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About S.Kaneda

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  1. S.Kaneda

    DayZ in 2020

    DayZ in 2020 dies.
  2. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    Don't waste your time doing base building... Someone will finally break into it in five minutes, savaging everything that they can't take with them, while you spent 5 or more days to build it... Same with cars, don't waste your time with it, if it doesn't kill you when driving it, it will eventually depop soon or later, or someone will steal it from you, in or outside bases. Anyway, this game is a mess, and you should consider playing something that will not frustrate you soon or later. https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/g8kp3k/so_we_just_met_this_guyhe_had_a_carkeyword_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
  3. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    Since november 2019
  4. S.Kaneda

    Creating new event type

    So... I tried something else. To pop Z on police cars, such i already know how to do simply by using the "infectedpolice" event (and adding values to the smin and smax tags), but in a différent way, using its own created event. First i created a new event in the dedicated "event.xml" file : <event name="InfectedPoliceCar"> <!--+--> <nominal>xx</nominal> <min>xx</min> <max>xx</max> <lifetime>3</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>100</saferadius> <distanceradius>50</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>100</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/> <position>player</position> <limit>custom</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="0" min="xx" type="ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal"/> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="0" min="xx" type="ZmbM_PolicemanFat"/> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="0" min="xx" type="ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce"/> </children> </event> Then i added the corresponding line in the StaticPoliceCar event bloc in same file : <secondary>InfectedPoliceCar</secondary> <!--+--> And finnaly i added a bloc in "zombie_territories.xml" file : <territory color="1794965508"> <!-- + InfectedPoliceCar + --> <zone name="InfectedPoliceCar" smin="2" smax="4" dmin="0" dmax="0" x="0.00" z="0.00" r="30"/> </territory> And guess what, it works... So why i can't make it work with bears? (even with the animalbear genuine event, modded or not, i tried that too) What i am doing wrong? Is that's a game limitation? A file i can't access that prevents it from working? Can someone help me with this?
  5. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    That's our servers and didn't mod any of this. + chances are low, yes, but different from 0. Here, is 0, for everybody and anything. Edit : OK so it was a missing " in a modded file that has nothing to do directly with zombie loot 😯
  6. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    Is someone else noticed that zombies no longer give anything in their cargo when killed? No food, no attachement, no tools, no nothing... ?
  7. S.Kaneda

    Creating new event type

    Here is not game mod, but xml config files editing, reason why i posted it in general section, not modding section. You certainly cannot answer me, but noboddy except BI devs can tel what we can do or not with their game and default xml files. OK they have lot of things to do and no time to help their users, we know that, we play DayZ and are aware of the state of the actual game...
  8. S.Kaneda

    Creating new event type

    To the one who moved my topic from "general/general discussion" to "scripting" forum part, could you ask BI and answer me?
  9. S.Kaneda

    Animal event

    I tried similar thing : Maybe the tow of us will succeed having at least one answer 🤣 PS : use the "code" tool ("<>" button on the top of forum message box) to post your xml code here.
  10. S.Kaneda

    Creating new event type

    Hello everybody. A friend of mine rents a server (PS4). Now it is alowed modding XML files we try to do some cool changes to the serv. Recently we wanted to make an event for popping Bears on helicrashs (more helicrash, more loot, more danger), so i created an event in the events.xml file (based on the InfectedArmy event name line) : <event name="HelicoBear"> <nominal>xx</nominal> <min>xx</min> <max>xx</max> <lifetime>3</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>200</saferadius> <distanceradius>0</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>100</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/> <position>player</position> <limit>custom</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="0" min="xx" type="Animal_UrsusArctos"/> </children> </event> I also modified the helicrash event like that : <event name="StaticHeliCrash"> <nominal>xx</nominal> <min>xx</min> <max>xx</max> <lifetime>1800</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>1000</saferadius> <distanceradius>1000</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>1000</cleanupradius> <secondary>HelicoBear</secondary> <flags deletable="1" init_random="0" remove_damaged="0"/> <position>fixed</position> <limit>child</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="20" lootmin="10" max="3" min="1" type="Wreck_Mi8"/> <child lootmax="20" lootmin="10" max="3" min="1" type="Wreck_UH1Y"/> </children> </event> And added this line to the cfgeventspawns.xml file : <event name="HelicoBear" /> And i can't find any bears on helicrashs... Of course, as i deleted the secondary "infectedarmy" line, there is not army zombies anymore on crashs, so i know the xml file's loaded by serevr. Is the way i try to do is the good one, is creating events that doesn't already exists in the game file allowed? PS : "xx" of course are filled with numbers in my files...
  11. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    Aren't stone oven supposed to stay 7 days since 1.06? Because they are not in 1.07...
  12. S.Kaneda

    cooking pot using

  13. S.Kaneda

    do i need to do a role back for new items

    No you don't, just let game do. They'll evently spawn some time.
  14. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    Push two time down d pad. Stop use d pad in inventories, thanks BI for that. Now my feedback : car still freezy an so on... We really don't need new stuff or s**t like that in game, WE NEED THE GAME TO WORK PROPERLY and then add stuff. Game is now stuttering even on foot...
  15. S.Kaneda

    Console Update 1.07

    No, when they do this, they tell.