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About lJamesHalel1

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  1. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ in 2020

    I can do everything in game without the need or use of vehicles but I know people like them but the game is playable without vehicles even being a part of the game which may make it tedious for some but all the mechanics are still doable and useable without them so that’s why it can’t wait in my personal opinion. More depth into the game with building, survival, immersion adds more dynamic and engrosses everyone regardless of vehicles, that’s beneficial to the games long term survival because it becomes stale after 100s of hours but I solo so that’s probably my own fault. Hackers aren’t really an issue for me so can’t say much on that, I just don’t see how fixing vehicles now will help the game when it’s lacking fundamental stuff in relation to the actual survival aspects as more content/stability fixes benefits everyone and will help the game progress faster in the long run(hopefully).
  2. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ in 2020

    Yeah that’s all issue related, basebuilding never had to be an issue when there was an alternative option that would simplify the process in general whereas cars aren’t really necessary as fixing stability within the code etc should help that out in the process too which is why I never went to in-depth as it’s been spoken about that many times normally on the daily. Plus it’s a lot longer the 3+ years, double it and that’s how long the issues have been around, vehicles are more end game when we lack the middle game content anyhow so imo vehicles can wait until they get everything else crossed off the list just be grateful you have them regardless as Derleth stated about bows about hoping it’d be in this year because he wants that content yet never acted like a child about it. Gave valid points and suggestions which I agreed with, can’t say the same in regards to yours personally.
  3. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ in 2020

    If we had all of that in 2021 then that’d be that best year of updates by far, fills the game out to what it’s meant to be and makes it stable with alternatives to cars to keep those group somewhat happy and if they managed to make it as stable as it can be then I feel a lot of the problems will be quashed with it regarding cars anyhow. I’d say those goals are reasonable, not excessive content but brings the immersion we are all craving again. (PS, Basebuilding idea seems like that should of been the option from the get go as makes a whole lot more sense than building castles in the centre of towns when there’s building already there to be used)
  4. lJamesHalel1

    Stable Update 1.10

    I’ve been playing since release on steam, so several years up to this point and don’t agree with everything the devs have done yet still don’t feel the need to be an “idiot” about it, most people have only paid the initial price and have 100s of hours of play time. Sounds like bang for buck to me even with the issues. (FIFA, COD, Battlefield etc release the same games basically over and over again yet people still buy, we’ve bought once yet more toxicity here than any of them)
  5. lJamesHalel1

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    They revised it around 6 hours ago and you’re already moaning? That’s quick 😉 Takes a few days to see any effects wether positive or negative(Official anyhow)
  6. lJamesHalel1

    Possible hacker (Dayz Ps4)

    Won’t be able until to Tele anyone or reclaim any lost loot that I’m aware of, just one of those sucky situations to be in mate.
  7. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ Base-Builder Contest - Console

    You’re right, shouldn’t exist. So feel lucky we even have it, if it shouldn’t exist then how do you expect it to run better etc? I bought Livonia and the overall game runs better, maybe the same would apply for you as Chernarus is a lot bigger of a map.
  8. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ Base-Builder Contest - Console

    @Kyiara I’d just say before an update starts being worked on, give a list of 10 or so items/features that’s possible to have in for that update on top of what’s already intended.(if possible of course, could be instead of a few things) Then have the community decide either 1/2 or 3 of those choices out of a poll and implement them, should give the people a voice and then they know there will be something they’re wanting/looking forward for being put in. Probably better ways of doing it etc but I think the general idea would help with the community as a whole.
  9. lJamesHalel1

    Console Update 1.09

    I use an original with no SSD but on community servers, there’s issues of course but personally not had them myself. I get some people are dealing with issues others aren’t either, seems like you’re either somewhat lucky or you’re not on how it runs.
  10. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ Base-Builder Contest - Console

    Yeah I know man, I had a private server on console so understand somewhat how the files work, just not too sure in regards to public servers though as I never play them anymore so can’t say what that economy is like myself.
  11. lJamesHalel1

    DayZ Base-Builder Contest - Console

    You on community or public servers? I’ve found loads on community servers but haven’t played public since duping was around so can’t say much about that but I remember public being a lot harder to find nails.
  12. lJamesHalel1

    Console Update 1.09

    You know it ✌️
  13. lJamesHalel1

    Stable Update 1.09

    There’s one on the previous page too, think you’ve been told more than enough times now personally.
  14. lJamesHalel1

    Stable Update 1.09

    Three times actually.
  15. lJamesHalel1

    Stable Update 1.09

    He’s already been told that so don’t be surprised if he’s right and you’re wrong man.