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Everything posted by Survivor-Ajax

  1. Survivor-Ajax

    Question about a mod I saw... Wanting for Xbox

    Thought so.. Thanks for answering.
  2. So I have my own server (Nitrado) and was looking to do some mods. I saw one video in particular of a mod on PC where the agro'd infected were able to kick open doors. Does anyone know Is this achievable on Xbox?
  3. Survivor-Ajax

    Food and survival rate

    I new about the smoked meat, thanks. But I feel like I am missing something else. I remember freezing once before the update, all I was missing was something on my head. I put on a face mask and was fine. My pants are the only thing I have now with low insulation. Could this be causing my problem? Because something isn't right.
  4. Survivor-Ajax

    Food and survival rate

    I agree completely. I appreciate the addition to the survival mechanics but this is to extreme for me. Even after I switched (from Military gear) to a quilted jacket and face mask with "Best" insulation, boots and gloves with high/medium I still can't even travel from one town to the next without almost freezing and starving to death. I think this needs to be toned down a lot. This is my favorite game, it is all I play and I am afraid if this doesn't get fixed or tweaked I'm going to have to step away as well. I'm not finding it fun in it's current state.
  5. Survivor-Ajax


    I was at a complete stop last night checking my map. All of a sudden my car starts hoping around like its got some crazy hydraulics or major earthquake was going on. I bounced around for about 30 secs and it stopped. It was actually pretty funny, but yeah when it comes to cruising around I don't hall ass. Try to keep my speed between 30-40km. Any faster and you can find yourself bouncing off some invisible objects.
  6. Survivor-Ajax

    In-game chat not working?

    Maybe a stupid question but were you pushing down on the directional pad to speak?
  7. I just read update 1.05 was released today and players can now vault over fences and walls, able to scale objects up to 2,30 meters in height. Article in the below link. https://dayz.com/article/game-update/xbox-playstation-update-1-05 Does anyone know if that includes player built fences? I know I can use barbedwire, but if I don't have enough to cover all of the base walls I guess any player can now just hop right on in? Is that right?
  8. Survivor-Ajax


    I just read update 1.05 dropped today, could be glitched/bugged.
  9. Survivor-Ajax

    Anti server hopping abuse

    Idk, it worked against me the other night. I spawned into a location that was obviously cleared out and my character was getting thirsty. The closest water pump on the map was pretty far so I just hopped servers thinking this was the easiest move. Well nothing is easy in my Dayz world, I spawned somewhere in the woods. Now lost I had to run around searching just to find a town and by the time I did find one my character was literally dying from thirst. I FOUND NOTHING! Before I could just bounce around servers until the town I was in had something to drink, but now the idea of changing servers.... Well this particular night I thought suicide was a the better option.
  10. Survivor-Ajax

    Bandanas.. Is it just me?

    That's what I was doing wrong. I wasn't equipping my knife. Thanks for the help Jonas!
  11. Survivor-Ajax

    Bandanas.. Is it just me?

    Don't mean to interrupt your bandana argument but didn't want to start a new thread for this. Has anyone noticed a glitch with the chickens? I'm playing on Xbox, I used to eat chickens all the time. Now when I kill them they can't be picked up, they don't even show up in the inventory page as being in the area.