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Everything posted by FirefighterSFVFD_1

  1. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Loot Economy Possibly Messed up on PS4

    I mean personally, I find it damaging to the game as the Loot Economy just doesn't work with that type of playstyle and it just makes the game unplayable and kinda ruins the point of survival. If this game would spawn more top tier battle rifles or just more of every weapon in general I wouldn't have a problem with people burrying so much stuff but that's not the case and obviously the devs don't wanna change that although it's been something people have complained about for a long time. Another thing they could maybe put to a stop if they just turned the loot spawns up is these kids duping and ruining the weapon spawns. This game at it's current state on PS4 is almost unplayable and the devs still aren't being vocal about it what so ever which to me is very disappointing as I believe this game could be absolutely great if they just got on top of these bugs and honestly at this point mainly just the Blue Screen issue on PS4.
  2. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Loot Economy Possibly Messed up on PS4

    Yeah, I was in the position to attempt and trade with him but he won't trade anything what so ever. He just hides things away in the woods and never even uses them. I've killed him three times and he never even carries the guns, he just hides them away. He tries to KOS and has shot at me and my buddies first every single time i've killed him, and i've traded with other people in the server who is actually trust worthy but i'm not trusting someone who shoots at you and then acts like if they knew it was you they would've talked. He's done the same thing three times and apparently just hoards things on other servers as well, just a major d*ck.
  3. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Loot Economy Possibly Messed up on PS4

    Yeah. I've got a guy in my server that I know for sure is hoarding things around Troitskoe area but I have no clue where because he's burrying them somewhere up there. I've walked around in the woods but nothing. I know he has an M4, A KA-M, and like 6 KAS-74U's along with Tundras. I asked him to trade the M4 for the AK-M I have and he's like "No" and I was like "How about a KA-74 for that Tundra" and he's like "If I find another Tundra i'll give it to you". He messaged me shortly after and said he had another Tundra and still won't give it to me. I'm trying to set him up anyways because he's been doing this and he has a base on other servers from what he says where he's been burrying things as well. I mean, I just don't understand what's going on at this point it's just ridiculous and not to mention the fact we still have Blue Screens but PC has the crashes fixed already. It's kinda insane and they don't even wanna recognize the problems although console players paid the same $50 PC players did for an incomplete game. I really like this game but the lack of communication for console players and then the community of it just kinda ruins it. I've also noticed it's extremely rare to find a Heli Crash and if I do find one it has really trash gear on it and maybe a mag if your lucky. Land Mines don't seem to work since patch 1.05 for me as I can't place them down as well, not sure if you've experienced that problem or if it's just me.
  4. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Duping 1.05 PS4

    Well, I hate to inform you but if you look on YouTube duping after 1.05 is for sure a thing and I believe it's actually been taking place in my server. Me and my group has been going to Troitskoe and NWAF over the past week and finding absolutely nothing except for an occasional SKS and maybe some helmets and plate carriers if we get lucky. Right after patch 1.05 released we was finding the New AKS constantly and now we are basically lucky to find a SKS that isn't almost ruined spawning in the tents or barracks. Half the time when we do find an SKS or USG it's not able to be chambered or loaded what so ever which is also weird. I've seen multiple people in my server (A few out of a group that was threatening mine with Duping and Bringing things from other servers to raid us) with a 2 next to their names and also witnessed them log off and on multiple times. Kinda makes me wonder now that I know that (2) can possibly mean they are indeed duping if that's not what's taking place in my server.
  5. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Losing Fully Geared Player On PS4

    So I was playing DayZ just as normal with no issues last a few minutes ago and I decided to go up to the "Devils Castle" to search for an M70 Tundra. So basically right as I arrived up at the Castle I got the message "No Message Received for 5 seconds" and then was booted back to the Menu. I wasn't annoyed with this until I logged back onto the server afterwards and had my fully geared character just disappear. I was spawned on the coast, although I had actually not been killed or anything of that nature. This is the second time this has occurred to me over the past three weeks. The first time I lost a player with an M4 and tons of other gear, and this time I lost an AK-101 and all of my other gear. I'm about to honestly just delete DayZ as I lose my gear to this buggy and flawed game more than I do other players.
  6. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Losing Fully Geared Player On PS4

    I don't know. I had perfect connection the entire time and had just arrived at the castle. I got to the top portion of the castle in the center as well away from the edges and I had seen no evidence of another player before then I got booted. I also hadn't let zombies see me so I have no clue.
  7. FirefighterSFVFD_1

    Several PS4 Servers going offline on August 28th

    I really enjoy playing this game, although most of the time I don't have good interactions with other players as it seems most of the playerbase on PS4 is bandits and never use the VOIP to communicate or even the Radios. With that being said I can understand why their progressively taking more and more servers offline until there are none. However, it's very annoying as moving things from one server to another is very grueling especially if you've got an advanced base. In my personal opinion taking these servers down and bringing it to all "Purchased" servers is very unnecessary as it's going to take the game more into a state of everyone attempting to be friendly. I would say most servers are going to be PVE instead of PVP as most of the time this game only has PVP when you encounter others on PS4. If anything I feel it's going to take away the actual element of survival in a Zombie Apocalypse. I get that this worked well for them on PC and brought Roleplay and things like that to the community but most people on PS4 as I said are only interested in camping a base and killing for no reason other than personal gain and just to bring toxic energy towards another. I really hope this game doesn't start going downhill due to these "Official Servers" going offline, as it's honestly a good game (Besides for all these bugs and the wait time for them to be resolved).