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Posts posted by Flyingpapaya

  1. You're a combat logger, you want to be able to log out during a dicey situation. Choose more wisely and you won't have to. This isn't a run and gun game without consequences. It's a logical decision to increase log out time. 

    Maybe cod or bf would be better suited for you.

  2. It wouldn't hurt for the devs to pop in once in awhile just to let us know they are working on things and that they care, they don't have to divulge details but a hey guys we are here and we are listening. Something, a little reassurance if you will. 

    I mean we are a smaller community and this game is smaller compared to cod or bf so a little personal interaction with the community would definitely help moral.


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  3. I know I'm just an xbox player but don't you think resources are better spent on optimizing the game and reducing glitches and bugs over adding new content that doesn't make the game runs better? What's the point of adding another car if the ones in the game already suck?


    Xbox dayz is plagued with issues, tons of them and in the last two updates the game runs worse, all we got were new weapons, cars and items yet the game runs worse and because of said bugs the new items are non existent from dupping and they knew full well implementing new weapons would never be seen because of a problem they either refuse to fix or refuse to update us on how they plan on fixing it. All we get are mods stating a fix is in the process or it's being looked at. Radio silence is what we get too.


    Seeing this thread has really made me think. Looks like the days are dark for us.

  4. 17 hours ago, Celeri_Stalk said:

    This (you) is the real problem.  Players have created the current gaming culture of demanding instant gratification without an inkling of understanding of what it takes to code a game.  Instead of giving a studio time to get it right, everyone gathers with their torches and pitchforks and demand that they get their way, and when they do it’s typically not the solution they wanted because it was rushed to appease the masses.  Every bug/glitch (including duping) can have hundreds if not thousands of lines of code and somewhere therein is where the problem lies, and tracking that down, and fixing it in a way that it doesn’t affect another line of code negatively isn’t as easy as sitting here crying and making demands.  Duping isn’t a coding problem, it’s a player problem, stop blaming the studio for the choices the player base makes.  Sure, the exploit exists within the game they made but it’s the players that choose to exploit the game and negatively impact the experience of others.

    Oh god wash, instead of fixing the problems they add weapons and items that people will duplicate out of existence. Instead of fixing the problem they delete servers, instead of fixing the problems they give us more vehicles which don't work correctly to begin with, instead of fixing things they give us the run around. There will always be a percentage of players that if a bug exists they will exploit it and it hurts those of us who play legit.

    They did a full release knowing full well the shit wasn't ready and its their responsibly to make thx game playable and remove bugs and glitches.

    It absolutely is the studios fault because apparently the majority of the bugs have been around for much longer on pc and instead of focusing on getting some optimization down and core game breaking bugs taken care of they release it on ps4 as well, effectively spreading thin the ability to focus on issues and fix them.

    Get off your Damn soap box that shit won't be accepted around here.


    So glad I got mini sites for my shotgun that I can't use in a large city due to huge frame drops where I lag and a zombie kills me because I'm unable to react, or the stupid gun in the air shit. Ever actually handled and shot an ar? You can hip fire just about anything with the weapon next to you.





    We all enjoy this game or love it and want it to succeed, which is why we are still here to begin with but that doesn't mean we have to put up with bs.

    Also they probably have a full pr team so quit doing their job for free.

    • Thanks 1

  5. As the title reads, how long should the timer for exiting be. Through the exit option or force quitting the game and making said character stay on server for the time limit.


    I forgot to add 3 minutes. So if want 3 just post

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  6. It's far too low across the board. One hit from a zombie can leave something badly damaged. Fighting off two zombies one after the other could leave you with all ruined gear, secondly hunting and mil should be more durable and less susceptible to damage with mil being the strongest I think.

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