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About Getsome

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Didn't see this mentioned in the patch update notes but it seems that the excessive CPU usage problem has been fixed for those hosting servers. Thank you! 🙂
  2. Definitely an issue. Been hosting servers for numerous years, this experimental patch is utilising 25% more CPU (intel) than the previous experimental updates. My CPU is cooking… literally. @Kyiara Can we please have this addressed ASAP as its very important to get this sorted. Can we also please get some acknowledgement that you guys are aware of the issue. Loving this update by the way thank you guys. 🧡🙂
  3. Holy guacamole! Honestly I'm shocked but very grateful. Thank you very much to those that made this possible. I'm going to assume this thread had something to do with that so again thank you! thank you! 😀👍
  4. Update 1.21 has arrived, unfortunately we are still stuck with 2x Official Stable 3rd person Livonia servers in Australia.(See image below, image was taken 24 05 23) It's very sad and disappointing that on Official servers 1st person DayZ players are not catered for equally as the 3rd person players. Not sure why this is the case. Only 1 out of 6 Official servers in Australia are still 1st person only. So I asked again… can we please change one of the Official Stable 3rd person Livonia servers to 1st person only. Would only make sense to do so when there is complete server wipe… like the one we just had.
  5. That would be greatly appreciated, thank you @Kyiara 🧡
  6. On the eve of 1.21 stable release I'm here again to ask if we can Please have another Official "(1st Person Only)" server in Australia. Below is the current server list of official DayZ servers in Australia as of 22 05 23. As you can see we are lucky enough to currently have 6 Official servers, unfortunately only 1 out of the 6 are "(1st Person Only)". As previously proposed can we please turn 1 of the 2 Stable third person Livonia servers into a "(1st Person Only)" server. Would really appreciate a reply from DayZ Officials regarding this matter.
  7. Unfortunately yet unsurprisingly common sense has not prevail, we still have two Livonia servers in which both are third person. Why is it we can't switch one to first-person and have one of each? surely that makes more sense. For myself and a lot of players, gunfights and general gameplay in third person severs is a completely different game and not one that we enjoy. A lot more skill is involved when you actually have to reveal yourself to see what it is you're trying to look at. So I ask again… Can we please switch one of the two Australian Official Livonia servers to First Person Only, So therefore we would have one of each in Australia.
  8. @endzone @6032 @Kadage Unfortunately it doesn't look like we're going to be getting a reply from the DayZ Devs. I guess all we can do is cross our fingers and hope common sense prevails. 😊🤞
  9. Dear DayZ, Here in Australia we are lucky enough to have two Official Livonia servers, unfortunately both are 3PP. Could we please make one of them a first person only server (1PP) for the much-anticipated 1.19 update. There are a lot of us that dislike third person gameplay and would be very grateful for the option to play on a first person only Official Livonia server here in Australia. These are the current Official Livonia servers here in Australia. (both third person) DayZ Livonia AP - SY 5594 Australia DayZ Livonia AP - SY 5570 Australia I believe your plan is to wipe all Livonia servers for the 1.19 update so this would present the perfect opportunity. Looking forward to a reply from the DayZ Team. Cheers
  10. Good to hear, I hope you do get a reply at some point. I know there must be a lot more of us out there, not just you and I patiently waiting. BI DayZ Devs, When you have a moment can we possibly get an update on TrackIR implementation. (Understand this is not the correct place for this question
  11. Haven't used mine in a very long time. I was hoping that the quality of TrackIR in Arma would eventually make its way to DayZ… unfortunately last time I checked it it was very underwhelming. Would be interested to hear if there has been any development for TrackIR in DayZ or if there is any planned development for TrackIR in DayZ.
  12. I have been experiencing this regularly, more so over the past couple of days and have confirmed with others on the same server, they are experiencing the same issue. (On official server, no mods, low ping)
  13. "ZmbM_Santa" "SantasSleigh" Love it! 😂👍
  14. Getsome

    Stable Update 1.14

    Thank you 🙂👍
  15. Getsome

    DayZ Update 1.14

    A lot of us are running community server's, and have been doing so since 0.63 when server files were released. Haven't had any issues myself with these "theme updates" it must be the way you have your server setup. You mod a server, except the extra work you create for yourself. I don't share your view of the Dev team... I think they do a great job for the most part, Nobody's Perfect. I like it as well… it's just that IMO I could do without the Flies, if you play for a period of time it gets a little on the annoying side. I hope they keep the head torches on some of the military Z's once the theme is over. A lot of us have been doing that on our private servers for a long time now. Definitely adds a nice touch to the night-time environment which can be quite dull. 🧡