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Everything posted by animal451

  1. After many searches I decided to ask the question here. Is there a parameter that prevents the player from using the name "survivor"?
  2. animal451

    Font size

    Is there a way to increase the font size for the messages? I haven't been able to find anything that could help.
  3. animal451

    Prevent player from using the name "Survivor

    I haven't need able to get BEC to properly filter the names. I even put the full path to the "badnames.txt" but it still doesn't work.
  4. animal451

    Vehicle dashboard at login

    When I log into one of the servers I get the vehicle dashboard in the bottom left corner. Limited on what keys work and most key presses kick me from the game.\ I was going to attach a pic but don't see a way . . .
  5. I'm at a loss, I have Omega Manager running on my computer but the server only shows up in LAN? I looked at DZSALauncher and my old server still shows up there but I uninstalled that server and deleted the remaining files. It seems like the Omega Manager and CFTools are running as they should also. I changed the ports in my router to 2402 and 27017 and created another server with the same result. Any help would be appreciated . . .
  6. Worked perfectly! Thanks for your hard work! Now I'll start messing with some of the cfg's and xml's for my taste and see what I can mess up! Guess I spoke too soon . . . The Scheduler isn't working so I will list the changes I made to the files and hopefully someone can see the problem. I just put the box stock scheduler.xml in without any changes to see if the restarts would work. Step 1 - Changed the path to my server location in batch file: set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer" Step 2 -Changed BEC folder location in batch file: BEC_LOCATION="E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\Battleye\Bec" Step 3 - Copied the battleye folder into E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer Step 4 - Edit BEServer_x64.cfg (name changed after I first run the server to BEServer_x64_active_????.cfg?): RConPassword ???????????? RestrictRCon 0 RConPort 2302 RConIP Step 5 - Edit Config.cfg [Bec] Ip = Port = 2302 BePath = E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye Admins = admins.xml Commands = commands.xml LogDir = Config Step 6 - Left the scheduler.xml alone Before I ran the batch file I changed start DayZServer_x64.exe to start DZSALModServer.exe, added my mods, and set the location for my profile folder: start DZSALModServer.exe "-config=serverDZ.cfg" "-port=2302" "-dologs" "-adminlog" "-netlog" "-freezecheck" "-noFilePatching" "-BEpath=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\Battleye" "-mod=;@InventoryPlus;@Code Lock;@DisableBaseDestruction;@BuildAnywhere;@FIDOv PACK 4;@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul;@Trader;@KillFeed;@RPCFramework;ZomBerry" "-ignoremod=ZomBerry" "-profiles=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\EvilChickenCoop" Also: The instructions say the scheduler.xml is in the BEC folder but it is in the BEC\Config folder. I put a copy in both locations but still no restarts?