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Lee Hafer

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About Lee Hafer

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  1. Lee Hafer

    PS4 Server Issue and Replacement

    Sounds like you never played Ark survival evolved (Good times )
  2. Lee Hafer

    Land Mine Persistence?

    Believe it or not landmines spawn at the prison island I found atleat 6 while looting the island
  3. Lee Hafer


    Your all idiots nothing is different between loot cycleing and duping grant it duping take fun out of the game however the plus of duping is people store duped items in bags on the beach and you can steal a bag getting duped just watch the super leave the server and kill him of her when they spawn in . Too easy or just steal the original bag . So stop crying and take action .
  4. Lee Hafer

    Players are destroying the gameplay

    All the crying do you really need a hankie Seriously if you don't want to pvp then go to the east and hide . After the patch people will no longer be able to jump servers like they do now . So get use to walking and running from zombies and spawn looters/gear looters your going to cry even more about that .
  5. Lee Hafer

    more military grade vehicles

    I just hope the consoles get at least a helicopter so people can airlift their team from the beach
  6. Lee Hafer

    input arma 2 in ps4 dayz?

  7. Lee Hafer

    Server hopping suggestion

    Main reason people server hop is to escape from the night it is way too dark . The other reason is to jump in bases and that sucks alot.
  8. Lee Hafer

    Red dot sight

    you can also tell that to Bethesda because for years they've been bringing broken games to console.
  9. Lee Hafer

    Red dot sight

    Anyone think we will get the new stuff from contact dlc in DayZ ?
  10. Lee Hafer

    Dayz is unbearable

    Bye while you quit I will enjoy the game even with the bugs I enjoy the game .
  11. Lee Hafer

    Serious question about combat logging..

    Not really people don't help people think DayZ is only pvp and they forget about the environment and zoms so they get looted and act like dicks and camp the spawn zones to kill fresh spawns.
  12. Lee Hafer

    Serious question about combat logging..

    Answer is because I was knocked and needed health so I logged and left to a new server as well why do people camp new spawns that would e the real question .
  13. Lee Hafer

    Serious question about combat logging..

    True story someone tried to kill me when I was a fresh spawn they knocked me and I logged to save my life so battle logging is a great thing .
  14. Real answer it is because they thi k looting is too hard also because people camp the spawn zones for fresh spawns . That is the real answer .
  15. Lee Hafer

    Bad experiences so far

    When is the first PS4 patch ?