Trees gave me Apples Pears Greenhouses gave me drink Peppers I could have fed an Army. 58 Pop when I signed in on Official Server and never saw a player. Got on NWAF and the Tents had Hundreds of Backpacks Guns, Boots, Jackets, Trousers, Ammo, Mags, batteries, Sights etc everywhere. A plentiful Harvest all hidden away. DayZ a game of extremes.
  14. generalmayhem

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

  15. generalmayhem

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    I signed in on my brothers account yesterday on the two same Official servers and pretty much the same result as I wrote above. This time though on both occasions I found Tac Bac at VMC that saved me but was it close. Flashing Red I was amazed I survived because again no Fruit in orchards or roadside, No cans or drinks in Greenhouses and again killing Zombies found not one food item. Time for a rest from the game I think. Oh and I logged in to lovely weather to find after 10 mins both servers changed to heavy Rain. Why !!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. generalmayhem

    just downloaded the game, need help!

    For starters do not go on a well pop server. Get on a low pop server and learn at your own pace. You can get the I Zurvive map downloaded to your phone to assist you. When you get more confident start to inhabit the more pop servers and try your luck. Think ahead all the time and if a two minute detour means you can top up on drink at a well do it. Livonia is harder and foos and drink is less available but in general killing Zombies and checking greenhouses will get you planty of food and drink the most essential need for staying alive. Its hard to tell somebody what to do but food and drink must always be somewhere in your thoughts and get Tetra Pills for Colds cos it rains a lot.Keep some duct tape for dhoes or change them regular because the shoes degrade and will keep making you bleed. Lots to learn dpmt rush or get frustrated and enjoy cos it is a great game.
  17. generalmayhem


    I have three different accounts but can only see official servers on one of these accounts. For the fourth time in a month the community server I was on has dlsappeared. Good this.
  18. I have gone out of my way in recent weeks in trying to understand why some come on here having major issues and running down the game when I have been on the same servers and had none. I know the game does have issues and along the way I have had issues but they have been almost nothing to others. i tried to come at it as a first timer learning a new technology and boy what a learning curve. I know for sure now that outside influences can massively affect online gaming such as power supply, internet supply even the quality of gaming equipment and how accurately you deploy it. One important thing I did learn was about Hackers who were a known influence on many early console issues and performance. I did not realise that these servers are constantly under attack and of course the information that comes out is only as good or bad as the information that went in and if it has been manipulated. At the end of it all even though I have learnt a lot I still say what I have learnt still leaves me bewildered at how complex online gaming is.
  19. generalmayhem

    helicopter crash lore

    Heli crashes are a bit of a grey area for me since I started playing the game. It culminated last week when in one day I spotted four different Heli sites which all disappeared as I got to them. This was after months where I think I had found two or three ever. This week I have found four on Livonia official servers and three on the original servers Tonight limited for choice I tried a modded community server where my mate had already been on an hour. Running to him as a fresh spawn I found three in just over an hour oh and my first ever bear attack. Whatever they have done I do not know but I approve. Each crash had VSS VSD and M4;s and the last one tonight on the modded Community server gave me a Lar and as I was at a military site I quickly picked up two mags. I don't know what to say about Heli's as I reckon something has changed to suddenly start finding so many though I was off the beaten track and litteraly fell over them rather than spot them from a distance.
  20. I had the same issue about six weeks ago and tried different phones etc. We had a power cut so could not play until the next day and suddenly everything worked so god knows what happened but they have been faultless since. My brother an engineer reckons it could be something to do with static electricity and said as the power was off for a long time the static effect was gone. I have no clue but 18 hours of no electric fixed my problem.
  21. generalmayhem

    A Great Sunday ( but at a price )

    Has Heli crashes been altered across the board. Tried different servers to my normal ones today two official two community and found four Heli crashes one on each server. All untouched with some prime loot on some decent Pop servers. Still packed them all as taking someones advice in get a raincoat when the rains came which they did I deliberately looked from spawn for one and found not one and even fresh spawned with a virus which killed me in an hour so shall not be returning to that server.
  22. During the last two weeks with such carp weather and my legs both being still in plaster I have put some serious time in on the PS4 DayZ platform. I tend to play four different servers as four different types of player. Last week was a terrible week when I had some issues for the first time in a long time with guns disappearing from my inventory and was twice the reason why I died. The last DayZ update fixed this but i was already well agrieved having spotted four Heli Crashes in that week which all disappeared when I got to them before I could loot. This week has been a average week with no issues in game and some win some you lose some interactions with other players. The main downer though was Rain real Heavy Rain lots and lots of real Heavy Rain. It got so bad Friday I went to log in and Yes it was raining Heavy rain so I logged back out and said no more so left the game until today when I kept looking at the PS 4 and finally gave in. I put nine hours in today between two of the servers where it was sunny and some great play ensued. Even better the two servers I logged into had smoking helis within a minute of my place of spawn which both rewarded me well and some serious sniping kills today. Two were to save new spawns from geared players. What pleasure do geared players get against defenceless new spawns. I did log in to a third server as well to see if my heli luck was still in but instead as the game rendered in I see before me 5 ( I think ) fully geared players running away from me across a field about 30 metres away and heading into a wood. Timing and luck and my dinner was on my lap meant that was for another day. But my point is two weeks ago hours and hours of rain then today no rain and a far better experience. Can somebody do something to even out the rain or after today they may have already. i also notice a server with maybe forty out of sixty pop will quickly drop to less than ten when the rain starts so I think its not just me not enjoying ithe wet stuff.
  23. generalmayhem

    some questions

    Today i found five repeaters all in houses around the map and loads of ammo by the box. As I already had the weapons of my choice i still have not tried the new gun but a few have said it is just basically another gun and brings little to the gameplay that other guns don't already offer. Their words not mine.
  24. generalmayhem

    Bleeding for no reason.

    Yep first thing I would do is change my shoes or boots and see if it still happens
  25. generalmayhem

    VOIP Enabled

    Hi all. Some advice needed please. On the PS4 DayZ when I get into my chosen server and I check the Online selection it tells me who is online and that all have VOIP enabled. No problem and this always showed me on the list with VOIP enabled which included myself. Except today when I look it has a blank where it should say VOIP enabled. Does this mean I have no mic in game. I have Brand new Sony Playstation Gold Phones with the obscure mic and have worked fine. They are three weeks old and testing them I can hear myself so they work fine during test. I tried them with two other games and they work and in game the small notification comes up telling me the phones and mic are connected. So why has my VOIP enabled notification disappeared when all other players have the logo against their name. I have altered nothing, changed nothing basically done nothing to the game since I turned it off yesterday. Today when I tried to speak to players they ended up in shooting matches so even though the mic logo showed when I pressed the key I had no response from anyone so I obviously do not know if they could hear me or not. Any thoughts anyone.