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About HowsMyShot

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  1. HowsMyShot

    PS4 Modding Support Threads

    they gave access to wrong folder I bet
  2. HowsMyShot

    DayZ in 2020

    Modding is something everyone looking forward
  3. HowsMyShot


    In terms of performance I agree it has some lag spike specially if you driving in Zelen or Cherno, I'm using PS4 Pro with SSD and so far been driving 80+ Km/h without issue, except for cities like zelen can't even drive 20+ kmh which is sad, Just hope that Bohemia will come up with better optimization
  4. HowsMyShot

    Do you think the devs are listening to their playerbase?

    They always listen
  5. HowsMyShot

    Ability to Create Console Private Servers

    I'm hoping this will be possible, that means it maybe possible if Bohemia allow modding in Consoles
  6. HowsMyShot

    Dupers are crashing the servers!!

    Takes few minutes to read connect and disconnect pattern filter the user connect disconnect history and hammer them Issue solved until next one comes in Repeat
  7. HowsMyShot

    25 Queue to join?

    Just my 2 cents dropping here, Private Server definitely need Priority Queue, 100+ in queue takes 90 minutes to join
  8. HowsMyShot

    #DayZ How To Create A Custom DayZ Terrain #2 - DayZ Tools

    it's alright, figured it out
  9. HowsMyShot

    New map shouild be free

    The Development cost $ Appreciate the Dev and $15 is not much, If it's too much respectfully you should wait until affordable to play the game
  10. HowsMyShot

    #DayZ How To Create A Custom DayZ Terrain #2 - DayZ Tools

    I know my question is not related to this topic but do you know how to get the flyby free roam camera view on Livonia Map, I've seen in youtube videos and wondering what app is it to view terrains
  11. HowsMyShot

    Stable Update 1.06

    whitelist not working?
  12. HowsMyShot

    Revenue idea for ImpulZ

  13. HowsMyShot

    preview maps

    how to use the offline mode?
  14. HowsMyShot


    Duping on possible on Xbox, They haven't found method for PS4 yet, I hope 1.06 will fix more things to get ride of this duping possibilities completely
  15. HowsMyShot

    preview maps

    What tool to use to preview the map terrain like this