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About Bluntologist

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Probably should be noted the server didn't reappear for at least 3 hours
  2. nah just our normal official persistent server. Was 3 of us on at the time & the lag was getting ridiculous... couldn't open doors, drop items, eat / drink etc. I attempted to log out & right back in but the server disappeared off the list so I couldn't get back in. Next guy logged out & had the same issue. Last guy was waiting hoping we got back in. When we didn't he went to log as well when he noticed the message & asked if we had seen it as well. We hadn't so we just assumed it had to due with the extreme server lag. It didn't, it killed him as promised...
  3. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNVQrRNXTzKc4JxP39UrakpxLe9dMUONbhex2OMLon-5awajcIAUiNKfdxSS5suIA/photo/AF1QipOW4avxN5AFB55J-0tSZFy_S8acOKYBKnTtUI7_?key=UXUxd0Z4c1BLeGFWNUtjam9EMDJlWGFfOEhyQ2ZB
  4. Buddy sent me a screenshot of the log out message stating it will be killing his player. We all thought it was some odd glitch but nah, game wasn't lieing, he logged back in on the beach. Anyone seen this before? Any information would be appreciated. Too lazy to upload the pic to post here but I'll share it on PSN w anyone who asks & gives me their ID
  5. Bluntologist

    Missing Servers

    Did they delete more servers again today? I personally didn't notice any announcements about it. I have seen several people reporting their servers have been missing since about 6am eastern today. Sadly mine is missing as well