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About Eezzy_

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    On the Coast

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  1. Eezzy_


    First suggestion: Add beds that we can spawn on (cannot be destroyed by players), only the player who put down the bed can pick it up and use it infinitely. I know that this is dayz but we console players got used to beds to respawn on and should be in the game, just because some of us don't have 24/7 to play the game. Beds cannot be placed at the military camps or where there is alot of loot (mostly weapons). Second suggestion: Lower the price of the game :) it's too much for what it is as of right now.
  2. Eezzy_

    Dayz Europe

    Well.. for many years I followed the game through youtube and seen all the game braking bugs/glitches/crashes. Now that the game is out on PS4, I am not sure I want to buy it. The game is still unfinished and you are already giving it the full retail price (49,99euros here in Belgium) which is quite alot for a game that has been going downhill. it feels alot like another cashgrab... even your forum is very slow in loading the next page (not on my side, other forums work perfectly fine). I don't know.. should I buy it? Or just skip it and wait for a "better" game to come out? Even the trailer for PS4 kinda suck... Live action trailer for a game.. even if the animation trailer was bad I'd still give you an applaus for trying. Always hated live action trailers (looking at you 7 days to die). In my head it goes like this: If a company makes a live action trailer it means that the game probably suck very bad. I don't know.. it's very hard to judge the game right now, there is no way I can try it out without buying it. We should atleast get a 1 or 2 week free trial to get to know the game before buying it.