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ZinMas 101

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About ZinMas 101

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. ZinMas 101

    Dayz assessment based on last update

    Of course, then, if you take off your clothes slowly to not making noise, then you have to take way more time to do that... right? If not I could perfectly hear you IRL by changing your clothes even if you are in other room apart of me
  2. ZinMas 101

    Dayz assessment based on last update

    Yes thats true but it would take some seconds right? But in my opinion, every clothes/accesory the character wears or take off should have sound effect. By the same logic you can take anything in your hands without making noise and I wont notice in the same room in RL right? Or you could eat wihout making noise... Or you could unpin a grenade without making noise right? But in Dayz it does noise.... why? Think about that...
  3. ZinMas 101

    Dayz assessment based on last update

    So you dont make noise by wearing/taking off your clothes? And do you do it inmediatly or you take some seconds to do that?
  4. Ok so new sounds effects have been added in the new update, like opening can of food etc... which is cool, but... - Players are taking off their shoes to make less noise in PVP situations (problem is the character doesnt makes any noise while taking them off; that should be another sound effect so the rest of players have the chance to hear the other trying to take off his shoes) I think every clothes/accesory should have effect sound if taken or removed from the character (just as taking/removing weapons in hands; everything the character is about to wear or to remove should have sound effect and it should take like a couple of seconds to do the action) It would be a good mechanic and reallistic since you need some seconds to wear or to remove clothes from you plus you make some noise. - Players still being able to run uphill mountain without stamina or velocity penalty. It breaks lot of good old and reallistic mechanics. Like being at heigh should be a natural defense against an another players rush. Like the mountains are supossed to be kind of a natural borders. When we had the penalty in older versions, mountains acted like that, like natural borders so players normally avoided them and took the roads instead mostly like so it encourage players encounters. - Infecteds are broken in my opinnion. You can't even approach them while crouching silently to do the silent attack... they spot you the most of the times and they are even able to atack you by facing you with their back. They still blocking doors while chasing players into buildings due a bad "path finding" which is rrrrreally annoying in PVP situations. Plus they detect you so fast just because the steps, it doesnt makes sense since they are normally in groups so they are hearing steps all the time....... so it shouldnt be anything weird for infecteds. What do yo think guys? Should devs take care of this things?
  5. ZinMas 101

    Sooo... new version huh

    I honestly think the greatest use of the alarm clock, will be against the people in bases. It will force players to leave the base, or mute the sound of the game, making them invulnerable to a raid. All the videos in youtube right now say the same: "you can bait* zombies and players with it" but then isnt even luring zombies that good. Tested. You are welcome Youtube. 😂
  6. ZinMas 101

    Sooo... new version huh

    Then you gotta synchronize the clock just by guessing when people is gonna get into the barracks place. Like... the timing would be impossible unless you have wallh*cks or something. I think you can do that with the radio better than with the alarm clock
  7. ZinMas 101

    Sooo... new version huh

    Talking about bases, I though maybe the alarm clock should be good against people in bases you know? Like you set the alarm in his door so they will be freaked out by the ring ring. Psycologic war 😂 My bad English I think it will be its most useful
  8. ZinMas 101

    Sooo... new version huh

    So after months of work you conform with an alarm clock. By the way you could already know what time is it by watching the sun right? For what we want to know the hour? Excuse me for being rude Yeah maybe you can lure some people and zombies, but we had more ways before to do that.... flares, smoke... so my real question is... is worth an alarm clock after months of work?
  9. ZinMas 101

    Sooo... new version huh

    After months of "hard work"....... they released new weapon (easy stuff for em and adding new weapons always work to make the community happier u know) andd........... an alarm clock. WTF. Im out, this devs have lost the North I think. Wtf, months of working.... for a freaking clock alarm... for what? We didnt even have clocks What a joke 😂
  10. ZinMas 101

    Disgusting 3

    😂Wtf are u talking about; What if instead of talking about abstract stuff, you put concrete examples? Am I wrong? Did they not run without content after 0.63? Did we not lose lot of content and mechanichs? Did they not released modding cause the lack of content? Is the game actually not in community hands more than devs hands? Are devs doing a nice work at a good pace? Yeah, Im done.
  11. ZinMas 101

    Disgusting 3

    Yes, I have made my own bow and arrows. Is not that hard. The problem is the duration. By the way dude... who have talk about realism? Im saying this game is completly getting out of context with all those mods, and Im blaming the devs, cause they ran out of content, so they needed to release the modding. So now, the game is more in community hands than devs hands. It's ridiculous. Im insisting, "survival game" but we still without bows, spears (AFTER YEARS; as bad examples) good survival mechanichs (which we dont even have basic needings just eat and drink) Im done, enjoy this........ thing.
  12. ZinMas 101

    Disgusting 3

    Yeah, and people can be wrong with their opinions too when they dont even know what are they talking about. 🤫 Then isnt a fact that this game is getting out of context... isnt a fact that this is supossed to be a survival game but we dont even have fucking bows after years for example, inst a fact they ran out of content since 0.63 when they changed the engine? What a joke... I would like to clap, but in someones face.
  13. ZinMas 101

    Disgusting 3

    You are wrong. You can play private servers without modding, so by playing private servers you are kinda avoiding cheaters. That in first place. By the way, looks like you didnt get my point. Thing is the official stuff is suffering lack of content since 0.63. Thats the reasson Im writting here, thats the reason they released modding, and thats the reason the people is mostly playing heavy modded servers. You are saying that like is my fault. No my man, is not my fault that devs are not doing shit. Is a fact the game is getting out of its context. Is-a-fact. Probably some of you have felt identified with that dumb way to play this game. Have a good day.
  14. ZinMas 101

    Disgusting 3

    First of all, I've been playing for enough years to know what I'm talking about. The game has never been in a worse state; right now is all about shitty modded servers (with weapons and resources everywhere) full of cheaters (yes, on private servers) and zero survival experience... just space weapons, people in juggernauts mode, the coolest clothes possible, to be the coolest on the server (cringe) ... bulletproof bushes, traders, unbreakable bases and that kind of shits (so people keep camping and farming in bases and they only go out when they have the better stuff in game; how boring) Cmon devs you didnt even added the fucking bow already and this is being for years.... cmon... Is supossed to be a survival game... add the fucking bows and survival stuff. Since 0.63 devs released the modding just cause they went out of content after changing the game engine. We still seeing that lack of content in this days. It's ugly to see how this game depends more on its community right now than on its devs. They are making money with the community work. They keep the game alive because of modding, which have destroyed the game at the same time. Now is more like Call of Duty (with campers farming in undestroyable bases ) than Dayz, lets be honest. Im honestly starting to think about cheating, just cause fun, cause this game is in the shit state right now... so lets have fun? Just thinking, not saying im gonna do that 😉
  15. ZinMas 101

    Why Valorant has better security

    Man, DayZ is infected right now as Escape from Tarkov. It never was like now. Public and private servers, both infected.