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Vincent Schmid

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Everything posted by Vincent Schmid

  1. Vincent Schmid

    Loot and Trader file Editor

    I can't help you there. I don't have anything to do with the dayzed editor and I haven't used it since 1.04
  2. Vincent Schmid

    Loot and Trader file Editor

    This tool allows you to edit the loot on your server, as well as the Trader file. Features include: - Multiple items can be edited at once. - automatic type and subtype recognition. - Loot can be distributed based on custom set rarity which can simplify server loot editing a lot. - Loot Multiplier allows for simple adjustments. - Items can be assigned to a mod, which can be toggled on and off, so removing entire mods is simple. - Sorting of Items based on type and user set subtypes allows for a great visualization of loot on the server. - Loading, editing and exporting of trader file - adding new items Say you want 1000 guns on your server what you do is: You set the rarities for all guns and then set the target count to 1000 and the distribution will change each gun nominal based on rarity to fit approximately 1000. If you want 2000 guns you simply have to change the number and redistribute. The same rarity settings can be used to automatically generate prices for your Trader file. Your current trader file can be loaded, so you won't have to start from scratch. Items can be linked (ammo types to guns) and this allows for distribution of ammo and mags based on the rarity of the gun and also allows for the export of the "spawnabletypes" file, which is used to allow weapons to spawn with attachments. Main Editor view Trader Editor Installation Requires MYSQL Server but installation is simple and is detailed on github step by step. There you will find detailed documentation of every feature of the app. There is also an installation video which has been provided by a user. If the steps on github are unclear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_qY9VTuiJ0&feature=youtu.be DOWNLOAD here: github LootEditor or direct download: release v0.98.5-beta.zip There might be bugs so please be patient and report any issues to me in this thread or on the loot editor discord, feature requests are also welcome: https://discord.gg/NYsRBuM