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Everything posted by Flyingpapaya

  1. Flyingpapaya

    Met new friends

    So I was in the military base east of kamensk, heard shots, found a guy bleeding in a Barack. Told him don't shoot and that I wouldn't. Gave him bandages and tried to bandage. Once finished he pulled an sks and started shooting, had one scorpion mag, killed him dead. Soon after two guys show up no shots, we all talk, two German guys. We move on south to the hunter area, killing zombies. Well I am from the two story hunting cabin "blasting at them with my shotgun from the window", they are upstairs. Bam dead from a headshot. Much commotion, two people thought I was alone, my companion was knocked uncon after killing one, the other finishes them. I spawn in at the farthest north east. Make it all the way back but on the way it get dark, had to rescue me in a nearby town. We got back and a random shows up, told to drop his weapon and he can come in, still pitch black. After much talk we all decided to team up. Back to military then off we go! Got more loot, made some arm bands. All logged off for another adventure another time. One American, two German and an Irish! As much as I hate the glitches, dupers, kos, this game is awesome.
  2. Flyingpapaya

    dupers are a real piece of work

    I hate to say it, but because dupping is a huge issue more times than not situations like this are more likely duppers. It's so prevalent. Between the PvP crowd and the base builder crowd. It's easier to dupe than search. Besides all the regular crashing bugs, fps drop ect. Dupping is the biggest issue with this game. Not the night or the smg with the mag you can't remove, browser crashing, fps drop til you freeze and another player or zombie kill you then death screen. It's dupping, followed close second by server hopping/combat logging. It's ruining the game, a large majority of us can deal with the bugs and glitches but such severe bug abuse is making it hard.
  3. Flyingpapaya

    Night light

    I'm sorry but this is just stupid. https://ibb.co/f1bCxFd Stupid forums
  4. Flyingpapaya

    Night light

    Didn't need when this moon was full but when covered you did, it was Fucking great.
  5. Flyingpapaya

    Night light

    I'll just keep saying it over and over, last update nighttime was perfect.
  6. Flyingpapaya

    Night is now HORRIBLE!!!!!

    I've already said it but they need to reintroduce the night time from before the current update. It was great. Dark and can't see then you could via full moon. It was perfect. Nighttime was scary but manageable and you could traverse the map.
  7. Flyingpapaya

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Just make night time the same before the most recent update, last update night was great.
  8. Flyingpapaya

    Hunter scope

    Can't zoom back out to 4x after zoom in?!?!?!?!? Can only switch between 8 and 12.....
  9. Flyingpapaya

    Hunter scope

    That's what I mean. Address one at a time. Instead of releasing a huge update just fixes for duping ECT then little things like this.
  10. Flyingpapaya

    Hunter scope

    Very annoying. I don't know why they can't just release small updates here and there that address individual bugs....
  11. Flyingpapaya

    Anyone having ambient audio issues?

    In nwaf at South west corner, two story buildings. Noise kicks in and out, doors extra quiet.
  12. Flyingpapaya

    Stash help

    Once tree falls cut it down
  13. Flyingpapaya

    The one thing I wish dayz would do

    Oh and the server browser not crashing the game would be nice
  14. Flyingpapaya

    The one thing I wish dayz would do

    It would also be nice if frame rates didn't drop drastically freezing up my game and crashing it randomly or during firefights. Killed someone with mp5k and holy shit I thought game was going to crash
  15. Flyingpapaya

    The one thing I wish dayz would do

    I'd like game chat to not crash my game as well.
  16. Flyingpapaya

    Okay guys...WTF?!?!?!

    Y'all need to do some peen touching and relax. We are a community, same side/team.
  17. Flyingpapaya

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Found the new bolt action, now I just need to find ammo.... Where is the 308
  18. Flyingpapaya

    Tips and stuff I've learned.

    I mainly stay inland with all my gear but I've helped out people I've met a long the way. Given full m4 with silencer and canteens ECT. I've been jumping around military and baranzino with mega phone looking for people on high pop severs to just meet people, so if you hear a weirdo talking from a distance that's me. So technically I'm server hopping but I'm not looting just looking to meet folks connect or die by bandit in a awesome shootout.
  19. Flyingpapaya

    Anyone having ambient audio issues?

    I've had audio issues since before the update, quiet or silent then full blown outdoor sounds. Or partial outdoor sounds to nothing then full sounds again.
  20. Flyingpapaya

    Xbox Update 1.02

    😭😭😭 I know right. So far I've seen no new weapons.
  21. Flyingpapaya

    Xbox Update 1.02

    I can't get flashlights to work, my mega phone didn't work. Had to take out batteries drop it and pick up. Sometimes buildings don't render and zombies render as blobs. Using the item wheel still stops you, shouldn't depending on item. I can shoulder a rifle while walking and pull items out of my pockets or a pistol out... Items in back pack i can understand Personal night light is stupid, I preferred night before it.
  22. Flyingpapaya

    Xbox Update 1.02

    Stop adding shit, optimize and fix bugs Damn it.
  23. Flyingpapaya

    Quick test on 1.02

    Report bug to devs, stop playing with game ruining losers.
  24. Flyingpapaya


    Ya let's go