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Everything posted by etwas

  1. etwas

    How do lifetime, restock and min fit together?

    yea well im sure theres no errors in the file. this can be easily tested with a vanilla file by just changing one entry and make its nominal value "1" and minimal as same or below. pick that item up in-game - use admin tools to check if it respawned again already, below the set restock times. the restock timers work great if the nominal is "2" or higher.
  2. etwas

    How do lifetime, restock and min fit together?

    sorry i dunno what you're trying to tell me? with "break" the types u mean errors in the types.xml? well if that would be the case nothing would spawn at all. my types.xml is fine, validated. i know hopw flags work and how to set up - the flags arent the issue. theres item xy and it only counts in the map flag. if its set to nominal "1" and taken, it will instantly respawn, no matter the restock values. this values work fine if "nominal" is set to "2" or higher. heres the nearly 2 year old ticket (in regards to events.xml, but same behaviour): https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172127
  3. etwas

    How do lifetime, restock and min fit together?

    i think the restock values are broken since ages for items that uses nominal "1". if u pick up that SINGLE item it will respawn somewhere on the map in an instant - no matter how long u set the restock timer. it doesnt matter if u set the min value to "1" or "0". instant restock always. theres a ticket about that on their feedback tracker for quite some time.
  4. etwas

    Creating a server

    this made my day.
  5. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    this whole debate is pathetic.
  6. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    so u couldnt name a single thing of this "empty promises". devs are lazy/slow and copy/paste mods from the workshop is all u say.
  7. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    apart from the broken infected a.i. which they wanted to work over 2 years ago, can u name this promises? and please dont do promises from previous devs during alpha, which are long gone, while they didnt have to work on this hybrid of engine. so go ahead. name a thing after 2018 release.
  8. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    but you're still here after this long time? and im the idiot?
  9. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    well this topic is about the update and its changes. dunno how that is in any way relevant. maybe just dont buy games in alpha state, and dont ignore the huge disclaimer that always popped up when u started the game. this makes no sense in regards to my reply to dayzplayer1234. i never spoke about the general development of the game (and im tired of it). i only pointed out TWO things (inventory slots/attachments and sound changes) dayzplayer1234 got mad about. yes it took them a long time. but now it happened. we cant travel back in time and speed things up/make it better. get over it. this is just moaning really.
  10. etwas

    broken stone oven

    u should get a prompt to dismantle the oven by just looking at it.
  11. i have the feeling boiling water is bugged, too. with the huge amount of wells around the map and chlorine tabs easy to find, i hardly use this mechanic. but if, i often get the sickness. u can boil it for quite some time, looking at the steam it produces and listening to the boiling sounds, just to get sick anyway. and if use a pot that is already in "hot" state, the water will boil in an instant, which isnt very trustworthy to me^^ so its wells and chlorine only unfortunately.
  12. etwas

    1.27 Experimental Release

    some people actually appreciate these changes in the VANILLA game. the reduction of slots made perfect sense, so is the introduction of attachment slots for backpacks. whats wrong about it? u can still use unbalanced modded backpacks with 120 slots and 2 rifle slots on top of it. but i prefer the way the devs balanced it. so they improved the sound environment and this is.... bad? the sounds between footsteps and kinda ALL other sound effects were quite unbalanced for many years. i wouldnt be mad about this changes. more the opposite.
  13. etwas

    Trouble with Deer Isle

    find a deerisle server in the launcher and hit the "setup dlcs and mods and join" button. that should be all u have to do really.
  14. etwas

    Opinions on new loot changes

    actually u have to thank bohemia for that, as they are the ones that provide the modding support, its tools and provide updates with every patch. unless bohemia is your god?
  15. im living at the baltic sea and this coastal fog is a real thing. this boats are great for transportation and thats the most important part. im playing on deerisle and the mapcreator added 100 slots to the rubberboats and i hate that.
  16. etwas

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    just my personal opinion, no need to be sad.
  17. etwas

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    yes, the springs are only on the main island, but all around. i tested the barrels - they dont catch snow/water. there is no rain on sakhal. i spent quite some hours on the military island ("italy") and didnt get the need for any springs there. i had a cooking pot with filled water - used to boil the fish and it gave plenty of hydration. big fan of the reduction of inventory slots. i can still carry a bunch of crap with me. even assault rifles still fit in the big backpacks and are easy to access with hotkeys. devs should go further 🙂
  18. etwas

    question for those enjoying the update

    everything that slows the character progession a bit down is more than welcome. the vanilla loot table is still a piece of cake, but it got a bit better over the years. i think the loot economy is still a weak part in the vanilla game, specially now on sakhal and still on livonia. (specially shotguns and its ammo, scopes, high/best insulation clothes, the heavy amount of canned food - all in tier 1 players spawn zones. cherno has a tier 4 zone around the townhall... WHY?). i would like to see more restrictions, like not being able to pick stuff from inside your backpack, until u drop it or put it in your hands. the inventory should simply be hidden while u carry it on your back. food, water, cold was never a problem for me personally in the vanilla game. at some point u could roam for hours without consuming anything.
  19. holding LMB for 5 minutes straight? thats insane! but i would like to see some balancing on the action wheels. wringing out clothes seems to be the MOST time consuming thing (in regards of holding LMB). skinning dead players/animals shouldnt be quicker than that wringing animation.
  20. etwas


    they said so in their last dev stream. reasons are the changes to inventory and they dont want u to be fully geared while just joining sakhal.
  21. really? its right in that very first posting: click "reveal hidden contents" below "FaQ".
  22. etwas

    💡​​​​​​​DayZ myths

    yea thats no intended mechanic^^
  23. etwas

    Crosshair Overlays on 1PP

    i think its lame af. theres already servers that have the dot enabled... just play those instead of fooling yourself and others.
  24. etwas


    one visit at tisy military and u should find all nbc parts easily there.
  25. etwas

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    didnt u read the huge disclaimer that popped up everytime u started the game during alpha 😛 jokes aside, i couldnt agree more with you guys and this thread should be bumped every now and then to remind the devs.