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Everything posted by etwas

  1. etwas

    Collect Rain Water?

  2. etwas

    Collect Rain Water?

    yes, but only the barrels.
  3. etwas

    DayZ in 2022

    im not talking about the exploit but the FIX.
  4. etwas

    DayZ in 2022

    i doubt BI gives any details on things like security updates. only a handful of people know about this (again according to the linked podcast).
  5. etwas


    must be a console thing then. i really cant tell. on pc, with an open engine hood, u see the attachment slots for the car parts u can simply drag and drop them in. or have the car part in your hands and u get an attach prompt while looking at the right attachment slot. this all might work different on console^^
  6. etwas

    DayZ in 2022

    i think this already happened. small patch note, but a huge fix. at least according to what i heard in the dayz podcast.
  7. etwas


    u probably just have to open the engine hood to attach the radiator/spark plug/battery.
  8. etwas

    Can't build shelter

    just mind the gap a bit where u deploy it, else the animation to build will be aborted as your body blocks the shelter..
  9. etwas

    1.15 XML DeSpawn Rates?

    no need for steam to have a look over the missionfiles. its all on bohemias github. i linked this already yesterday, but somehow my post remains hidden.
  10. etwas

    1.15 XML DeSpawn Rates?

    https://github.com/BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Central-Economy/blob/master/dayzOffline.chernarusplus/db/types.xml i assume the cle is similar for pc and console.
  11. im amazed every update by the reactions of people. 8 (?) people working on this - on a half baked hybrid engine - im surprised the game runs so good under this circumstances - and this few devs pushing out updates like every 3 months; releasing fixes, adjustments and adding some content every time. if a game makes u so mad, u should probably stop playing it by now.
  12. etwas

    Cheating has reached critical mass

    for me, this videos always seem scripted. i'm not surprised really, more by anarchys reaction. so this guy is hunting down cheaters on a particular well known server for years. and STILL - every week he can post another vid of new cheaters. u might think the cheaters have learnt and play on some other server, but strangely enough they all come back to that server where they get hunted. hmmmm.
  13. etwas

    Restore previous energy usage

    i dunno, general zed. im travelling alot, with much sprinting. i only carry some pieces of food... steaks or fruits/shrooms... all baked. the apple-symbol goes down to half and i eat one piece (this way u also never get a stuffed stomach). it might only keep me "full" for 20-25 minutes, but i only ate ONE baked pear and was sprinting running around, having fights with infected and carry 20kg of weight on my back. i agree ofc theres way too much food in the game. the loottable in general needs so much balancing.
  14. etwas

    Restore previous energy usage

    i really dunno what the issue is here. for me energy consumption has improved with 1.15. no more eating a whole cow in one go without worrying (or carrying) for food for many hours. before this last patch i NEVER carried any food on me. it was just not needed. just ate instant everything u found. i dunno if that is a good way to go for a game like dayz. its a survival game in the end. i only eat one piece of food now, once the apple indicator isnt full anymore. u burn more energy with full stats now, so i just slightly go over the full symbol to keep my immunity up. they just gotta fix that u dont get a health boost while drinking.
  15. etwas

    Stable Update 1.15

    thx derleth! and now for the weather config? xD
  16. etwas

    Stable Update 1.15

    this is how it looks in my config: "hitDirectionOverrideEnabled": 1, "hitDirectionBehaviour": 0, "hitDirectionStyle": 0, "hitDirectionIndicatorColorStr": "0xffbb0a1d", "hitDirectionMaxDuration": 0, "hitDirectionBreakPointRelative": 0, "hitDirectionScatter": 0, "hitIndicationPostProcessEnabled": 1 i cant really explain it, but it works fine. no hit indicators^^ the documentation files in general are sometimes very confusing. i wish there was a bit more easy explanation for plebs like me.
  17. etwas

    spark plugs ruined while driving

    dunno about the spark plug as i didnt drive in recent game version, never heard of this issue before, but the fast fuel leak is caused by a damaged fuel tank.
  18. etwas

    Christmas Event Types.xml

    u made any progress, violt? 2 things about the santa sleigh. its named wrong in the types and events.xml files. "SantasSleigh" should be named to "Wreck_SantasSleigh" in both configs. i still didnt figure out the xmas tree thing to my liking; anyway heres the xmas files from github: https://github.com/BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Central-Economy/tree/master/Christmas.ChernarusPlus/db
  19. etwas

    Christmas Event Types.xml

    same here. the gift boxes only leave some gift wrap paper when opening. also other stuff spawns around the trees, like waterbottles. would be nice to only have the gift boxes around it. but as the gift boxes are tagged as "containers", this doenst seem possible? and whats the difference between "fixed" and "uniform" in the events.xml? some documentation would be nice. here its try and error for a week.
  20. etwas

    need some help with types.xml

    yea the car will instantly charge the battery, so that won't help setting it to 1 😞 i guess its not possible then, which is a bummer.
  21. etwas

    need some help with types.xml

    i want to spawn car- and truck-batteries empty, zero charged, so people are forced to use the battery charger before able to drive. in the types.xml i used this values: <quantmin>0</quantmin> <quantmax>0</quantmax> and they spawn fully charged 100%. the server has been wiped, so there are no leftovers and before it was set to to quantmin 10 and quant max to 90 and that worked fine. can't i use zero values on this? if i set it to -1 they spawn also fully charged of course.
  22. etwas

    The new cfggameplay.json

    "hitDirectionOverrideEnabled": 1, <- i missed that with my first attempt. make sure its set to "1"
  23. etwas

    Disinfecting water bottles/canteens...

    no cross contamination, only the flew can travel to nearby players when coughing/sneezing in their face (if no face cover is used).
  24. etwas

    Disinfecting water bottles/canteens...

    there's no need (for now) to clean containers. not the containers are contaminated, but the water in it.
  25. etwas

    I don't understand the food change

    yea its a good change and more user friendly. actually u will starve slower til death, as u get the warnings earlier (yellow food indicator in the hud).