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Everything posted by FirefighterSFVFD_1

  1. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Can't access server 2230 PS4

    I'm having the same problem. I can log on to any server except for servers in the NY region.... Which is the region I play on and my home server is located in. I'd really like to know what the issue is considering it's been doing this shit for an hour or more.
  2. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Desync Within DayZ....

    So my buddy and I got on DayZ today, planning on going to our home server as you would expect. So we realized our server magically just isn't up anymore which means our base, all our high tier loot, and the tents are gone unless it comes back up at a later date (Although that seems doubtful since no Tweet was put out about some servers being down). So we found another server (That's actually not duped to high hell) and it's spawning High Tier loot as normal which is nice considering we had dupers in our last server. So we headed North and found a Heli Crash with the Green Ghillie Shrug, and Ghillie Hood, along with a KA-74. I put the full Ghillie I had on in the backpack along with the shrug and wore the green hood. So we got into Navaya and my friend got bugged hardcore and couldn't move or do anything while getting hoarded from Zombies. I ran over to him and shot every single zombie there was, he got knocked out so I attempted to give him a Saline Transfusion.. This was a big mistake because for some reason my M4 disappeared instead of the Saline and I lost it for good... Afterwards my Stamina had bugged out and I attempted to put my backpack in my hands as I know that sometimes fixes it, and then my backpack full of the Ghillie suits disappeared as well... If this desync doesn't get fixed soon along with the "No shots registering" bugs i'm done with this game. There is no point in playing a survival game where your loot get's stripped from you due to the devs hardly fixing anything significant.
  3. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Console Update 1.06

    Well.... Today has been a great day if i've ever seen one. Go to play DayZ realize my home server is gone, which means my base, all my High Tier stuff, and the tents and such is all gone. So me and my friend jump to a new server, that's actually not duped to high hell and start looting, turns out it's actually spawning gear and stuff as normal. We moved North and got into a town, and my friend got bugged hardcore and couldn't move or anything while getting hit by 3 zombies. I shot all the zombies in the town, then gave him a Transfusion with the Saline Bag I had. So instead of my fucking Saline Bag being used, apparently my M4 was and it just disappeared out of existence leaving me with absolutely fuck all to protect myself with in Close Quarters. These major desync issues need to be fixed ASAP because I personally along with many others i'm sure almost wanna stop playing DayZ due to them. I also lost my backpack stuffed full of loot for our new base. This shit is getting ridiculous.
  4. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Console Update 1.06

    Well, My server disappeared off the server list for some reason.. Swear to god if it switched to a Livonia server and I lost all my loot without a tweet letting us know to move or anything imma be pissed.
  5. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Console Update 1.06

    I would like to say Thanks to the devs for giving console the attention it needs right now. I know we haven't received these tweeks or the update yet, but at the very least even if some things aren't fixed this is a significant step in the right direction. We normally end up waiting months for a fix on issues like this, so to see a fix coming so early is truly something i'm thankful for.
  6. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Console Update 1.06

    The 1.06 update made the game almost impossible to play in my personal opinion. I can deal with the bleed out time, and everything of that nature but the no shots registering along with many other bugs are killing the experience. I've played the game on PS4 since the day it released, and there has been improvements.. However it seems like every update we receive more bugs and usually end up waiting until the next 'Major Update' for a fix on them. The only time we've actually gotten a fix for a bug without a major update was the 'Blue Screen' issue, and honestly I feel like that was just so they would stop losing players, because we never see a hotfix unless it's something so major that people starts to leave the game. I personally enjoy DayZ alot and it's unlike any game, however the lack of communication on things accompanied by what seems to be favoritism towards PC is just infuriating. The bugs are annoying, but the one thing that annoys me more is how impossible it is to find any loot due to the constant duplicating going on within practically every server. Over these past 3 or 4 days i've been getting kicked from my server almost every 5 seconds after logging back in due to kids duping, and the worst part is there's three different groups within the server duplicating. You'll now spawn as a freshie with no Knife, or Flare which makes surviving a complete and total struggle as you'll more than likely die from starvation due to having no knife to open canned food with or even obtain fat or meat from an animal. It would make much more sense to at least give us a Can Opener off spawn so we have more of a chance, rather than spawning in with nothing to open food with and hoping your lucky enough to find a single knife out of everything peoples already run though. I understand Bohemia doesn't like the idea of players using the knife to kill themselves in order to get a better spawn but in reality taking the knife will not stop that, you can simply run into a zombie hoard and die just as fast. Once again I personally really enjoy DayZ, but at it's current state it's very hard to enjoy and i'm starting to consider leaving the game as there's little to no communication and the duping seems to be everywhere. If anyone would like to share their opinions on DayZ and it's current state, that would be amazing as I would like to know if i'm the only one with these concerns.
  7. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    Yeah... I'm starting to think this game just doesn't have much of a future on Console or PS4 at least. The dupers are running around in lobbies just duplicating things and stopping loot spawns and then you die more to the devs and poor development than you do Zeds or Players.
  8. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    Well.. It's starting to look like the "We'll keep you updated on this thread" thing has turned into a "We'll release this post on Forums to shut them up so they think we care while we actually don't work on it but wait until 1.06 to fix it" in my opinion. I know it could take a while to fix but we're back to stage one and it's all 'Non-Vocal' again with the console community once more. There's a reason this game has taken a big downfall or player count since the release on PS4.
  9. I personally was wondering how many other people is annoyed with the fact the Blue Screening is still a major issue on PS4 but yet the crashes on PC has been resolved already. The question at hand is "Do you think the Blue Screen/Game Crashing issue needs a fix ASAP?".
  10. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    At this point i'm kinda questioning if they actually are looking into it or if this was only to shut us up. I'm trying to avoid being negative about it as they've addressed it at the least, but really? No information at all still?
  11. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    I actually almost died due to the "No Damage" bug as well. I ran into a container and tryed to close in zombies after shooting and two of the Zombies was hitting me and I couldn't use the Stock of my rifle to hit them for some reason and the bullets wasn't do anything so I just tryed to get out of there as fast as I could. I managed to get out and log, then came back to see the guy I had shot at ran away and never returned and my M4 magically wasn't in my inventory or on my shoulder where it should've been so it's just gone. Thankfully it is a community server that I rarely play on, it's just more for practice and such but still annoying to say the least.
  12. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    Just experienced my first "Ghost Rounds" bug. Emptied a full mag into a guy from an M4 and didn't get a single hit on him, thankfully he was panicking hard core and ran away but I had to log in and log back out because I couldn't eat, drink, heal up, or even pull the pin on a frag after the shots rang out.Then I crashed when I tried to log back in
  13. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    Was hoping there would be information but I'm fine with it taking a while if this possibly will get resolved soon.
  14. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    I've noticed that things aren't rendering in game from far away now say if a door is open it looks closed and such which never happened before. I've noticed since the update the frame rate is much better in the big cities compared to before but the game crashes alot.
  15. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    It seems like the issue was they did something to try and help the PS4 with the optimization issues which actually did improve upon the stutters and such but made the game completely crash out more often than it did prior to the 1.05 update
  16. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    I mean, To be honest I think they should communicate with us more. However, I'm not gonna act salty when they are actually making an effort to fix this now rather than making us wait. It's really annoying to lose high tier loot to the Blue Screen, however you lose your loot regardless in DayZ so it's really not that big of a deal. Yes, it sucks to lose an AK or M4 to that issue but if your high geared there is basically nothing to play for at that point anyways. I'm thankful this is finally being looked into and I hopefully won't have to worry about this being reoccurring as it has been since the 1.05 release. Thank you for listening to us and making an effort at the very least!
  17. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    ghillie camouflage

    Yeah, It was an experience to say the least. I wish they would make it possible again, but first they should really consider fixing these blue screen issues before I lost my mind and just stop playing DayZ.
  18. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    ghillie camouflage

    From what I've seen for the short period I had mine before someone in my group stole it from me (Later kicked them out and moved base) they are able to be repaired but I don't think they actually change color to green. I think you used to be able to spray paint them green when that was still in the game but it's since been removed leaving the Ghili Suit basically that useless bright color As far as I know there is no Ghillie mask, I would recommend wearing one of the Dark Green Ski Mask underneath it and probably the Green Hunting outfit or the Camo Hunting outfit to blend in the best.
  19. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Dear developers and employees

    Well having events and just not doing anything towards fixing it at all or even responding to the console community ins't doing anything for them at all. My base got raided last night and they left all my tents and i'm guessing they'll return for them but I know if they do and I fire three rounds and they return fire i'll bluescreen and just lose more shxt. This game is pointless to play at this point. No communication, and no fixes.
  20. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Does Blue Screen on PS4 need a fix ASAP?

    So i'm currently attempting to help my allies by overwatching tents where my buddy was killed by a guy we've had multiple problems with. In the process I sniped a guy (Without Blue Screening) and then had at least 8 Zombies on me which I shot with my KA-M. So after about 10 shots I bluescreen and spawn back in to see a black screen, and at this point I figured I was dead but thankfully I woke up and only had 2 cuts but Red Blood. I patched up one of the cuts popped a Saline then patched the other cut up and passed out again. About 2 seconds later I woke back up and thankfully survived but the point is I almost lost a fully geared player (Once again) to these devs not giving console a bit of attention. FIX THE FXCKING BLUE SCREEN!
  21. I've been playing DayZ on the same server for a pretty extensive time period as of right now and over the past few weeks the loot has become very scarce. I am fully aware that KA-M's and M4's along with other AK variants are supposed to be rare weapons which I understand and have no problem with. However, since the 1.05 update it was nothing to walk into a barracks and NWAF, Troitskoe, and occasionally Tisy and come out with a KAS-74U or maybe even two. It's been very easy to find the new AK's, however over this past week it seems every weapon has become extremely rare to find including Glocks and the new AK. My group and I have been to Troitskoe, and NWAF a ton over this past week and half the time the barracks are completely empty or very low on loot. We've seen multiple times after going to NWAF and Troitskoe that things have been thrown outside the barracks and tents which seems to be a sign of someone loot cycling the area, and we've been wondering if there is any possibility of Loot Cycling having an impact on spawns as a whole. We can go to multiple military installations across the map and maybe find a Plate Carrier and Tactical Helmet and if we get really lucky an SKS or a AKS. Tonight when my group and I went to NWAF right after a server reset and the lobby was empty (As it remains on Low Populated for the majority of the night and occasionally the day as well) there was a Kitchen Knife and a Hunters Backpack spawned inside the barracks which I personally have never seen before. I was really curious to know if anyone else has been encountering these issues or even seen such low tier loot spawn in a Military Base such as NWAF.
  22. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Dear developers and employees

    I mean, I find it pretty pathetic that they won't even recognize the issue on Console and just leave us in the dark but fix it for PC from what i've heard. Also, mans over here sounding like the Climate Change Girl lmao
  23. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Does Blue Screen on PS4 need a fix ASAP?

    Sorry for the late response. Personally I highly doubt the disk will fix the issue, as this wasn't an issue with the game until the most recent patch (1.05). Before patch 1.05 the game would stutter alot when entering a large city or shooting your weapon especially if it was a full auto gun. The reason the game was stuttering and such was due to the frame rate dropping suddenly because the game was trying to load everything in (Including Textures, and Zombies along with all the loot) in that area which is devastating as of now on the Consoles as the regular PS4 will run DayZ at roughly around 30 FPS (Frames Per Second). I think they was attempting to fix this issue in patch 1.05 because i've noticed it doesn't freeze at all when entering a town but things render with really bad textures occasionally until you get right on top of them, and god forbid you look down your scope as half the things aren't loading in all the way and that forces them to which leads to a Blue Screen almost immediately from my experiences. I personally like they was trying to fix the issue with the optimization but they need to fix this Blue Screen issue asap. It could be something with the standard PS4 hardware because my friend bought a PS4 Pro last night and he hasn't Blue Screened once but I highly doubt that's the case. I believe it's something with the game, however it could be the new optimization they've attempted to bring since a PS4 Pro will run DayZ at almost 40 or 50 FPS which means it won't crash nearly as much from aiming down scopes and such compared to a Standard PS4.
  24. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    helicopter crash questions

    When you find a Heli Crash they will always be on the ground, you will never see them fall from the sky like a dead bird. I'm not entirely sure if they spawn at server restarts or not because I know they are supposed to spawn every 30Mins as far as i'm aware at random locations obviously. There is indeed two different types of helicopter crashes within DayZ and that is the Russian MI-8 which is the one you can find with no smoke billowing from the rotor, and then there is the US UH-1Y Venom which is the one you found (With the smoke). I think there might be a very very very slight chance of finding two weapons on the Heli Crashes but it's very rare from all of them i've found. Seems like there is always only one weapon at the crash sites (On official servers at least) from what i've seen over the multiple i've actually found untouched. Hope this helped you out a little.
  25. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Duping 1.05 PS4

    Well, I personally play on the official servers and prefer to stay away from community servers if I can. I would much rather play on official than community, but it seems like no matter what servers your in either people will ruin it or the loot is just to prevalent.